
For so many with Type 2 Diabetes, the thought of ending up in a diabetic coma is a worst case scenario. There is no question. Such a coma is a very serious situation. This often occurs as a result of one of three different causes: severe diabetic hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis in combination with other symptoms or hyperosmolar nonketonic coma. Each one involves different causes. The medical term diabetic coma is a general term used when someone comes up unconscious with diabetes. Modern medical staff knows what to look for to figure out what is causing the problem. It is critical for you to recognize early medical symptoms in yourself to avoid losing consciousness. Let's look at each type and then what may happen with each.

The first one is severe diabetic hypoglycemia. That long medical term means that your glucose levels have plummeted too low. It often occurs if a patient takes too much insulin or something else causes the blood glucose to drop unexpectedly. People with Type Diabetes 2 will likely deal with some periods of hypoglycemia off and on. It is actually very uncommon for levels to fall so low as to induce a coma. If coma happens, the paramedics or hospital will give the patient intravenous glucose or glucagon to stimulate glucose release. This will elevate glucose levels in the blood stream.

The next type to consider is a coma caused by diabetic ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis begins when the body runs out of insulin. To get the much needed energy energy, the human body starts converting fat deposits of the person's body into energy. This action causes the build-up of ketones in the blood stream. The ketone buildup may result in many severe medical and health symptoms besides loss of consciousness. Vomiting, dehydration, confusion, and shallow irregular breathing are common. People with type 2 diabetes get this form of diabetic coma less often than the first one. Treatment involves rehydration and giving insulin to stop the generation of more ketones.

The last type of diabetic coma is one referred to as hyperosmolar nonketonic coma. This type of coma develops as a combination of severe hyperglycemia and dehydration. Hyperglycemia is the term for elevated levels of circulating glucose in the blood stream. When high levels of sugar combine with severe loss of fluids, the patient may then fall into a coma very rapidly. This form of coma is the most deadly in the type 2 diabetes community. It only begins to be seen as lethargy. Without overt symptoms, so many people fall into a coma without any warning. Treatment includes gradual rehydration and insulin introduction.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM 2 comments READ FULL POST
Chronic hyperglycemia is the main characteristic of type 2 diabetes. This means that there is a high level of glucose (sugar) in the person's blood. Type 2 diabetes generally occurs in adults as they grow older. Obese or overweight people are at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 is a result of insulin resistance. In this type of diabetes, a person's body cells are unable to use and manage insulin effectively. Insulin facilitates the entry of sugar into body cells so that it can be used as a fuel. This is more pronounced in the muscles and liver. In a person diagnosed with type two diabetes, the body is unable to regulate blood sugar. As a result, the blood sugar levels rise. When this happens the condition is called hyperglycemia. Person's with type 2 diabetes must reduce their blood glucose levels with treatment. If the blood glucose levels remain untreated or not lowered, it can lead to serious health problems, especially cardiovascular problems.

This is a chronic disease and needs a personalized treatment plan with close monitoring by the individual together with the physician. A healthy lifestyle and diet changes are the main foundations of a diabetes treatment plan. Medications may also be prescribed if the blood glucose levels stay dangerously high.

There are basically 2 major forms of diabetes, type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Both these diabetes types are characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. Type 1 diabetes occurs in younger people and often appears in childhood. It is caused by an autoimmune destruction of the pancreas when it no longer produces insulin. The cause is unknown and there is no possible prevention now.

As for type ii diabetes, which accounts for 90% of cases of diabetes, it occurs later in life. It is mainly due to a state of insulin resistance and is associated with being overweight. The number of people with this kind of diabetes is constantly increasing and this trend is attributed to unregulated and unhealthy lifestyle patterns. Physical inactivity, obesity and aging are the main causes of type two diabetes. Globally, the International Diabetes Federation predicts that the number of diabetics could grow from 285 million in 2010 to 438 million. In addition, many cases of diabetes are unknown because they are not detected. So, the actual numbers could be even higher than estimated. Type ii diabetes usually occurs in people over 40, but it is now affecting an increasing number of children and adolescents.

Diabetes can be managed and controlled effectively with a healthy lifestyle and diet changes. Sticking to a regular exercise regimen can help immensely. Most importantly it is vital to understand and diagnose diabetes at its earliest stage, which is called prediabetes. If you experience any prediabetes symptoms, you must get yourself diagnosed at the earliest.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Signs of Diabetes in Men

Signs of diabetes in men, you might think would be an easy subject. But from a man who has been diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes, it is clear that it is not that simple.

