
It is a frightening time checking whether or not you have an illness. I have done it many times, most of which have never developed in to me actually having a disease or illness however it is human nature to worry and stress about uncertainties. What I am trying to say is if you're reading this article with the thought that you may have diabetes then let me tell you diabetes can be dealt with, it can be controlled and it can be cured. It may turn out that you do not have the illness if so you will most likely sense that beautiful feeling right after you find out that what you thought maybe a large problem turns out to be a minor one or not a problem at all, you feel lucky to be alive, safe and secure (we all love that feeling).

Anyways, let me move on to the symptoms of diabetes both type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is the worse case of both and works by the body's immune system destroying the cells that release insulin this eventually eliminates insulin production with in the body. Type 1 diabetes only accounts for approximately 8% of all people with diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes can develop at any age however is most common to appear during adulthood. Type 2 diabetes is caused by an insulin resistance; basically the body is unable to react properly to insulin. This resistance to react is caused by many factors which include age, obesity and having a high blood sugar throughout a long period of time.

The symptoms of diabetes are

o Excessive thirst and drinkingo Frequent Urination o Loss of weighto Excessive hunger and eating o Excessive fatigueo Vision changeso Skin infectionso Gum disorderso Hair losso Feeling unwello Dry moutho Cuts/Sores taking a long time to healo Leg painso Itchiness around the Vagina/Penis areao Often getting thrusho Crampo Constipation

Now obviously if you have glimpsed at this list and realised one or two have symptoms are something that you would consider having, do not panic. If you go through the symptoms of many illnesses you will find this from the minor to the major. However if you have realised that a fair percentage of these symptoms are ones which you are experiencing then you may want to do a little more research and then go and consult a doctor. Symptoms can differ from person to person however generally diabetics experience at least several of the symptoms above.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments


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