
Diabetes type 1 a form of diabetes that takes place as soon as the glucose level in the blood tends to be elevated than its normal level. Basically we have to forms of diabetes. These forms are called type 1 and type 2 form of diabetes.

This particular type of diabetes called type 1 diabetes, is usually most often found developing in kids and young adults. In this type of diabetes, the blood stops producing insulin which helps prevent the glucose in the blood from going high. As a result the glucose level in the blood tends to be very high.

diabetes mellitus (diabetes type 1 or youthful diabetes) is a major type of diabetes which in most cases results to the destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas that is being produced by the insulin and frequent destruction of the insulin in the body give rise to increased urine and blood sugar or glucose.

One of the ways of controlling the glucose in the blood and insufficient insulin level in the blood is by using an injection known as insulin injections and a diet that is well planed. Further treatments intend to lessen the danger of difficulty.

Symptoms of Diabetes Type 1

The classical symptoms of type 1 diabetes include are:• Polyuria: A condition where by a person undergoes frequent urine.• Polydipsia: A condition where by a person is always thirsty that is increased thirst.• Polyphagia: A condition where by a person is always hungry and wanting to eat more.• Weight loss: People infected with this type of diabetes loss weight, always tired and a generally ill.

The above listed symptoms have a propensity to build up quickly in a few days or even weeks. The sign and symptoms of this form of diabetes clear up and appear to have gone after treatment of the infected victim. Though, if for any reason the infected person stops the treatment, acids form in the person blood stream due to the glucose in the blood is elevated. This is also known as ketosis.

Condition this persists dehydration comes into play and they victim is liable to fall into a state known as coma and may probable not survive. (The explanation for producing excess urine and always being in the state of wanting to take in more water then usual is for the reason that glucose leaks the urine in body and draw out additional water with the aid of the kidneys.)

Causes of Diabetes Type 1

Genetic Cause

Several different genes contribute in one way or the other to this form of diabetes and such it is polygenic diseases. Situations like this depends greatly on locus otherwise the blending of loci. The genes can be either recessive, dominant or anywhere stuck between. IDDM1 is the gene that is believed to be stronger is found on the MHC Class II area on chromosome 6, at stained area 6p21. From experiment it is understood to be liable for the histocompatibility chaos attribute of type 1: Pancreas cells produced by the insulin show unacceptable antigens to T cells.

Environment Cause

Type 1 diabetes is strongly controlled by ecological factors. It has showed that for identical twins, once one twin had Type 1 Diabetes, the other twin only had type 1 30%-50% of the time. Regardless of having the correct similar genome, one twin had the disease, where the other did not; this suggests that environmental factors, in addition to hereditary factors, can control disease dominance.
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