
There is often no big fanfare when type 2 diabetes appears. The symptoms can be many and diverse, and often put down to signs of aging rather than the chronic disease that it is. It is thought that 30% of people in the Western world have the disease but are unaware of it.

I also simply thought that some of the changes in my lifestyle were down to getting older, and as I hate going to see the doctor, it is thought that I may have been suffering from the disease for some time before my diagnosis. This delay has eaten into the 10 year timescale, years of grace if you will, before the health consequences of untreated diabetes set in.

Here are the symptoms I had before diagnosis.

1. Sleepiness

I was working in a job which required a lot of physical exertion, and had been for over twenty years. So it was no surprise to me that I needed to shut my eyes for a few minutes ever afternoon.

Many people find, as they get older, that they get tired more easily. I found this at just 46, but thought nothing of it.

2. Lack of Patience

I always imagined that I would become calmer and more reasonable as I grow older. This was not the case, but I didn't notice. Since those times, people often remind me how I used to snap at everyone, and was often unpleasant to be around. It cost me my marriage.

Diabetes often involves high blood pressure which can manifest itself in stress and hypertension.

3. Sight Problems

I had noticed for some time that my sight was slightly blurred, but linked this to an eye test reminder from my optometrist. My glasses may need changing, so I put it down to this.

Then I woke up one morning and couldn't see anything! I could see colour and shapes, but not distinctly.

That was it. Fortunately I was spending the weekend visiting my parents and my father was a retired doctor. He thought it was diabetes, and marched me to the doctor!

As the sugar levels in the blood increase, the blood becomes thicker. This also affects the fluid in the eyes, causing the lens to distort and not focus properly.

4. Unquenchable Thirst

I just put the fact that I was continually drinking water down to my physical job and a virus. I thought it would pass; after all, I've always been one of those people who never get ill.

Thirst is another symptom of diabetes, as the body dehydrates as the kidneys attempt to flush out the excess blood sugar in the urine.

I used to avoid the doctor whenever possible, like many others. The thing is, make a point of having a health check at least every two years, as those signs of aging may be signs of something else.

Don't just kid yourself that you're simply getting older!
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments


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