
Many people are still not aware of the symptoms of diabetes though these can be easily obtained from the health providers or by just referring to the internet. There are some who are still confused when faced with the vast volume of information obtainable from the internet. Some people become unduly worried when they wrongly diagnosed themselves to having diabetes. Suffice to say, some of the major symptoms of diabetes are quite clear and easily detectable.

This first involves the state of hydration. Suddenly you feel thirsty for no apparent reasons despite drinking plenty of water. In diabetics, this is due to the attraction of the high blood glucose for fluid in the body cells. As a result, the cells dry up. This is how thirst sets in. When the fluid shift involves the skin cells, you end up having itchy and dry skin. If the itchy skin cannot be solved by taking an antihistamine, then it is advisable not to rule out diabetes.

Another symptom of diabetes is blurred vision. If you find that your eyesight is normally all right upon checking with your eye specialist, then do not rule out diabetes as it can again cause fluid drainage in the eyes causing unwanted adjustment to the eye lenses.

Excessive urination is another indication of diabetes as high concentration of glucose will cause fluid to be excessive lost in the urine.

Be careful when you have unexplained weight loss. Even though you do not exercise nor do you do strenuous work yet you lose weight effortlessly. Diabetes can be faulted here because when the glucose metabolism becomes erratic, the body has to resort to burning protein for energy production. You will then see muscle loss and as a result, a decrease in the weight.

Tiredness: You just do not have the energy to move around because the body cells cannot process the glucose for energy production. When you have no energy, check for diabetes to avoid its complications.

Numbness in the extremities is another common symptom of diabetes. This is because diabetes will also attack the nerves, and with poor blood circulation, this results in numbness.

Therefore, do not ignore the above symptoms if you feel that you have any of those. Eliminate the stress by going for blood glucose screening and thereby preventing diabetes from destroying your life.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a serious condition caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin or to use insulin produced in the proper way. This is the 7th leading cause of death among Americans and according to statistics over 15 million Americans suffer from diabetes. After a meal, a portion of the food that a person eats, it will be broken down into sugar then passes into the blood stream and to the body's cells via a hormone called insulin that is produced by the pancreas. The pancreas is the one that produce the right amount of insulin to accommodate the quantity of sugar.

However, if the person has diabetes, either the pancreas produces little or no insulin or the cells do not respond normally to the insulin. Sugar builds up in the blood, overflows into the urine and then passes from the body unused.

High blood sugars can the damage the following:

-eyes- leading to diabetic retinopathy and possible blindness
-blood vessels- increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and peripheral artery obstruction
-nerves- leading to diabetic neuropathy, foot sores and possible amputation, possible paralysis of the stomach, chronic diarrhea
-kidneys- leading to kidney failure

Diabetes has also been linked to impotence and digestive problems. It is important to note that controlling blood pressure and blood glucose levels, plus regular screenings and check ups, can help reduce the risk of these complications. The causes and risk factors of diabetes are the following: sedentary lifestyle, obesity weighing 20 percent above a healthy body weight, advance age, unhealthy diet, family history of diabetes, improper functioning of the pancreas, minority race, this is usually high risk in Black, Hispanic, American, Indian, westernized Asian and native Hawaiian populations. Medications like cortisone and some high blood pressure drugs, women having given birth to a baby weighing more than 9 lbs. Previously diagnosed gestational diabetes and IGT. Usually, diabetes symptoms for type 1 Diabetes are frequent urination, increased thirst, extreme hunger, unexplained weight loss, extreme fatigue, blurred vision, irritability, nausea and vomiting. For type 2, unexplained weight gain, pain, cramping, tingling or numbness in the feet, unusual drowsiness, frequent vaginal or skin infections, dry itchy skin and slow healing sores.

To diagnose the diabetes, it is needed to get the complete history and physical examination. There are different kinds of laboratory test that the doctor may perform to diagnose this condition, such as urine test, blood test, glucose-tolerance test, fasting blood sugar and glycohemoglobin test.

The patient with type I diabetes, it is manage by injecting insulin to make up for the insufficiency. Rapid or regular activity, semilente, Intermediate -acting, long acting, those are the kinds of insulin that can help a patient with type I diabetes. For type II, the management will be the 4 classes of prescription drugs like sulfonylureas, biguanides, alpha-glucoside, thiazolidinediones.

Awareness in the diabetes symptons is very important, it help us to prevent the risk in developing different kinds of disease.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
What Are Some Child Diabetes Symptoms?

Are you worried that you child might have childhood diabetes? If so you should know that there are many different child diabetes symptoms that you might want to look for. They can often be the same symptoms as many other disorders, so if diabetes is suspected, take the child to the doctor right away.

There are many different symptoms of childhood diabetes. Some of the signs that you might want to look for are fatigue, crankiness, and a lack of interest in activities that your child once enjoyed.

You may also want to look for symptoms like unexplained thirst and a decrease in urination. Your child might also have an upset stomach or maybe even flu like symptoms. It has been said that some parents have noticed a smell of acetoneon on their child's breath.

If you are noticing any of these symptoms you should definitely talk to your child's doctor to check for childhood diabetes. Your child could also experience symptoms of being pale and losing weight. They can often indicate other medical problems as well, so check with the child's doctor if any of the above become evident.

Your child if diagnosed with diabetes might have to check their blood regularly and also might need to be on some form of insulin. If they are old enough, you will find that you probably need to be a constant form of support in their lives as being diagnosed with childhood diabetes can have a major effect on an adult much less a child who has come to have such a major change in their life.

You may also find that letting your child find support from other children who are going through the same changes can help them.It must be remembered this whole situation can be quite confusing and emotionally difficult for them. You will want to make sure that the school and anyone else that cares for your child is aware of the fact that they have diabetes that way should something go wrong they will be better aware of what they may need to do to help your child.

Now let's have a look at some Important Juvenile Diabetes Symptoms

There is Type 1 juvenile diabetes and type 2 juvenile diabetes. Although the symptoms are similar, they are caused by two different body malfunctions. Juvenile diabetes has no cure, but it is treatable. It is an autoimmune disease. If your child has any of these symptoms, check with your doctor right away.

Increased Urination

In juvenile diabetes the body continues to make glucose, however, the insulin no longer transports the glucose to the cells, so it builds up in the body. The kidneys try to solve the problem by getting rid of the extra glucose. This causes the patient to sense the need to urinate frequently.

Increased Thirst

Most parents think the reason their child is urinating so frequently is because he is constantly drinking water. The opposite is true. The reason they can't get enough water to drink is because they are constantly getting rid of the liquids in their body by urinating so much.

Constant Hunger

Children that have juvenile diabetes can be continuously hungry regardless of the amount they eat. The reason they feel that way is because they don't have the necessary insulin to carry the glucose, their body's fuel, so they never feel properly fed.

Weight Loss or Gain

Juveniles with type 2 diabetes are prone to being overweight, so for them, diabetes is associated with weight gain. On the other hand, type 1 diabetes is just the opposite. Since the body isn't receiving the fuel it needs, it can't create fat. So despite the fact that the juvenile is constantly eating they lose weight.

Miscellaneous Symptoms

These symptoms may or may not be present in a person that has juvenile diabetes. They may include dizziness, nausea, confusion, absence of menstruation in young girls, headache, vomiting, a fruity type of breath odor and bed wetting. If children don't normally wet the bed, and all of a sudden they start doing it regularly, have them checked for juvenile diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Do you show concerned about your health or the health of a loved one? Learn about the symptoms of diabetes.

Diabetes as a disease is a state of health characterized by high level of blood sugar, known as "hyperglycemia". The hormone insulin which is concealed by pancreas, controls the sugar metabolism of the body. The high blood sugar level is either as a result of fewer production of insulin or body's resistance to insulin. By and large, there are 3 types of diabetes namely: diabetes Type 1, diabetes Type 2 and gestational diabetes.

The Type 1 diabetes occurs as a result of failure of insulin production by the body while diabetes Type 2 is occurs because of failure of the body to utilize the insulin. The Type 1 diabetes is as well known as juvenile diabetes, since it was previously believed that only the kids fall victim to this type of diabetes. Last one is gestational diabetes and it looks like the Type 2 diabetes and occurs in pregnant women at any time throughout the course of pregnancy. Learn from this article that environmental factors and hereditary are responsible for causing diabetes.

Let's take a look at the symptoms of diabetes

Some symptoms of diabetes Type 1 and 2 are alike and the early diabetes symptoms are not so serious as many people overlooked it sometimes. As a result, people mostly neglect to diagnose diabetes in its initial stages. The symptoms varies from each diabetes type. Below are some of the commonly observed signs and symptoms of diabetes.

* Frequent Urination
* Increased in Thirst
* Increased Appetite
* Blurred Vision
* Increased Fatigue
* Weight Loss: The weight loss is as a result of too much loss of sugar and fluid because of polyuria.

Furthermore, glucose from the digested food does not get to the body cells. A victim of Type 1 diabetes loses weight more rapidly than a patient with other types of diabetes.

* Increased Infection and Slow Healing: The accurate cause for regular infection and slow healing among diabetes victims has not been proved yet. However, it is believed that the immune function of a diabetic patient is comparatively low as compared to a non-diabetic person. This may be due to presence of high sugar level in the blood, which in turn prevents the white blood cells from functioning as it should.

