
Type 2 diabetes is becoming a growing problem these days, with more and more people become overweight or obese. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body produces enough insulin, but does not recognize it somehow so that blood sugar levels remain high. Often, when people gain a lot of weight and become considerably overweight, their propensity for diabetes type 2 jumps significantly. In fact, type 2 diabetes is one of the main health problems present today, and the children, too, are becoming victims of this disorder more preventable.

Unfortunately, often, diabetes type 2 has no symptoms and damage without victims know about it. It is only when damage has already occurred that diabetes is discovered. Therefore, it is essential to exercise and eat right and keep your weight under control. Physicals and regular check-ups by doctors are an important way to prevent type 2 diabetes. If you already know that you have the disease, be aware that you can't live and symptoms should then follow doctors ' orders to the letter, even if you feel "well".

Now, it should be noted that type 2 diabetes is different from type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs because the body attacks itself and destroys or reduces the body's ability to make insulin. Insulin is produced in the pancreas, and when insulin-producing cells are destroyed, the body cannot make more insulin. In this case, dietary changes won't help with the condition, and the extra insulin must be taken. Blood sugar must be checked frequently as well.

In contrast, type 2 diabetes occurs mainly due to poor nutrition and overweight. In this case, the chronically elevated levels of sugar in the blood as a result of poor diet or excessive overeating without getting enough exercise will reduce the effectiveness of insulin in controlling blood sugar. More often, the body produces enough insulin, but most recognize cells and blood sugar levels remain high. Alternatively, the pancreas can also reduce insulin levels, which produces as it becomes overtaxed.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes may be non-existent or can include excessive thirst, vision problems, constant hunger, frequent urination, or feeling tired. You can also cut yourself and find that you heal more slowly than it should. If any of these symptoms are present, seek medical advice immediately.

As stated earlier, the type 2 diabetes can be a "silent" disease, which means that you can have and not know how to do. One of the most common things that occurs with type 2 diabetes is that you can begin to experience symptoms such as tingling fingers or toes (peripheral neuropathy), blurred vision, or chest pains or shortness of breath. Again, as with bothersome symptoms, you should consult your doctor.

The good news is, type 2 diabetes can certainly be controlled and can even go into remission, provided you return appropriate eating habits and look closely at your blood glucose. Your doctor will probably prescribe medicines to help control the blood sugar and ask to adhere to a rigorous program of diet and exercise. If you are overweight, lose the excess. Simply lose weight and achieve a normal weight, once again can cause type 2 diabetes go into remission.
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