
Thousands of people who develop Type 2 diabetes every year remain undiagnosed because they ignore the symptoms they experience. Diabetes can be controlled under medical supervision, and a diabetic can live a long and healthy life. But if Type 2 diabetes goes untreated, the results can be devastating. To identify diabetes, you need to be honest with yourself and your doctor about any symptoms you may be noticing.

Here are three symptoms of Type 2 diabetes. Look them over very carefully, and see whether any of them sounds like what is happening in your everyday life. If so, you need to see your doctor as soon as possible, and discuss your concerns together. Your doctor can arrange testing to confirm whether or not you do have this disease.

1. Do you find that skin sores or scratches heal very slowly? How about your gums? Have you had frequent urinary infections? This may mean that your white blood cells are not doing their job effectively. White blood cells are specially equipped to help defend us against infections, and heal them when they occur. But in a high-glucose environment, these cells are unable to function properly. As well, urinary infections are caused by bacteria that thrive in a high-glucose environment.

2. Do you feel thirsty all the time, no matter how much water you drink? Do you need to urinate frequently? These are symptoms of both Type 2 and Type 1 diabetes. If your blood glucose level is unusually high, your body can become severely dehydrated because the high-glucose environment prevents it from absorbing the water you are consuming.

3. Have you been diagnosed with heart disease, or do you have a family history of heart problems? Well over 16 million persons in the US are affected by coronary heart disease. One of the biggest risk factors for heart disease is diabetes. Maybe you are already being treated for heart disease, but have not been diagnosed with diabetes. If you are a cardiac patient, you should discuss with your doctor the possibility of Type 2 diabetes, and ask to be tested for it. There are preventive measures that can be taken to avoid diabetic complications.
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