This diabetes of things are one of the common rigorous diseases in today's generation. It is a very severe disease and should not overlooked. Although, diabetes can be treated by providing insulin externally but the good way to be free from diabetes is by natural means as it has little or no side effect. Also undergoing steady blood sugar and urine tests to know if you have diabetes is recommended. Those obsessed folks and those having diabetes in their family history should be more careful.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Stay alert in recognizing early symptoms of diabetes. Certain symptoms put you on notice and you'll want to decrease the chance of developing into complications. You'll do yourself a lot of good with early treatment if necessary to maintain optimum health. If you don't have the early symptoms of diabetes looked your risking more than you need too.

Some of the early signs of the diabetic issue are frequent urination, blurry vision, irritability, extreme hunger, excessive thirst, unusual weight loss and increased fatigue. Sometime these show up together so be attentive and sensitive to your how you feel. Unfortunately over 20 + million people now have various forms of the disease. That's almost 25% or 1 out of 4 of our population. Of those one-third don't even know it.

If you are of member of Pacific Islanders, African American, Latino, Native American you'll be a little more cautious since diabetes is more common among these groups. Weight, age, hereditary issues, and lack of exercise are factors. Symptoms are similar in juveniles. Keeping alert about your child certainly is important along with the many other issues that already occupy your mind for their well being.

Type 1 generally is found in child and young adults with heart disease, blindness and kidney damage are of the biggest concerns. Type 2 is the most common where the body doesn't produce enough insulin so the body is able to use up the sugar intake. With the depletion of the food chain, fast foods with highly processed ingredients the problem will continue to grow. All ages are effected and it's scary to find out a person has it.

Although serious, people can certainly live long and happy lives. So spending some time today taking care of yourself is really a great investment. Firm up with some liquid quality vitamins and minerals to keep the immune system strong as possible for as long as possible. Get adequate rest, exercise at least some and try to cut down on the processed foods and turn to fruits and vegetables as well. By having some understanding of early symptoms diabetes you'll just that much better equipped to deal with the issues.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Le persone con diabete spesso si lamentano di avere alcune delle seguenti vaghe preoccupazioni inspiegabili, che potrebbero indicare che si forse potrebbero essere esibendo sintomi diabetici di tipo:

• Inspiegato perdita di peso
• Respirazione profonda, mentre non esercita te stesso
• Insaziabile fame e sete
• Affaticamento o stanchezza • minzione frequente
• Vomito o nausea
• Ferite che richiedono più tempo del solito per guarire
• Itchy o indicizzazione sensazione sulla pelle

La lista di cui sopra non è un elenco inclusivo con qualsiasi mezzo, ma sono sintomi che sono dovrebbe essere studiata ulteriormente dal vostro medico. Una diagnosi precoce di diabete si può quindi ottenere non solo un sollievo dai sintomi si visualizzano ma un trattamento adeguato per mantenere il diabete in mano per poter rimanere ben.

Un altro motivo che è necessario prestare attenzione per qualsiasi sintomi inspiegabili è se è incinta come fino al 50 per cento delle donne si svilupperà il diabete gestazionale, o più comunemente chiamato diabete mellito gestazionale GDM. Questa malattia imita il diabete di tipo 2 a causa di non abbastanza insulina che viene prodotto e il problema del blocco. In tutto due-cinque per cento delle donne incinte ottenere questa malattia dopo dando la nascita, con i sintomi possa anche scomparire o diminuire.

Che cosa è il diabete tipo 1?

Questo accade quando le cellule beta del pancreas sono perse e il corpo smette di produrre insulina, o fa un importo insignificante. I dati mostrano che circa il 10 per cento del diabete negli Stati Uniti ha questo tipo di malattia. Quelli colpiti sono solitamente adulti e bambini e questo è comunemente chiamato diabete giovanile. Una persona anziana, che ha avuto loro pancreas rimosso a causa di effetti di alcolismo o danni da un infortunio, potrebbe anche ottenere tipo 1. Questa malattia ha bisogno di insulina ogni giorno per la loro sopravvivenza.

Diabete di tipo 2

Con tipo 2 il pancreas fa insulina ma le cellule del corpo sono resistenti ai suoi effetti. Questo rende l'insulina inutile parte o tutto il tempo, come esso viene ignorato. Tipo 2 può anche essere chiamato insulino-resistenza. In una persona con diabete di tipo 2, il corpo cerca di rendere ancora più insulina del normale perché si pensa che c'è una mancanza di esso. Perché la produzione di insulina non è soddisfare le esigenze del corpo che pensa, le lotte del pancreas con produzione di esso. Questo si traduce in diabete di tipo 2. Una stima approssimativa è di circa il 90% dei diabetici negli Stati Uniti sono persone con tipo 2.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes is a complex disease of metabolism. The first signs of metabolic disorder are harmless; so the disease goes undiagnosed for many diabetics.

Early symptoms of diabetes are

· Frequent urination

· Excessive hunger

· Unexplained weight loss

· Fatigue

· Exhaustion

· Dry skin

· Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet

· Leg cramps

If these early signs of diabetes did not have proper attention; can lead to severe diabetic complications. Are these serious diabetic complications

· Diabetic neuropathy

· Diabetic nephropathy

· Heart disease

· Foot ulcers

· Diabetic retinopathy

· Limb amputation

It is crucial to learn all about choices of diabetes, complications and treatment. The first step is the diagnosis of the disease over time; that can avoid serious diabetic complications may.

The diagnosis of diabetes is easier with the help of diabetes signs mash quizzes. The diabetes symptoms quiz also helps the person to have a basic understanding of the causes of diabetes. A person can be understood with the help of this quiz that the sedentary lifestyle, family history of diabetes, obesity, poor diet, part of middle age, high cholesterol and blood pressure are basically responsible for diabetes.

On the other hand, if a person is taking a diabetes symptoms quiz is in a better position to understand several troubling signs of diabetes. Sometimes diabetes symptoms quiz also helps evaluate the type of person suffering from diabetes.

The person can assess his predisposition to this disease by taking this quiz. This type of diabetes symptoms quiz includes various questions such as;

· Do you feel a need to urinate frequently during the night?

· You usually hear tires or out of stock?

· Do you feel hungry soon after eating?

· Fancy desserts?

· Do you suffer from mood swings?

· You're blurring in your vision?

Diabetes symptoms quiz synthesis not only aims to diagnose, but at the same time gives an awareness and understanding of the user.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
In a world of health conscious is more easy to spot diabetes symptoms in the early stages, which is known as pre-diabetes. Discover and take note of early diabetic signs gives you a possibility to prevent diabetes altogether. Watch out for these 8 pre-diabetes symptoms ...

If you have two or more of these symptoms of pre-diabetes you should seriously consider getting yourself checked out:

1) If they are excessively thirsty, not only after extreme exercise or hot weather.

2) You seem to have a dry mouth constantly-even if you've just had a drink.

3) you will find that you are having to urinate frequently.

4) one unexpected weight loss (although you may be constantly hungry and eat well. Of course you can eat the wrong things that would probably worsen the symptom pre-diabetes).

5) feels lethargic; as if you don't have any energy. weak and tired all the time.

6) sometimes your vision is blurred-attention, untreated eye problems caused by diabetes can lead to blindness.

7) You have cuts or wounds (especially standing) that are slow to heal.

8) Excessive itching or pain in the genital area or yeast infections (which may be misdiagnosed as thrush).

If you are aged over 45 and are overweight, it would be advisable to have a diabetes control.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Type 2 diabetes often goes completely unnoticed, that makes it a very dangerous disease. If you are lucky enough to have some symptoms of type 2 diabetes, can be detected and treated early while the pancreas still works. For my son, who had many symptoms all at once, which helped him decide to go to the doctor. The following are some of the most common symptoms of diabetes type 2.

Before I talk about symptoms, it is important to learn to listen to your body. Your body will tell you when there's a problem. Don't ignore the signs that sends to you. Sometimes it could just be a thought that keeps going through your mind, you can think of, because it is non-healing sore? If you have the feeling of discomfort which cannot express, can be your body gives you signs there is a problem. Even after they are diagnosed, listening to your body will help you manage your diabetes and stay in a positive mood.

If you notice frequent sores and cuts that don't heal normally, this is a sign of diabetes.
Maybe you feel numbness in your hands or feet, or you feel a tingling sensation. If you are having constant dry mouth and am always thirsty and can't seem to get enough to eat, but these are the most common symptoms of diabetes.

Feeling tired all the time and have no energy or feel sick stomach alot, that these are more signs ... Perhaps you notice the extreme weight loss or gain, and are continually urinate once symptoms of diabetes.

You can have what you think is jock itch, or if a vaginal itching, feminine. Another symptom is problems with vision, things look blurry to you. Maybe you need glasses, or a symptom of diabetes. Other symptoms include bladder infection, skin infection on a regular basis or infections of the mouth and gums.

