
Type 1 diabetes is also known as Diabetes Mellitus and Juvenile Onset Diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is when the body has attacked the pancreas, which contains the cells that produce the hormone called insulin. When the body does this, its natural ability to produce its own insulin is taken away; therefore, requiring the use of insulin injections usually for the remainder of their life.

Insulin injections will be required at each meal time and at bed time. Most Type 1 diabetics take approximately 3-4 insulin injections per day. Diabetes Mellitus is a very serious condition and you will want to receive treatment as soon as you possibly can if you feel as if though you may be a diabetic.

Symptoms- Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms include:

1. Excessive thirst
2. Excessive urination. Really pay attention to see whether you are waking up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. This can definitely be a tell-tell sign of diabetes.
3. Abdominal pain
4. Fatigue
5. Weight loss. Because the body is unable to use the energy that is being consumed and the sugar is staying in the blood stream, your body will begin to burn energy that it has stored in the form of fat. This is why you will experience weight loss even though you may still have a normal appetite or have not changed your diet.
6. Absence of menstruation
7. Nausea
8. Vomiting

Diabetes affects each patient in different ways. If you look in the various publications that are available about diabetes there are actually many different symptoms. Just because one patient may experience one symptom does not mean that the same symptom will be prevalent in another patient.

The above 8 symptoms are just the common symptoms that are experienced by Type 1 diabetic patients. These are the symptoms that are usually seen and can be associated with Type 1 diabetes more so than any other symptom.

Keep in mind that you could experience more than one of these symptoms and the symptoms could take a period of time to develop. In other words, you could experience the increased thirst symptom and then a month later start experiencing the excessive urination.

This means that you have basically been diabetic for a month without receiving medical treatment and this can lead to a dangerous situation. So, to be safe, when you start experiencing the first symptom of Type 1 diabetes you need to inform your physician as soon as possible so that they can schedule a glucose tolerance test to accurately determine whether you are a diabetic or not.

Do not automatically assume that one of these symptoms is related to something else. The truth is you may never know. You must inform your physician as soon as possible because if left untreated, blood glucose levels will continue to rise which can result in a diabetic coma, ketoacidosis and possibly even death. Diabetes is a serious condition and should be taken seriously and treated as soon as possible.
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