
More and more people are suffering from diabetes mellitus, which is also known simply as diabetes increase rates each year. About half of the millions of diabetics are unaware they have the disease. This article discusses diabetes mellitus, as well as to determine the warning signs of diabetes.

It is important to remember that diabetes type 2, which continues to explode, every year the number of new cases, may not produce symptoms at all. This means that it is very important to plan a visit or a quick trip to a pharmacy or elsewhere who plans diabetes tests to determine if you have diabetes or not.

Knowledge is power and will help you to properly manage and treat diabetes. Ignorance of your State will only lead to diabetes related complications that can be fatal. Do not ignore any worrying symptoms that occur.

When the body does not produce any or enough insulin or develops a resistance to insulin produced by the body, diabetes usually develops. Insulin is very necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

When food is converted into glucose and released into the bloodstream, insulin is produced by the pancreas to deal with these blood glucose levels. Insulin, then proceeds to deploy this insulin to the various cells of the body in need of insulin for energy.

Malfunctioning insulin will lead the buildup of glucose in the blood with nowhere to go. These high blood glucose levels can be very harmful to various organs such as the heart and kidneys which leads to heart disease, kidney disease, etc. These high levels of glucose will cause the body to get rid of through urine glucose, which means that the cells of the body will have no energy or the fuel needed for daily activity and proper functioning of the body.

These high levels of glucose will lead to various other complications related diabetes as well as kidney and heart disease, nerve damage, amputations of limbs, blindness, diabetic coma, which can be fatal, and so on.

Diabetes type 1 is also known as juvenile diabetes usually starts in childhood and requires daily injections of insulin because the body does not produce insulin or produces too little.

Type 2 diabetes can result from a family history of diabetes and usually begins in adulthood. When people make poor lifestyle choices including a lack or exercise and following a poor diet, increase their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. With lifestyle changes, this type of diabetes can be cured. As mentioned above, this type may not produce symptoms at all.

Gestational diabetes is another type of diabetes mellitus. Usually affects pregnant women and can develop during the third quarter. You may go away on their own after birth or can turn into type 2 diabetes later in life.

Signs and symptoms of diabetes

The first symptoms of diabetes may experience a diabetic diabetes Ketoacidosis is usually involving diabetics suffer from nausea and vomiting. This usually leads to severe problems of potassium levels in the blood and dehydration. Ketoacidisis diabetes can lead to diabetic coma that can lead to death if not properly treated.

Various other signs and symptoms of diabetes include experiencing severe fatigue that is beyond the norm. Since the body is not getting any distribution of glucose for energy, extreme fatigue is experienced by diabetics.

If you experience unexplained weight loss, this could be one of the signs of diabetes. The loss of high levels of glucose and water through urine is one of the causes of extreme weight loss.

Experience high levels of thirst is another of diabetes symptoms. When a diabetic has high levels of glucose in the blood, the body tries to dilute the blood means that a diabetic will have frequent brain signals that water is needed that leads to extreme thirst. This means that diabetics also have high levels urination leading to dehydration and continues the vicious cycle of death.

Another of diabetes symptoms is slow healing of wounds that do not seem to respond to treatment or the passage of time. Slow healing these wounds may lead to more infections that can cause ulcers and other problems.

These are just some of the signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus. Determine the warning signs of diabetes is the first step to combat and overcome this chronic and debilitating illness.
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