It could be said that my own case study is a typical example of a man being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My visit to the doctor was due to tiredness and chest discomfort, it was only after I was diagnosed that someone said that my breath had been smelling a bit sweet for a while so you might say that the latter could be listed as one of the signs of diabetes in men but this would also apply to the female sex.

It would appear that there are no typical signs of diabetes in men that can be picked up on; diabetes is more often diagnosed as a result of blood being tested for some other condition and the results showing an above normal blood glucose level. In other words there is sugar in the blood that the body is failing to absorb and use.

As already mentioned, my general practitioner sent a sample of my blood for analysis and if there was to be a problem it was expected to be cholesterol. However I was quickly asked to go for a repeat test and then for a glucose intolerance test where I firstly had a fasting blood test and then had to drink a measured amount of a sugary drink to be tested later to see if my body could cope with the intake of glucose. No it could not and I have to live with type 2 diabetes for the rest of my life.

I have read that one of the signs of diabetes in men is being overweight or even obese. This is not one of the signs of diabetes in men but a probable cause. Another possible reason for developing type 2 diabetes is that it is in your genes, which is the case with me. I am not overweight and never have been and yet now have this chronic condition. But both my mother's sisters were type 2 diabetics so the likelihood is that no matter how good a lifestyle I would eventually suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest growing health problems in the world today with thousands walking around undiagnosed. Yet it is takes a simple test and so little time to discover whether or not you are one of the unlucky ones to be diabetic. The bad news may be that it cannot be cured but the good news is that it can be controlled with a sensible diet, drugs and exercise.

So, although there is no definitive list of signs of diabetes in men, do not be one of those men who ignore the possibility or probability. Catch the condition early and be put on a control programme. The alternative is that if you do ignore it you may develop problems with your eyes, kidneys and feet that may still be controlled but irreversible damage has also been done.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you have diabetes and acid reflux, also called GERD, and you take medication to reduce acid there are some things you should know.

A. There are health risks to taking GERD medications long term

B. There is a good possibility you could control GERD with the right food and nutrition changes

Did you know acid reflux medications could cause the following problems?

1. Magnesium Deficiency

There is also a strong association between low magnesium and insulin resistance, the main problem of type 2 diabetes. The FDA earlier this year released information about how taking these medications for longer than a year can cause low magnesium, which can lead to leg spasms, heart arrhythmias and seizures.

2. Pneumonia

If you have diabetes and get pneumonia it may be more severe with greater risk of complications, and your body may take longer to heal.

3. C-diff

Short for Clostridium Difficile, this is bacteria that cause severe diarrhea and inflammation in the colon. Dehydration is the biggest risk with diarrhea and diabetes, and if you have high blood sugars you can become dehydrated much quicker.

4. Osteoporosis or Bone Fractures

People with diabetes are may also have low vitamin D levels or be taking Actos, both of which may increase the risk of bone fractures.

5. Vitamin Deficiencies such as B12

People with diabetes who take metformin are also at risk for low B12 levels.

6. Bacterial Imbalance leading to Digestive Problems

People who have had diabetes for many years can have slow digestion due to nerve damage. Keeping a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria is important for immune system, absorbing nutrients and avoiding diarrhea and constipation.

What you can do if you have to take medication for acid reflux.

Eat healthy foods and whole foods for immune strength. Nuts are the best food source for magnesium.

Eat yogurt daily to replenish good bacteria or take a probiotic supplement.

Ask your doctor if B12 and D levels have been checked.

Ask your doctor about trying to get off the acid reflux medications. These medications are really only meant to be taken for a short time of a few weeks but most people just stay on them. I would NOT recommend going off the medication until you have made nutrition changes and are discussing changes with your doctor.

GERD may be unrelated to acid in stomach. Some evidence suggests that the heartburn symptoms of reflux are not caused by acid in stomach burning the esophagus, but rather by an immune response.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is deadly disease, it has now become very common disease and teenagers are too victims of it. Diabetes is a condition when there are high blood sugar levels in the blood, this due to stop in insulin production by the beta cells of pancreas or the cells not reacting with insulin produced.