Every single symptom is reason enough to make an appointment with your doctor. Unfortunately some people with diabetes may not display any of these symptoms. Regular check-ups are the best prevention.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Health has always been and always will be an important concern for all of us. Taking correct care for our bodies allows us to live a longer life, more happy and satisfied. We take in vitamins, minerals and other supplements that lead us to that goal. However, some diseases enter our bodies without us having a clue. Before we know it, we are suffering so bad and sometimes incurable disease. So it's important to be aware of the signs and symptoms that originate from a number of viruses, including the infamous diabetes. Looking for diabetes signs can be very useful and so could save your life.

Diabetes has been one of the diseases of the human body that has some peculiar characteristics. One of which is its ability to develop symptoms showing off our bodies in a rather quick and fast. These signs of diabetes can occur only over weeks or days, especially in children and adolescents.

One of the most common signs of diabetes would be the urge to urinate frequently. Somehow it is much easier to detect this type of sign. Just ask yourself, "I'm visiting the toilet to urinate more frequently?" If the answer is Yes, then you must be looking for some other symptoms of having diabetes. Frequent urination is caused due to increased levels of glucose in the blood. In short, having less than the blood glucose would probably let the bladder feeling full and thus continues to be the need to urinate often.

Another sign to look out for is having that unquenchable thirst. If you feel like you can't get enough drinking water and still feel that you're thirsty, and this could be another sign of diabetes. The body was getting excess water from the bloodstream and have been urinating frequently. This will lead to dehydration. This explains the need to quench their thirst by drinking more water.

Weak feeling might explain the lack of insulin by our body. Insulin helps the glucose to reach our cells there will be supplied with energy. If this element is gone, then clearly clarifies our being tired and weak.

These are just some of the signs of diabetes we should all be alert of. If you happen to notice some, don't hesitate to be checked by your doctor. It's better to be safe than sorry.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Unfortunately in every 700 children of school going age have diabetes. According to research, it has been shown that this ratio will increase by a good amount in the coming years. Most parents are not able to pinpoint when the disease has already started in their children. The worst thing is that most of the symptoms of diabetes are treated as normal.

Most people are not able to identify this disease in their children, because symptoms do not appear all at once. There are chances that a particular symptom appear at the time and the other may take about a few months to appear.

A) here are some of the symptoms that can tell the presence of this severe disease in children:

a) frequent thirst:

If your child is thirsty than normal, then you need to worry. Excessive thirst may due to fluid loss due to high levels of glucose in the blood that ultimately causes dehydration and thirst.

b) extreme hunger:

When glucose cannot get into the cells, the body is not sufficient energy leader extreme hunger in children.

c) frequent trips to the bathroom:

Most parents making a mistake to regard this as normal behavior. When glucose is drawn out, the body in conjunction with its water, you may experience frequent urination leading body does not get enough insulin to move glucose to the cells.

d) unusual weight loss:

When the body has stored enough insulin, tends to use stored fat for energy. This results in weight loss. A child may also lose weight because of fluid loss and dehydration inside the body.

and delayed healing):

It is natural for kids to get injured as often when you play. This translates into a lot of bruises and cuts. However, when you have diabetes, the cuts and bruises heal gradually. I don't think it was just a bad accident. Contact a health care professional as soon as possible.

f) blurred:

If you if your baby's vision blurred always contact a doctor. It would be a wise idea to go for frequent check ups as your child cannot complain about it as it is not frequent.

g) numbness in the hands and feet:

This is not common. The child may even think he is just tired.

(B)) other symptoms that indicate diabetes in children

a) irritability

Kussmaul breathing)

c) stomach pains; Abdominal pain

d) nausea; Vomiting

and back pain)

f) headaches ...

g) behavioral problems

h) fatigue

Parents should remember that early diagnosis can save their children from developing a lot of complications.

All you need to do is run a blood test. This is the best and safest solution to identify diabetes.

C) the role of a parent

Try to learn about diabetes as you can. You should be aware of all its ' treatment measures, symptoms and complications related to the disease. Once detected diabetes, you must learn how to give insulin injections to your child. Let your child learn about it.

Be sure to monitor glucose levels of your child on a daily basis. Should be aware of diabetes-related complications such as hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and faster remedies for them.

You must make sure that the sugar is always with you for emergencies. It is also important to have a written plan to the school with appropriate instructions on meals, snack times and immediate blood glucose treatments high or low and even emergency numbers.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is caused by insufficient insulin enters the bloodstream to regulate glucose. It is caused by cells in the pancreas that dying or receptor sites clogged with fat and cholesterol. In some cases diabetes is caused by allergic reactions of cells in our body.

If you have the following symptoms, please check with your family doctor. You could have diabetes:

1. frequent urination:
If you feel that you are needing to urinate more often than usual, or a compelling urge to urinate, discomfort in the bladder.

2. excessive thirst:
The urge to drink too much beyond a certain limit can be a symptom of high blood sugar into the bloodstream and can be an important clue in detecting diabetes.

3. Increased appetite:
If you have the drive to eat excessively emotional and physical causes, is a disorder of emotion that forces you to eat even after they are full. Increased appetite may be an early symptom of diabetes.

4. unexplained weight loss:
Weight loss can occur due to various conditions ranging from eating disorders to severe metabolic conditions including diabetes. Drastic weight loss of more than 5-10 pounds when you're not looking, requires medical attention because it can be a sign of diabetes.

5. Blurred vision:
This is a symptom of great concern. If blood sugar levels are too high, sugar accumulates in your eye, this excess sugar in the fluid, changing the shape of the lens and blurry vision. Some types of blurred vision can be a medical emergency where delay can lead to vision loss.

6. increased fatigue:
Unlike tiredness experienced by a healthy person, sudden increase of fatigue is a bad thing in people with symptoms of diabetes.

Type II diabetes most are caused by binge eating high in saturated fat. In the case of pancreatic cells dying, experts believe it is caused by the excessive drinking of alcohol.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes is a condition caused by a diet too rich in carbohydrates for a long period of time. Ultimately, the high carbohydrate diet brings a condition known as insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance occurs as a result the body continually produces increased insulin in an attempt to keep blood sugar levels normal. The body does this because the digestive process converts carbohydrates into sugars that goes directly into the bloodstream.

Insulin resistance as it progresses results in many symptoms, one of which is high blood sugar levels called "Diabetes".

Not everyone experiences these symptoms, and there is no specific sequence in which these symptoms appear. Some symptoms may appear before your blood sugar levels rise above normal and others may not show until after your blood sugar levels are increased.

"The high insulin levels, insulin levels low, are not the problem originally associated with type II diabetes, and insulin levels are more difficult to detect because it is normal insulin levels to rise in many circumstances. Slightly higher insulin level causes weight increase slow, small increases in blood pressure, slow changes in cholesterol numbers and the beginning of the formation of artery plaques.

"One by one, the diagnosis of obesity, hypertension, abnormal cholesterol and heart disease are made without taking into account that these are all related to higher levels of insulin and of each other. If the underlying physiology is not correct, type II diabetes will probably be the next diagnosis.

"The physical changes that occur when you have higher levels of insulin are so thin and cause damage for so many years that it takes about ten to thirty years for blood sugar levels to rise after initial start changes in insulin levels. When he is diagnosed with type II diabetes, chronic high insulin levels have done a lot of metabolic damage-although it seems to happen overnight. "-loosely based on the Schwartzbein principle II, the transition from Diana Schwartzbein, M.D.

In an effort to reduce the symptoms of insulin resistance or keep them under control, the symptoms are often treated with drugs, medicines or insulin. Face symptoms does nothing to deal with the underlying condition causing and so the condition continues to worsen, often causing more drugs to keep the symptoms under control.

You can get so crazy that diabetics can wrap is prescribed for several medications for high blood sugar, as well as another drug for high triglycerides and another for high cholesterol and another for high blood pressure. Yet none of these medicines or corrects addresses the underlying cause of the diabetic condition, insulin resistance!

If you have not yet done so, you can turn your diabetic condition and improve your overall health by getting on a diet of protein carbohydrates high/low, taking nutritional supplements correct and put a little exercise into your life!
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is the failure of the body to process sugar, as it should be. When we eat or drink our pancreas creates a hormone called insulin. Insulin is released into the blood and helps regulate the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Diabetes is a condition where this process does not work correctly. Are the reasons why this happens:

-No insulin is produced, often referred to as type 1 diabetes and requires the patient to use insulin injections, or ...

-Made Insulin, but the body becomes resistant to it. Insulin is really ineffective. This is normally called type 2 diabetes and is becoming increasingly common.

The problem is that while diabetes is not immediately the long-term effects of high glucose in mortal danger can be injurious to health. Uncontrolled diabetes and prolonged high blood sugar levels can, in later life, cause problems to your part of the body as the kidneys, eyes, nerves and heart. This may sound harsh; However, blood sugar control by a combination of herbal remedies, alternative procedures to health care, diet and exercise significantly decreases any long-term problems.

The easiest way to check if you have diabetes is to organize a blood sugar control with your doctor. A small sample of blood obtained by pricking a finger is controlled by a small electronic tester. A blood sugar normal is generally between 72-126 mg/dl in the United States ... Diabetes is diagnosed when the body is able to keep your blood sugar within those limits.

Someone may have diabetes for months or even years without realizing that they have the condition. The diagnosis of diabetes can occur of blue during a routine Checkup, but more often it follows the sufferer experiencing the symptoms of diabetes. These symptoms can be many or few, mild or severe, depending on the individual.

