
Diabetes Mellitus of Type 2 is a disease marked with high degree of blood glucose. This is an effect where the muscle cells, fats and liver incorrectly respond due to resistance of insulin. In this type, manufacture of insulin is very high but is not adequate to keep the demand of the body since insulin cannot go into the cells.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are just the same as those of type 1 but they differ in little ways. However, the development of type 2 diabetes seemed to be unnoticed because this type usually start later in life of the person. Medical check-ups regularly will aid you if you are prone to this condition.

Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are the following:

* Unending quest of taking fluids even if you have just drank water few hours before. This is because gall bladder is not functioning properly associated with the diabetes.

* Urinating more than usual is becoming a norm for people with diabetes. They tend to go more often in the bathroom to urinate and this requires again drinking some more fluids.

* The feeling of more hungry than usual is common to diabetic patient. In this case, hunger strike is not applicable to them rather than they eat in just a few span of time to fill in those hunger.

* Feeling very tired and cranky is due to the blood glucose level that is either low or high, respectively. If very low blood glucose, the body feels lethargic since there is no energy supply. A very low blood glucose results to an easily irritated and bothered emotional sensation.

* Cut, bruises and infections that do not heal fast may probably be due to the immune system being damaged by the germs within your body. Since glucose are not converted to cells it is expected that the immunity response is very slow resulting to long time healing of infections or they does not heal at all.

* An eye disease characterized with distorted or blurry eyesight is called retinopathy. The eyesight is also one of the main goals of diabetes. AN example of this is seeing floating black or red blots that seems like a drifting fibers

* The numbness or tingling - loss of emotional sensation - of your feet, hands and or even every organ system is one symptom of diabetes type 2. This feeling known commonly as neuropathy, attacks your nerve cells through an inflammation that is due primarily to diabetes.
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