The former condition is known as type 1 diabetes and later condition is commonly known as type 2 diabetes. In type 1 beta cells are destroyed by autoimmune system of the body. Using genetic therapy we can stop autoimmune system of the body destroying beta cells of pancreas. It is now common among young adults and teenagers. It is also known as juvenile diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is common among people who above 40 years of age. It is also known as adult onset diabetes.

Another important type of diabetes is gestational diabetes. It is to women, it occurs generally in second phase of pregnancy. It may till the delivery, if proper care is taken by the mother during pregnancy by following necessary medications. On the other hand if ignored it leads to type 2 diabetes. Women with gestational diabetes are at risk of having large babies.

Diabetes is generally diagnosed by Urine and Blood tests. Urine test shows glucose in urine and blood test is of three types in all the three types the blood glucose level is above the normal level.

The most common signs and symptoms of diabetes are increased thirst, frequent urination, numbness in feet, blurry vision. Diabetes also leads to other severe complications if it is left untreated. It leads to strokes and heart attacks.

A diabetic person needs to take diet which is rich in fiber content and healthy food. Eating vegetables raw is a good option. Examples of vegetables rich in fiber are Bitter gourd, onion, barley, amla, cinnamon, sweet potato.

Things that a diabetic person should avoid includes junk food which includes fast food items, cut down intake of simple carbohydrates, food containing sugar content or artificial sweets. This all make diabetes more worse.

Type 1 diabetic persons need to take insulin doses or injections to maintain their blood sugar levels to normal. Type 2 diabetic people can control and avoid diabetes by taking proper diet and involving themselves in physical routines. Physical activities include running, jogging, skipping and swimming. These all makes a person fit and keep him/her from diseases and look better.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


A few years ago, my sister was also diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. By that time, she had gone through years of steadily declining health -- nothing firm that you could have pointed to, but a continual feeling of being tired and run down. We thought it was because she was a mother of two young children. Eventually she decided to ask her doctor about it anyways, just in case is was something else. They ordered some blood tests and found out she was diabetic. She was only 35 when she was diagnosed.

Her doctor explained that Type 2 diabetes was also called 'adult-onset' diabetes since it was mostly adults that developed the disease (we have since learned that it's increasingly found in children too). It's mostly a lifestyle disease. A family history puts you at higher risk, but the way you live makes a big difference in the likelihood you develop the disease.

We had always known, in a vague way, that being overweight wasn't healthy. My sister has been moderately overweight since she was a teenager. Her doctor had told her repeatedly that it would be best if she lost weight, but he never mentioned the possibility of diabetes and it just didn't occur to us. We had thought that diabetes was something that adults over 50 developed, not younger adults like us.

My sister tried a few diets and lost a few pounds here and there but always regained them, along with a few more pounds on top of that. After her diabetes diagnosis, she was told that being overweight significantly increases the risk of getting the disease because your body becomes more resistant to the effects of insulin. Insulin lowers the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood, and if there's too much then all sorts of symptoms start to appear. You find yourself thirsty all the time, having to go to the bathroom a lot, and you feel hungry, tired, and itchy, among other signs. Worse, untreated diabetes can lead to much more serious complications like heart and kidney problems.

Diabetes changes your life in very big ways. My sister now cooks and eats a healthy diet but even after all these years, it's hard for her because her husband and children can enjoy treats and convenience foods that she cannot. She has struggled -- and succeeded -- in losing weight and keeping it off. Her biggest struggle is to maintain an exercise routine. Due to the diabetes, she has poor circulation and problems with her feet, which makes it even harder for her to exercise. But she has to do it: exercise is one of those things that helps to keep her blood sugar under control. She has to monitor her blood sugar every day. The good news is that she used to take insulin but has gotten the disease under control well enough that she is no longer on medication. She manages her diabetes with a strict diet and exercise plan.

The big risk factors for Type 2 diabetes are: family history, being overweight, leading a sedentary lifestyle, and eating a poor diet that's high in refined or processed foods and sugar.

If you have these risk factors you should talk to your doctor and come up with a plan to lower your risk. We've noticed that a healthy diet for diabetics is basically the same as a healthy diet for everyone, with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy. Exercise is really important too. Even a 1/2 hour walk every day helps. Eating well and exercise also helps in weight loss too.

