
"Leptin Is Interesting Stuff" my Dr. said and Hypoglycemia symptoms have disappeared in some patients using Leptin. Leptin is not a product but a harmone.

I had gone to see him about another matter and asked in passing about Hypoglycemia symptoms.  

He said he was open to new ideas and new ways of treatment and referenced the change in the attitude of the medical community toward Glucosamine and Chondroiten. 

Also the change in the treatment of Peptic and Gastric Ulcers which are now believed to be caused by bacteria and could be cured with an antibiotic. In earlier days it was thought to be the result of stress and the treatment was a bland diet and stress free environment. 

Just a few months before, the Doctor had told me that I was Borderline Diabetic based on the symptoms I had described and a blood test. I had looked it all up on Web MD before I went in to see him and suggested that I might be exhibiting symptoms of hypoglycemia.  

He said that the best thing to do was to lose some weight and see if I could get the numbers down and avoid Diabetes. 

Needless to say, people who change to a healthy diet and start taking Leptin, CAN LOSE WEIGHT.  Weight loss is great but dieting is no fun!

Now I no longer have the symptoms and he seemed very interested and made the statement referenced above, "Leptin is interesting stuff."  

It is not a definitive statement, but he (my Dr.) noted that diet and Leptin can make a difference! Also a study conducted By The University Of Minnesota In 1996 indicated that:
 OUR BODIES PRODUCE THE HORMONE, LEPTIN.   Leptin is an amazing hormone manufactured by every cell in our bodies. First of all it serves as a regulator of body fat storage through the central nervous system.

Last, but not least, last August  the late Paul Harvey on his noontime radio show, referred to Leptin as a new medical breakthrough that would change the way Diabetes was treated. 

So where do you get some Leptin? Do you have to go to the University of Minnesota?    All I can say is to look it up and see what you think.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments


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