The symptoms are:

-No symptoms. Eh? No this is not an error. Many people do not experience any difference the way they feel and are amazed to find out that they have diabetes. If feels good or not it is important that you take your doctor's diagnosis to the heart.

-Increased thirst. You can drink and drink and drink some more and still feel thirsty. The problem is compounded by those suffering from drinking copious amounts of ... is diagnosed with diabetes sugar liquids! This only intensifies the blood sugar level and leads to an increased thirst.

-An increase in urination. Of sufferers need to urinate often and spend large amounts every time. Getting up in the middle of a deep sleep at two or three o'clock in the morning is very common. This can be very disturbing for many. High levels of blood sugar in the urine overflow making syrupy. To counter this water is drawn from the body causing dehydration and thirst.

-Weight loss. The main body fuel is glucose. Diabetics cannot take care of this properly, so urine and passes out of the body. Less fuel means that stock body tissues are not working to produce energy. The results are a weight loss.

Other symptoms include constipation, tiredness, lack of energy, tingling or pins and needles in hands and feet, blurred vision and increase of infections.

If you have experienced any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that he is diabetic, however it may be advisable to visit your doctor to be sure.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Recognize the symptoms of diabetes type2 can lead to earlier detection and treatment, which could harm the organs caused by high levels of glucose. In rare cases, even without previously noting detailed symptoms, diabetes type two leads to coma. The importance of regular check-ups cannot be underestimated, especially for those people who are at risk of developing the disease.

The symptoms of diabetes type2 can vary, but may include increased thirst or dry mouth, increased hunger after a meal, nausea or vomiting, frequent urination, generalized fatigue or weakness, blurred vision, and numbness or tingling in your hands or feet. Not everyone with the condition experience all of these symptoms of type2 diabetes and some other people experience, for example, frequent urinary tract infections, vaginal infections or scratching easily infected or scratches on the skin.

Even without the appearance of detailed symptoms, diabetes type 2 can be diagnosed by a doctor with a fasting glucose test or casual plasma. This test measures the level of glucose, or blood sugar.

Normally, the food is changed into glucose in the stomach. The glucose then enters the bloodstream, the pancreas produces insulin, which allows glucose to enter the cells of the body and be used for energy.

When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body is unable to use it properly, glucose cannot enter the cells and builds up in the blood. In type I diabetes, the pancreas cells that produce insulin are lost or damaged.

In type II diabetes, the pancreas can produce insulin, but cannot produce enough and the cells of the body become resistant or less sensitive to the insulin that is produced. At the beginning, usually before they are noticed symptoms of type2 diabetes, the pancreas can produce more insulin to try to cope with the increased levels of glucose in the blood. But in the end the extra insulin stops working and your blood sugar levels continue to rise.

Increased levels of blood sugar can lead to other health problems. Frequent dehydration may accompany symptoms of diabetes type2. Severe dehydration accompanied by very high levels of blood sugar can lead to Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic syndrome which is life threatening.

If left unchecked, high levels of glucose in the blood can damage the eyes, kidneys, nervers and heart. Uncontrolled type II diabetes is one of the risk factors for developing heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

Insulin resistance is the term used to describe the inability of the body to recognize and use the insulin produced by the pancreas. Insulin resistance is not present in type I diabetes, but with or without additional symptoms diabetes type two is always accompanied by insulin resistance.

You can reduce your risk of developing insulin resistance and reduce the chances of developing symptoms of diabetes type2, with proper diet, weight loss and increased physical activity. Some natural supplements can help insulin production support and sensitivity, helping to stabilize your blood sugar levels. To learn more visit the information of type 2 diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


There are numerous pre diabetes symptoms, which should be detected earlier in order to prevent from diabetes. Most people are suffering from this deadly disease. The most common form of this disorder is Type 2 diabetes. They are spreading at a very high speed and mostly attacking adults while Type 1 is mostly attacking the younger people.

When our pancreas fails to produce insulin, it cause high blood sugar levels and leads to Type 1 diabetes and when our pancreas produces ineffective insulin due to old age, it leads to type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can also be a genetic problem. In order to prevent the side effects like blindness and rotting, we should try to detect them through their pre diabetes symptoms.

Can We Really Predict Diabetes Early And Prevent It?

Yes, we can easily predict this problem by looking at the pre diabetes symptoms. Most of the symptoms are similar in both Type1 and Type 2.

Feeling Thirsty: Despite of gulping down jars of water you feel thirsty. This unquenchable thirst is a regular pre diabetes symptoms.

Frequent urination: When there is too much glucose in your blood, the urination becomes more frequent. If you observe this type of change in your body then we should immediately consult a doctor.It can be considered as most vital pre diabetes symptoms after which patients need to to consult doctors immediately for further checkup as this disorder can turn into deadly disease at any moment.

Weight loss: When your pancreas stops producing insulin, your immune system gets affected. Your body constantly needs energy; the cells in your pancreas starts breaking down your muscles and eventually you lose weight. This weight loss is more noticeable in type 1 diabetes.This one of the main symptoms to detect this deadly disease.

There are other symptoms such as dry and itchy skin, blurred vision and tiredness. Your body also experiences weakness before the advent of this deadly disease because of low insulin production in your pancreas.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
An herb know world wide for its well-known results in diabetes mellitus. Known as Momordia charantia in biological terms is an herb that is a boon to mankind. Due to its miraculous properties, it is regarded as one of the best herb existing on this planet. A wonder of nature is that, it is not only beneficial in diabetes mellitus but is also very beneficial in many other disorders that have been troubling mankind. Karela not only gives relief but also cures the patient.

Diabetes Mellitus

This wonderful herb commonly grows everywhere in India. It is generally found in places, which are damb and wet. It is a creeper and it climbs on other trees for supports. Generally whole plat is used but some people in India also uses outer layer of the fruit.

This exotic hear is ushan virya in potency, and possess laghu (light) and ruksh (dry) properties. It possesses tickt and katu rasa. Combination of these properties makes it the real natures wonder. Due to combination of these properties it makes Karela a magic stick by which many diseases can be eradicated. Karela's chemical constituents are lectin, charatin and momordicine. It also contains a polypeptide named gurmarin, which is similar to insulin in composition. Well exact action is still unknown but it is well established that regular use of Karela has very good results in diseases like diabetes etc

Indications of Karela

A very peculiar quality of Karela is that, it suppresses kapha and pitta but due to ushan virya potency it also don't let vata to increase.

· Widely used herb in treating diabetes mellitus as it has an action similar to insulin thus helping in glucose metabolism.
· Stimulates pancreas to work and secrete all the secretions properly.
· Helps in stimulating liver for proper secretions of bile juices.
· It helps in easier digestion of food as it promotes secretion of digestive enzymes.
· Helps in good assimilation of food.
· Works as an appetizer.
· Very useful in constipated stools and disease like hemorrhoids, fissures and fistulas.
· Help in destroying worms present in our gastro intestinal tract therefore works as deworming agent.
· Its property fades away the toxin named ama formed in the body due to non-recommended lifestyle and bad eating habits.
· It is a very good blood purifier as it contains tickt and katu rasa there fore helps in purifying blood and helps us from infection from microorganism and toxins that are created by there presence.
· Due to its actions it is very commonly used in skin diseases specially it finds it application in acne and black spots on face.
· It works as an anti-inflammatory agent thus helping in subduing any kind of oedema present on body.
· Good results have been seen in patients suffering from chronic cough as it has expectorant properties and helps in releasing the sputum accumulated in respiratory tract and lungs. Asthmatic patients are believed to have a very good relief if it is regularly taken.
· A very useful remedy in pyrexia of unknown origin.
· A highly recommended herb in patients suffering from obesity and metabolism related disorders.
· Works as a female tonic thereby helpful in menstrual disorders and female genital tract related problems.
· It also helps in secretion of milk during lactation phase after pregnancy.
· Due to anti bacterial properties its external application is very effective in healing wounds an injuries.
· It is supposed to stop excess blood flow from the wounded area.
· It is very helpful in external application on any kind of skin disease due to its anti microbial action.
· It's highly used in applying on external pile mass with pain relieving and swelling decreasing properties.

Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Generally, all women at some point in their lives will suffer through a yeast infection, however those who also have diabetes will be especially vulnerable. The normal environment in the vagina is acidic. Yeast cells are kept in balance there by the lack of available nutrients and this acidic environment.

Women who have diabetes have higher amounts of glucose, or sugar, in their blood. This causes vaginal secretions to also contain more glucose, which changes the environment. This change provides nourishment to yeast cells and as they feed on this extra glucose, they are able to multiply and turn into a yeast infection.

Another thing that helps to prevent candidiasis, yeast infections, is a normal immune system. Hyperglycemia can interfere with your immune system. If you get a yeast infection and you are diabetic it could mean a couple of things; One, your glucose levels are not completely under control, your blood glucose levels are too high; Or two, there is another area of your body suffering from an infection, and your immune system cannot handle assaults from both locations.

Yeast Infection Can Have Serious Effects On People With Diabetes

A yeast overgrowth in the vagina, or other parts of the body, may prevent the body's own defense mechanisms from effectively fighting off other types of infection. Women who are diabetic and have a yeast infection will be more vulnerable to other infections like cold and flu.

