
If you have diabetes in your family's medical history, then you are actually predisposed to developing diabetes yourself. This is especially true when Type 2 diabetes runs in your family. Thus, it would be better to educate yourself with the basic Type 2 diabetes symptoms. This way, you can be on the lookout for such symptoms and keep the development of the condition at bay.

Type 2 diabetes is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes. The body becomes highly resistant to the hormone insulin over time. And it is because of this that blood sugar levels would increase significantly.

The pancreas is actually the organ that is responsible for the production of the hormone known as insulin. The levels of insulin in the human body are expected to go up and down, since these are dependent on the presence of glucose in the body. The motions of going either up or down depend on the amount of glucose that is inside the body. Generally, insulin levels would rise after consuming meals, while they would also fall when the stomach does not have any food to process. The primary function of insulin is to transport glucose from your digestive system to the different organs of the body that are in need of this. If there are increased levels of blood sugar, the excess of which would be transported into the liver for storage. Excess glucose would remain here until such time when the body has lower levels of glucose once again. In this sense, your liver, your pancreas, your insulin hormones, and your glucose levels work together in maintaining a healthy balance for your body here.

Type 2 diabetes would set in with the occurrence of the following common symptoms. The first common one is extreme fatigue. This is a fairly easy symptom to overlook simply because fatigue can be mistaken for another condition. Being a general symptom, it is easy to assume that extreme fatigue here is just caused by stress or some other related condition. However, if you can deduce that your fatigue is not caused by your hectic lifestyle, stress, or your lack of sleep, then you should consult your physician right away.

Significant weight gain or weight loss is another symptom to look out for. When people start eating more and more, they will more than likely gain weight. As weight increases, excess fat would then be stored inside the body, making it all the more resistant to insulin. This then becomes a strong indication of the development of Type 2 diabetes already. However, there are still people who tend to lose weight in spite of the fact that they are actually eating more food. This significant weight loss is due to the fact that the muscles no longer receive the needed glucose for them to exert energy. Thus, weight loss is inevitable.
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