The body's ability to ward off other viruses and bacteria is inhibited by the combination of high blood glucose levels and yeast overgrowth.

An infection of any kind in people with diabetes can pose a serious risk. Blood sugar levels can fluctuate higher or lower than usual when the body is trying to fight off the infection; this of course causes complications with trying to control the diabetes. We are all aware of the risks to a diabetic person if their blood sugar spikes high or drops very low.

What Are the Treatment Options?

There are antifungal medications that can be gotten by prescription and over the counter, but you should definitely consult with a health care provider before taking any of these because of the risk of interaction with your regular medications. That is why it is so much better to go with a natural option to cure your yeast infection; there is so much less risk.

There is also the option of using a vaginal suppository; however you must be certain that you actually have a vaginal yeast infection, as misdiagnosis can actually lead to fungicide resistant yeast. Women with diabetes who have yeast infections may require longer than average treatment to ensure that all the yeast is brought under control.

Yeast infections can happen in other areas of the body and can be treated by topical or oral antifungal agents, or as we prefer, natural methods to cure yeast infections. One very important thing you need to remember when you are treating a yeast infection, for people with diabetes especially is the need to ensure that whatever regime you follow you continue right to the end of the course of treatment. This will ensure that the yeast is under control. If you stop taking treatments early because you feel somewhat better, you run the risk of having the infection return even stronger than before.

If you have diabetes, or know someone who does then please check out our resource box for more information. You owe it to yourself to do the right thing and seek help for this debilitating, and potentially fatal condition.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


How can you tell the difference between the flu and cellulitis?

Cellulitis is a skin infection caused by bacteria. Bacteria can enter into the skin either through a cut or insect bite and spread to deeper tissues causing an infection. If it is not treated with antibiotics, the infection can spread to the blood or lymph nodes. The most common bacteria are staphylococcus and streptococcus species. A particular staphylococcus species called Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is becoming a more common bacteria. Patients with depressed immune systems such as diabetes, cancer, HIV, chronic steroid use, and auto immune diseases are more likely to acquire cellulitis.

The affected skin becomes red, warm to the touch, painful, and swollen. If the surrounding lymph channels become infected red streaks up the arm or leg will be seen. These red streaks are called lymphangitis. Patients may also experience fever, fatigue and vomiting.

A history and physical exam will be performed. A culture of any infectious fluid will be done if available. If
there is an associated fever blood cultures may be done.

Cleaning and bandaging of any lacerations or abrasions will be done. Removal of the stinger will be performed if the infection is from an insect bite. Antibiotics either orally or intravenous depending on the severity of the infection will be administered. Common antibiotics include: cephelexin/Keflex, dicloxacillin/Dynapen, clindamycin/Cleocin, or clarithromycin/Biaxin. If MRSA is suspected the following antibiotics may be used: trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole/Bactrim, vancomycin/Vancocin, daptomycin/Cubicin, tigecycline/Tygacil, or linezolid/Zyvox.

As you can see while both diseases are associated with a fever the hallmark of cellulitis are areas of red, hot, and painful skin. Any area of the body can be affected but the most common places for cellulitis are the arms and legs. Patients with cellulitis will not have the cough and runny nose so common with the flu.
If you have cellulitis you should seek treatment quickly since early antibiotics are the best way to ensure a complete recovery. Either an emergency department or urgent care clinic can appropriately take care of patients with cellulitis. You can find either of these healthcare facilities anywhere in the United States by using iTriage.
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What are the symptoms of drinking contaminated water? This is a question you may ask if going on a trip overseas to some of the poorer countries whose supplies are questionable. Although, you do not have to travel to have this problem, it can be right on your doorstep.

Water can become contaminated by many things. These things can be protozoal infections which can be like cryptosporidium, which causes a flu, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhoea, weight loss and bloating with increased gas. Another is Giardia, which causes diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal discomfort and gas. There are three others in this group and they can all display similar symptoms.

Another is the bacterial infection of dysentery caused by a salmonella contamination. This infection causes diarrhoea with blood, fever, stomach pain, vomiting, and an e.coli infection. It also causes loose watery bowel movements and sometimes death from dehydration in the young and very old, as well as those with a low immune system from a prolonged illness. There are twelve others in this group with varying symptoms. They mostly have a feeling of being very unwell to respiratory problems, chills, fevers, muscle aches, pains, tiredness, and in serious cases pneumonia.

There are also the parasites that can get into a person by drinking dirty water. These are mostly caused by the ingestion of eggs or larvae, which hatch inside the human body and can cause all kinds of unpleasant reactions. These can range from such things as nausea, vomiting, loose bowels, liver enlargement and jaundice, as well as fevers. Each has its own particular area where it migrates to and its own set of irritations. World wide there are nine which can be picked up from unclean storage.

The final type is viruses, and there are six of these. These are ones that can cause cold and flu, pneumonia, coughs, tiredness, headaches, sore throat, jaundice, depression and many other things. Each has its own misery and some can also cause death.

When looking at this list it is not hard to see why clean drinking water is a must. Any of the symptoms of these various problems would wear a person down with ruined health, and some would take a great deal of recovery.

Clean drinking water can be obtained in several ways. One way is by using a filter which has been specially designed for this purpose, and another is by boiling water. Boiling may remove all of the so called bugs, but will not remove chemicals or heavy metals as the filters do. If you are interested in these filters try your local plumbing store or the internet for more information.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Pre diabetes is a medical condition which occurs when a person's blood sugar levels become higher than the normal range but still falls short to reach the range for a qualified diagnosis of diabetes. Several terms are used to mean the same condition such as borderline diabetes, Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) or Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG). Because the condition is medically accepted to be the precursor of diabetes, which is a much serious glucose impairment, knowing the pre diabetes symptoms is important to make necessary steps to hinder the onset of full blown diabetes.

Diabetes is considered as a silent medical condition because in most cases, physical symptoms and manifestations are absent. It is hard to tell if a person is pre diabetic or not. Most people often have the condition without actually knowing that he has it. One of the few and accepted pre diabetes symptoms is called acanthosis nigricans. It is the darkening of some skin areas, the most commonly inflicted of which are the neck, armpits, elbows, knees and the knuckles. However, this symptom rarely manifests. It is therefore very important to watch for the known tell-tale signs of diabetes as they are likely manifestations that a person is indeed pre diabetic.

Polydipsia, polyuria and polyphagia can all be considered as pre diabetes symptoms. Polydipsia in simpler terms is excessive thirst. A pre diabetic person often requires to quench his thirst more than the usual. Most of the times he would like to drink water even though he has not been exposed to a physically demanding activity. Polyuria, on the other hand is excessive urination. It is somehow connected to polydipsia because the body of a diabetic person would try to flush out the excess sugar in the blood through urine.

When frequent urination occurs, the brain is stimulated to drink more. Polyphagia or excessive eating is triggered by the functional anomalies within the pancreas and also with insulin, the hormone which the pancreas secretes. When a person has diabetes, the cells may become insulin resistant due to the over production of the hormone. The cells will try to deal with the excessive level of sugar which is the resulting product of carbohydrate synthesis. When this happens, the insulin will again stimulate hunger.

Some medical professionals recognize minor diabetes symptoms such as fatigue, blurred vision, and dry and itchy skin particularly to the genital parts. Because the symptoms of diabetes are almost similar to diabetes itself, it is essential for a person experiencing a sign or two to immediately seek professional help. Most cases of diabetes are reversible and many ways can be done to stop it from becoming full blown diabetes.

If you are suspecting that you have pre diabetes, set an appointment to undergo tests such as fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) or oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Whether you have pre diabetes or you have normal blood sugar, a key aspect to reverse its occurrence or to hinder it from occurring is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This means that you should at least refrain from eating foods which contain high amount of carbohydrates as they are converted to sugar.

You should also watch for your weight. Overweight persons are more likely to be diabetic or diabetic. Keep a daily exercise routine to maintain a good weight. By doing these, you are walking away from the pre diabetes symptoms, and the more likely you are not to become afflicted with diabetes. And by the way, reversing diabetes can also save you from other diseases involving the cardio vascular system such as heart attack and stroke.
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Diabetes mellitus is a disease produced by insufficient insulin or insulin resistance. There are mainly two types of complications of diabetes. Short Term Complications and long term complications. Here we will discuss short term complications of diabetes.

Short Term Complications


Hyperosmolar NonKetotic Coma


Hypoglycaemia Causes:

Hypoglycaemia is seen when patient's blood glucose level falls too low. The causes of hypoglycaemia are

1-Insufficient intake of meal, specially after taking glucose lowering drugs or insulin.

2-Excessive dose of Insulin or Sulphonylureas may cause hypoglycaemia as well.

3-Excessive exercise can also lead to hypoglycaemia specially those who are on antidiabetic drugs. By doing exercise glucose goes into cells and glucose level in blood decreases.

Hypoglycaemia Symptoms:

Whenever hypoglycaemia occurs, patient can have symptoms like palpitations, feeling shaky, sweating, tingling in the lips, going pale, heart pounding, rapid pulse rate, anxiety, confusion and irritability. These are just warning signs, however if we will not treat hypoglycaemia then patient can lead to coma and even death can occur.

What to do if Hypoglycaemia occurs:

If you are in a hospital and your nurse or doctor find out that you are in hypoglycaemia, then most probably you will be injected with 25% dextrose water 5 ampules depending upon your blood glucose level. At home, hypoglycaemia can be treated simply by taking some sweet juice like orange juice or glucose containing tablets. If patient goes to coma stage then intramuscular injection of GLUCAGON may help. Glucagon is a hormone that raises blood glucose level. So it is necessary that if you are traveling or going outside, must take your glucagon kit with you. Family and friends should be taught how to inject Glucagon, as patient is already unconscious and can not take it himself. If patient becomes unconscious never try to put food or drink in his mouth as it may lead to choking. If you are on insulin and taking alcohol, there are great chances of going into hypoglycaemia as body will be unable to produce glucose rapidly. It is suggested that man on insulin should take 3 units of alcohol and women should take 2 units. Moreover while drinking, you should always eat something.

What is Ketoacidosis, Definition of ketoacidosis

Ketosis is the accumulation of ketone bodies (produced by breakdown of fat) in the blood and Acidosis is increased acidity of the blood, i.e PH of blood decreases. It is a serious condition that can also lead to coma. Usually seen in type 1 diabetic patients, may also appear in type 2 diabetes specially older patients. Diabetic acidosis is often initiated by an infection like Urinary track infection or chest infection.

Pathophysiology and causes of Diabetic Kitoacidosis:

Usually we see DKA when you miss doses of insulin, as a result blood glucose level will rise, and body cells will start burning fat which leads to production of ketone bodies and acidosis.At the same time, the high secretion of glucose into the urine causes dehydration due to loss of water and salts. Ketoacidosis occurs when cells of body can not fulfilled their metabolic demand in absence of sufficient glucose. Instead, cells start getting energy by breakdown of fatty acids which results in formation of ketone bodies. PH of body will become acidic and body will try to eliminate acids by increasing rate and depth of acids.

Symptoms and signs of ketoacidosis:

Tiredness Fruity smell to breath like nail polish remover Increase thirst Polyuria increase urination. Weight-loss. Oral Thrush Muscle wasting. Aggression Confusion Agitation Irritation Emesis (vomiting), Abdominal pain. Loss of appetite. Flu-like symptoms. Lethargy and apathy. Patients breathe more deeply and rapidly. Unconsciousness (diabetic coma) after prolonged DKA.

Prevention of diabetic ketoacidosis

If you are ill and having an infection, always remember your body will need more insulin in such conditions, so try to increase your insulin dose during infectious illness, but before taking insulin should always check your blood glucose level. Keep tight control of your blood sugar level by regularly checking it with glucometer. Whenever you feel unwell, just check your blood glucose level. If you ever find that blood glucose is high, then go for your urine examination for presence of ketone bodies. You should always have ketone measuring urine strips at home.

Diabetic acidosis is often seen in stomach infection Gastritis, as you think that less insulin is needed if you are having symptoms of gastritis like nausea vomiting and reduced eating and this insufficient insulin may lead to acidosis.

How do you know if you have diabetic acidosis?

The diagnosis is made by: Always measure blood glucose - It is always high in diabetic ketoacidosis. Urine examination for ketone bodies a blood sample taken from an artery - it is done in the hospital and measures the PH of the blood. Doctor will also perform tests to rule out any infection.

How to treat diabetic ketoacidosis.

This condition usually requires hospital admission. Treatment consists of: Intravenous salt fluids like NaCl, KCl etc Insulin is given via intravenous drips. potassium supplements added to the infusion If infection is present then antibiotics are also added.

Prognosis is quit good, if diabetic ketoacidosis is diagnosed and treated earlier, patient usually recovers within few days, however if acidosis is not treated earlier, it may become life threatening.

Hyperosmolar nonketotic Coma

Diabetic Coma in Type 2 Diabetes Hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma is a serious complication seen in type 2 diabetes patients with severe infection or stress. Diabetic coma is seen when blood glucose level becomes too high and there is severe dehydration. Unlike ketoacidosis which is usually seen in type 1 diabetes, in hyperosmolar stage we dont see any ketones in body and urine, and there is no acidosis. Diabetic hyperosmolar coma is usually seen in diabetic patients older than 60 years as they have altered sense of being thirsty and are more likely to become severely dehydrated. If there is severe loss of water from body, it can lead to shock, syncopy, coma and death

What are Causes of Diabetic Coma?

Severe Infection UTI, respiratory tract infection, bacterial meningitis,retropharyngeal abscess, hepatobiliary sepsis. Noncompliance with diet or insulin therapy Heart attack Renal failure Drugs (diuretics, steroids, phenytoin, รŸ -blockers, calcium channel blockers) Fever Illness Bleeding ulcer Blood clot hyperglycaemia Trauma CVA Pancreatitis

Symptoms of Hyperosmolar Coma:

Symptoms of hyperosmolar coma are produced due to hyperglycaemia and dehydration. Increased urination Increased thirst Severe Weakness Drowsiness Altered mental status Headache Restlessness Inability to speak Paralysis If you have any of these signs and symptoms, check your blood glucose and call your doctor if your blood glucose is high. Diabetic hyperosmolar coma typically seen when blood glucose increases to 600 mg/dL or more.

What are laboratory findings of Diabetic Coma patient.

o Severe hyperglycaemia (> 500mg/dl)

o Plasma hyperosmolality

o urea:creatinine ratio increased

o Secondary glycosuria

o Absence of significant ketoacidosis o Metabolic acidosis absent or mild

How Is Diabetic Coma Treated? It is an emergency situation, and should be treated immediately. Patient should be hospitalised. Treatment goals are to treat hyperglycaemia with insulin and treat dehydration with intravenous fluids. Infection can be treated with antibiotics.

How to prevent diabetic coma? Monitor and Check your blood glucose regularly, as recommended by your doctor Check your blood glucose every four hours when you are suffering from any infection. Take special care of yourself when you are having severe illness.

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H1N1 Influenza symptoms involve a fever, runny nose, slight cough, sore throat, physical aches, headaches, fatigue and some chills. Other folks may perhaps also experience diarrhea, upset stomach or vomiting.

A lot more extreme indicators are centered around respiratory illnesses and symptoms without the feeling of fever. Like other viruses, deaths have been contributed to this kind of virus.

For those that experience extreme signs or symptoms, anti-viral drug treatments might be subscribed by your health care provider.

Natural Self Treatment

Fill your body with lots of rest, fluids and light foods. Other than anti-viral medications, you will find no other treatments that may enhance the recovery time. Building up immunities prior to a viral attack will present your entire body the resources to recover quicker or lessen the signs and symptoms in half the time.

Infection Rate

Those that carry the virus can infection others from day 1 to day 7. It's best to stay away from others when recovering from the H1N1 virus. As with most viruses, an individual can still feel the signs and symptoms after seven days, yet the ability to transmit the virus is greatly reduced.

It is vital to get to a physician within the first 24 to 48 hours. It is during this time that anti-viral medicines are the most efficient. Most of the time a fast infusion of fluids and medicine can give the entire body the edge it needs to make it through a serious reaction to influenza. It doesn't take lengthy amount of time for the body to respond to medicines. In rare instances a man or woman may perhaps be hospitalized for a few days for respiratory difficulties associated to influenza.

Even though the indicators of a flu or influenza occur for several weeks following first contact with the virus, it doesn't mean the person is able to infect other people. It does take time for the system to recover fully and return to its original healthy state. Swelling, cough, a tried feeling may occur for weeks. If signs persist, it is important to see a medical doctor to check for other complications.

Keeping a strong immunity against infection is very important to a quick recovery. The stronger the immune system, the better off a person will be when they come in contact with a virus, bacteria or cold. An ounce of prevention goes a long way.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are coming down with flu symptoms, you may be asking yourself if you should call a doctor. Medication can help you get better faster, so it's worth it to visit a doctor.

You should call a family practice doctor if you have a fever, headache, cough, extreme fatigue, sore throat, stuffy nose, muscle aches, nausea, or if you are vomiting. If you have trouble breathing or if your fever or sore throat lasts longer than two days, you should call a doctor immediately. If your sore throat lasts longer than 2 days, you may have strep throat. If you have strep throat, your doctor may give you a prescription for antibiotics.

A doctor will diagnose you and he may run some tests in order to make an accurate diagnosis. Your doctor may prescribe antiviral medicine for you. These medicines will shorten the duration of the flu and they are usually taken for 5 days or so. If your body temperature becomes higher than 102 F, even when you take medicine, you should also speak to a doctor.

Certain groups of people are at risk for developing complications from the flu including pregnant women, people who have diseases of the lungs, heart, kidneys, and people with diabetes.

After you visit a doctor, make sure you take good care of yourself. You should get plenty of sleep and rest and drink a lot of fluids. Gargling with salt water may help you relieve your sore throat. Over-the-counter medicines may also reduce some of your symptoms. You should avoid physical exertion, stay away from tobacco and alcohol, and eat soups. Water should not be the only liquid you consume because it doesn't contain enough electrolytes that your body needs. Gatorade and similar sports beverages are good choices.

You can treat aches and fever with over-the-counter medicines like Advil, Motrin, and Tylenol. Aspirin shouldn't be used because it's associated with Reyes syndrome. You can treat your cough with cough suppressants. For nasal congestion, you can take over-the-counter decongestants. However, anybody with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma, and thyroid disease should stay away from decongestants.

If you have the flu, you should wash your hands often with water and soap, avoid touching your nose, eyes, avoid contact with people who are sick, and avoid sharing clothes with a person who has the flu. If you have a fever, you should stay home until it is resolved.The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a vaccination. A vaccination will decrease the amount of visits to a doctor, hospitalizations, and the risk of dying from the flu.

You can find a family practice doctor online and it won't cost you a penny. Search through online directories and get the contact information for several doctors in your area. Contact them to see if they accept your health insurance plan and ask questions if you need to. If you want to find out if the doctors in your area are worth paying a visit, check out the online doctor reviews and ratings. Many websites are packed with useful information and they will help you find the best family practice doctor for your needs and budget.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes is an ailment wherein the human body do not create or utilize proper insulin, which is the hormone produced by the pancreas. The pancreas is the organ adjacent to the stomach. Insulin is necessary to convert sugar and as well as other foods to energy. If someone has diabetes, the body either can not utilize its individual insulin or the pancreas can not produce sufficient insulin or both. This is the reason why the sugars build up very high in the blood.

A person develops diabetes mellitus if the result of fasting blood sugar level test is 126 mg/dl or higher. Pre -diabetes is a situation wherein the blood sugar levels are elevated than he normal reading, however, it is not diabetic. Persons who have pre-diabetes are at risk to develop type II diabetes, stroke and heart ailments.

The following are some signs if a person having pre-diabetes: damaged fasting blood sugar level (100 -125 mg/dl), impaired or damaged glucose tolerance (fasting blood sugar level which less than one hundred twenty six milligrams per deciliter) and blood sugar level between one hundred forty and one hundred ninety milligrams per deciliter 2 hours after having the glucose tolerance test by mouth.

The most common type of diabetes is type II and it appears frequently in grown up adults; but young adults and teenagers are developing this type II of diabetes at frightening rate. It appears when the human body can not produce sufficient insulin and can not use effectively the insulin it has made. Type I diabetes normally occurs in kids and young adults. In this type of diabetes, the pancreas produces small amount or no insulin at all. People with diabetes type I will not survive if not injected with insulin everyday.

Both types of diabetes are inheritable through the genes. A family with history of this ailment may significantly enhance the danger of developing the disease. Diabetes if not treated may lead to several severe medical problems. These problems include kidney diseases, blindness, cardiovascular diseases, nerve diseases and limb amputation.

Diabetes can be treated, however, even if glucose level is properly managed, it significantly increases the danger of stroke and heart ailments. In reality, majority of people having diabetes die of heart or cardiovascular disease because of diabetes.

Pre-diabetes as well as type II diabetes normally result from resistance to insulin. When diabetes or insulin resistance happen with other cardiovascular diseases danger factors like elevated blood pressure, obesity, high triglycerides and abnormal cholesterol, the danger of stroke and heart ailments increase more. Resistance to insulin is connected with atherosclerosis (fatty buildups found in arteries) and diseases of the blood vessels just before the diagnosis of diabetes. Therefore, it is very essential to avoid and manage diabetes and insulin resistance. Obesity and physical immobility are vital danger factors for diabetes, insulin resistance and cardiovascular diseases.

If diabetes is detected, the physician may suggest changes in eating lifestyle, management of weight and exercise programs and also drugs to remain it in test. It is important for diabetic patients to have habitual checkups. People with diabetes and elevated blood pressure should have a blood pressure lower than one hundred thirty over one hundred eighty mm Hg. Diabetes is the prime risk factor for coronary heart ailment and stroke, which entails heart attack. Persons with diabetes may prevent or delay heart and cardiovascular ailments by controlling some other factors. It is specifically essential to control body weight and blood cholesterol by means of low-saturated fats, less cholesterol diet and habitual aerobic exercises. It is vital also lower elevated blood pressure and quit smoking. Lastly, you have to maintain healthy lifestyle.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes symptom is very often understated. As a result, Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless.Initially, the diabetes symptom is subtle or innocuous. It is no surprise that, you could have diabetes for months or even years and not even know it.

There are millions of people in the world who are unaware of the fact that they are diabetic. Awareness of the possible diabetes symptom can facilitate an early diagnosis and treatment, and ensure a better health for lifetime. In either cases of type1 and type 2 diabetes, signs and symptoms are more likely to be alike as the blood sugar is high. It could be due to less production of insulin, or no production or insulin resistance. In both cases there is inadequate glucose in the cells, which can be recognized through certain signs and symptoms. These symptoms are quickly eased once the Diabetes is treated .It will lessen the chances of developing serious health problems.

The most common diabetes symptom is excessive thirst and increased urination. They are typical symptoms.When you have diabetes, excess sugar or glucose develops in your blood. It puts extra load on the kidneys to filter and absorb the excess sugar. If the kidneys can't carry on, the excess sugar is excreted into the urine along with fluids pull out from the tissues. This activates more frequent urination, which may cause dehydration. The more you drink fluids to satisfy your thirst, the more you will urinate.

Another diabetes symptom is a flu-like feeling. One may experience tiredness, weakness and poor appetite. The reason being uncontrolled or poorly controlled diabetes obstructs the body's ability to convert sugar into energy. Instead of energizing the body cells, the sugar stays in your blood. The outcome is you end up feeling tired and exhausted.

Variations in the Body weight are also a possible diabetes symptom. Loss of sugar through frequent urination, results in loss of calories. The presence of diabetes prevents the sugar from your food from reaching your cells. This leads to frequent hunger which will result in rapid weight loss, especially if you have type 1 diabetes.On the other hand, increase in body weight is an equally serious concern. Over weight makes your tissues more resistant to the insulin action. This increases your blood sugar level. The cells become more anti with the increase in fatty tissues. Hence, obesity is a serious factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

Unclear or blurred viision is yet another diabetes symptom. High levels of blood sugar pull fluid from your tissues, including the lenses of your eyes, thus damaging your ability to focus .Diabetes needs immediate attention .If ignored; it promotes new blood vessels to form in your retina which is the back part of your eye, thereby damaging the old vessels. In some, this may bring minor vision problems such as dark spots, flashing lights or rings around lights. Rarely, diabetes can lead to blindness in some cases.

Diabetes can slow down the process of healing of sores or infections. This is because the body has lost most of its ability to challenge infections due to high levels of blood sugar. Natural healing process of the body is also weakened as a result. Women with diabetes are troubled by bladder and vaginal infections..

Loss of sensation in the hands and feet are another diabetes symptom. The excess blood sugar can damage the nerve. There may be tingling and a feeling of numbness in the hands and feet, as well as intense pain in the arms, hands, legs and feet.The risk of infection in the gums and in the bones that hold the teeth in place increases in diabetics. This is because the condition weakens the resistance towards germs. As a result, the gums may move away from the teeth, eventually the teeth may become loose, there may develop sores or pockets of pus in the gums .The risk is even more if one previously had a gum infection even before diabetes developed.

One must contact a physician as soon as the symptom is evident. If you notice any possible diabetes symptoms,it is absolutely vital to take all the body hints seriously and contact your doctor. The earlier the condition is diagnosed, the sooner the treatment can begin. Diabetes is a serious condition. Nevertheless, it is not the end of the road. By proper and timely medication, balanced diet and regular exercise a diabetic can enjoy a normal, healthy and happy life.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Do you know the causes and symptoms of juvenile and Type 2 Diabetes? Diabetes is a disease characterized by the body's inability to produce or properly use insulin, which is a hormone needed to convert sugar and other food into energy for the body. It has three types: Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes that affects pregnant women. Gestational diabetes usually goes away once the baby is born.

Type 1 or Juvenile diabetes is usually the kind of diabetes that affects children. In Type 1 diabetes, the body's immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. The person cannot make enough insulin needed in the body causing an accretion of sugar in the blood but nothing in the cells needed to generate energy. This type of diabetes is insulin dependent.

There are cases when Type 1 diabetes occurs following other health problems particularly viral ones such as rubella, mumps, measles, cytomegalovirus, influenza, encephalitis and polio. An injury to the pancreas caused by toxins, distress or trauma or its removal can also result to Type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is also called adult-onset diabetes. It is non-insulin dependent. The person with Type 2 diabetes cannot produce enough insulin to burn the sugars thus failing to achieve a normal or regular level of sugar in the body.

The most common symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes include frequent urination, extreme thirst, drowsiness or tiredness, increased appetite, weight loss for no reason, sudden vision changes, sugar in urine, heavy or labored breathing, and even changes in behavior. In some cases, the person may experience convulsions or may go into a coma.

Diabetes is said to be partly due to genetic or hereditary factors. But even if you may be at high risk of having the disease, there are very practical ways to prevent or manage diabetes. Healthy eating and ample physical exercise may make wonders in winning the fight against diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes can be treated with insulin shots injected into the skin or fat tissue. Since Insulin is a hormone, it cannot be taken orally. The sad fact is even at this time and age, there is still no known cure for Type 1 diabetes.

Adult-onset or Type 2 diabetes can be controlled through a healthy diet and regular exercise. One must not allow the disease to control him. Some have been successful to get rid of it just by religiously paying attention to what he eats and his lifestyle in general. Source: Simplediabetesguide dot com
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Low-carb eating is especially important for any diabetic who has an infection. Despite your best efforts to keep your blood sugars in check, any infection, especially a kidney or bladder infection, can cause these to rise. Fortunately, rising these also serve as an early warning system for impending infections. If you notice that your blood sugars rise 24 hours before the onset of colds or flu, you can take zinc lozenges or Sambucol (an extract of black elderberries) to stop the colds or flu before they start.

Low-carb eating is especially important for diabetics who have gum infections. Frequent dental infections are a sign that blood sugars are poorly controlled, although dental infections also make that hard to control. If you have high blood sugars you cannot explain, and you are sure your medications are not out of date and your insulin (if you take it) is not contaminated, the very first place you should check for infection is your mouth.

First, check your gums to see if there is any swelling or redness. Gently press them to see if there is any tenderness to pressure. Put some ice water in your mouth for 30 seconds. If a tooth hurts, you more than likely have an infection.

See your dentist immediately. Your dentist can X-ray the parts of your mouth where teeth are sensitive and make sure you do not have a deep infection. Infected root canals are very common in diabetics and make blood sugar regulation very difficult until they are treated.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The latest outbreak of H1N1 viral influenza commonly referred to as swine flu or Mexican flu hit the world in the early part of 2009. Although the current outbreak was termed Novel Influenza A' in the US, previous smaller outbreaks have occurred in Europe and elsewhere. Because of the frequently recurring avian flu outbreaks over the past few years, both the WHO and most countries were better prepared to control the swine flu outbreak. Unlike the avian flu virus, there has been no record of transmission of this flu virus from animals / birds to humans and it is safe to eat cooked pork products. So far the infection has spread only between humans, but there is always the risk that the virus will mutate and eventually transmit between different species.

Most people who have been infected by the flu have shown only mild symptoms and the normal precautions taken for those afflicted with seasonal flu should suffice. These include vaccination (when made available in the market), washing hands, sufficient rest and sleep, exercise, balanced diet with emphasis on fruit and vegetables and avoiding crowds. Covering the face while sneezing or coughing and staying at home during the period of illness (with some level of isolation) also helps in preventing the spread from an infected person; there is some doubt as to how effective face masks are, in this regard. The most common symptoms are body ache, fever, coughing (dry), sneezing, headaches and in some instances - diarrhoea and vomiting. Stricter control and more care is needed for the high risk group comprising people likely to be more severely affected by the virus and these include children below 5 years of age, the elderly (above 65), pregnant women, people with asthma, diabetes, obesity, heart disease and people having muscular and nervous system concerns; hospitalisation may be the best option in extreme cases.

Vaccines used for treating the common influenza have not worked in controlling swine flu and more specific vaccines have been tested. Just a single dose of these is expected to be reasonably effective in preventing an attack on most individuals, but younger children less than 10 years of age are advised 2 injections at an interval of 21 days. More efficient vaccines are also being tested and should be made available shortly. A number of countries are gearing up for mass vaccinations in late 2009 to try and control the spread of the virus among their citizens - something similar to what was undertaken during the polio eradication campaign.

There are a number of options available to control the flu and its symptoms without a swine flu vaccine. Ideally a homeopathic specialist should be consulted to decide on which formulation to take and the dosage required. There are some companies who continuously modify their formulations to create natural flu remedies that take care of differences in the type of flu that is going around as to what works well for the current influenza that may be effective for swine flu.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
What Is the Flu?

Each winter, millions of people suffer from the flu, which is a highly contagious infection. It spreads easily from person to person, mainly when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs cause the flu, which is the short name for influenza. The illness is usually a mild disease in healthy children, young adults, and middle-aged people. However, it can be life threatening in older adults and in people of any age who have chronic illnesses such as diabetes or heart, lung, or kidney diseases.
The flu is a respiratory infection caused by a variety of flu viruses. It differs in several ways from the common cold, which is a respiratory infection that is also caused by viruses. For example, people with colds rarely get fevers, headaches, or suffer from the extreme exhaustion that the flu viruses can cause.

What types of Flu are there?

The first flu virus was identified in the 1930s. Since then, scientists have classified three types of flu viruses based upon their protein composition. The types of flu virus include types A, B, and C. Type A viruses are found in many kinds of animals, including:


Type B virus widely circulates in humans. Type C has been found in humans, pigs, and dogs. Type C causes mild respiratory infections, but does not spark epidemics.
Type A influenza is the most frightening of the three flu types. It is believed to be responsible for the global outbreaks of 1918, 1957, and 1968.

What are the first signs of the Flu

Common flu symptoms start quickly and can include:

Dry cough
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Muscle aches
Extreme fatigue.

Typically, the fever will begin to decline on the second or third day of the illness.

Is the Flu contagious?

Outbreaks usually begin suddenly and occur mainly in the late fall and winter. The flu spreads through communities, creating an epidemic. During the epidemic, the number of cases peaks in about 3 weeks and subsides after another 3 or 4 weeks. Half of the population of a community may be affected. Schools are an excellent place for flu viruses to attack and spread. Therefore, families with school-age children have more infections than other families, with an average of one-third of the family members becoming infected each year.

When is the Flu season?

Approximately 10 percent to 20 percent of Americans come down with the Flu between November and March (the season for this illness).


Besides the rapid start of the outbreaks and the large numbers of people affected, the flu is an important disease because it can cause serious complications. Most people who get it will get better within a week, although they may have a lingering cough and tire easily for a while longer. However, for elderly people, newborn babies, and people with certain chronic illnesses, the flu and its complications can be dangerous.

How does the Flu spread?

You can get the flu if someone around you who has it coughs or sneezes. Or, you can get it simply by touching a surface, like a telephone or doorknob, that has been contaminated by someone who has the flu. The viruses can pass through the air and enter your body through your nose or mouth, or if you've touched a contaminated surface, they can pass from your hand to your nose or mouth. You are at greatest risk of getting infected in highly populated areas, such as in crowded living conditions and in schools.

Why do I get the Flu?

It is estimated that 10 percent to 20 percent of Americans come down with the flu during each flu season, which typically lasts from November to March. Children are 2 to 3 times more likely than adults to get sick with the flu, and children frequently spread the virus to others. Although most people recover from the illness, it is estimated that in the United States more than 100,000 people are hospitalized and about 36,000 people die from this illness and its complications every year.

Medication for the Flu

Although the flu vaccine is the best flu prevention method, antiviral flu medicine is also available by prescription. Flu medicines include:

Tamiflu® (oseltamivir)
Flumadine® (rimantadine)
Symmetrel® (amantadine)
Relenza® (zanamivir).

Tamiflu, Flumadine and Symmetrel may be used by adults and children who are 1 year of age and older. The drugs can be used for both prevention and to reduce the duration of fever and other flu symptoms.

Tips on how to prevent the Flu

A flu shot can greatly lower your chances of getting the flu. In fact, most illnesses and deaths that are caused by the flu could be prevented by a yearly flu shot. Medicare covers the cost, and many private health insurance plans also pay for the flu shot. You can get a flu shot at:

Your doctor's office
Your local health department
Other healthcare providers.

It is important to note that there are no vaccines that will give you complete protection, and the flu shot is no exception. In older people and those with certain chronic illnesses, the flu shot is often less effective in preventing the flu. However, the flu shot will help to reduce associated symptoms and the risk of serious illness and death.


Key information about the flu includes:
The flu can be quite dangerous for people who are 65 years of age and older
It can be prevented
Each fall, a flu shot is necessary for people in high-risk groups
The shot is covered by Medicare
The shot is safe and it cannot cause the flu
The flu shot and the pneumococcal vaccine can be given at the same time.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


It seems that the number of people getting inflicted with diabetes increases year by year. This is indeed an alarming phenomenon and if no one heeds the call to regulate and control diabetes, many people will be in a precariously unhealthy situation.

Diabetes knows no barrier and it can attack anyone irrespective of color, gender or age. Despite campaigns worldwide on the dangers of diabetes and the insistence of controlled sugar consumption, the occurrence of diabetes goes unabated.

There are many natural remedies to combat and eliminate diabetes but doctors sadly still go for the prescription pad to combat the disease. Imagine the effect of treating diabetes using, say, an anti diabetic drug that has an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality as one of its side effects? How ironic.

Simply, it is what you consume that can cause diabetes. So we must be very selective in the type of foods that we take everyday. You have to practise wise eating. Only then will you be able to keep diabetes at bay. The range of food that you can eat without is enormous. You can consume, without restriction, any amount of fish, fowl, vegetables, and meat (with restraint). These foods can be prepared for feast fit for a king.

Enjoy your meals if you must but if you sort of having the symptoms below, then it is better that you go for a health screening to eliminate diabetes:

1 You have the tendency to urinate very frequently and you always feel hungry and thirsty.

2. You tend to lose weight very easily without any effort. Again you would feel lethargic and tires easily.

3. You will experience blurred vision

4. There is numbness and tingling sensation in your limbs

5. Your skin tends to be very dry and there is itchiness.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
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