Even if you don't show any symptoms of diabetes right now, you can still be at risk. Type 2 diabetes develops slowly and many people show normal blood sugar levels for years before being diagnosed. It's so much easier to do things now to lower your risk, then to have to try to control the disease after you get it.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Type 1 diabetes is also known as Diabetes Mellitus and Juvenile Onset Diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is when the body has attacked the pancreas, which contains the cells that produce the hormone called insulin. When the body does this, its natural ability to produce its own insulin is taken away; therefore, requiring the use of insulin injections usually for the remainder of their life.

Insulin injections will be required at each meal time and at bed time. Most Type 1 diabetics take approximately 3-4 insulin injections per day. Diabetes Mellitus is a very serious condition and you will want to receive treatment as soon as you possibly can if you feel as if though you may be a diabetic.

Symptoms- Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms include:

1. Excessive thirst
2. Excessive urination. Really pay attention to see whether you are waking up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. This can definitely be a tell-tell sign of diabetes.
3. Abdominal pain
4. Fatigue
5. Weight loss. Because the body is unable to use the energy that is being consumed and the sugar is staying in the blood stream, your body will begin to burn energy that it has stored in the form of fat. This is why you will experience weight loss even though you may still have a normal appetite or have not changed your diet.
6. Absence of menstruation
7. Nausea
8. Vomiting

Diabetes affects each patient in different ways. If you look in the various publications that are available about diabetes there are actually many different symptoms. Just because one patient may experience one symptom does not mean that the same symptom will be prevalent in another patient.

The above 8 symptoms are just the common symptoms that are experienced by Type 1 diabetic patients. These are the symptoms that are usually seen and can be associated with Type 1 diabetes more so than any other symptom.

Keep in mind that you could experience more than one of these symptoms and the symptoms could take a period of time to develop. In other words, you could experience the increased thirst symptom and then a month later start experiencing the excessive urination.

This means that you have basically been diabetic for a month without receiving medical treatment and this can lead to a dangerous situation. So, to be safe, when you start experiencing the first symptom of Type 1 diabetes you need to inform your physician as soon as possible so that they can schedule a glucose tolerance test to accurately determine whether you are a diabetic or not.

Do not automatically assume that one of these symptoms is related to something else. The truth is you may never know. You must inform your physician as soon as possible because if left untreated, blood glucose levels will continue to rise which can result in a diabetic coma, ketoacidosis and possibly even death. Diabetes is a serious condition and should be taken seriously and treated as soon as possible.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
The type 2 diabetes is the most universal type of diabetes in the United States and it affects between 15-20 million folks. The type 2 diabetes is usually referred to as "non-insulin dependant diabetes" or "adult onset diabetes" because it comes on later in life due to dietary choices and way of life rather than genetic conditions. Insulin is in charge for regulating blood sugar and energy levels, but when someone ingests a diet high in sugar then their body can become insulin resistant, which is how this condition develops.Once your body becomes insulin resistant, then the levels of blood-sugar or glucose will rise and the body cannot process them as normal, which can in the long run cause rigorous health problems.

The type 2 diabetes is avoidable, but the issue is that many people wait until it is too late to take the bull by the horns.Let me tell you that the best prevention for diabetes 2 is a hale and hearty diet and steady work out. Reducing the amount of sugar consumed, at the same time increasing fruits, vegetables, and fibrous foods will have the utmost effect. Exercising several times per week will as well help the body metabolize blood sugar and normalize the energy levels effectively.

The moment a person has been diagnosed with diabetes, then they are compelled to deal with the condition.On the other hand, some of the symptoms and complications related to diabetes type 2 can be lessened or removed entirely. The same rules that apply for prevention also apply for treating it. Eating a hale and hearty diet and getting an adequate amount of exercise are the two most vital things that you can carry out to trim down your diabetes symptoms. Also for many people, this will be the only treatment needed, while for some people more well-organized treatments might be in order.

Part of the requirements for managing blood sugar is by getting steady blood sugar readings via a portable device.It simply means regular finger pricks to ensure that blood glucose levels are not too high.For that reason, managing blood sugar levels becomes a daily chore. Apart from exercise and diet, there are other natures of insulin therapy that utilize medications, either administered orally or via injection. There are various forms of prescription medications used as cures for type 2 diabetes. Some reduce blood glucose by limiting the amount produced by the liver, some increase the amount of insulin produced, while others work to make your body more sensitive to insulin in the hope that it will return to a usual sensitivity level.

The problem with oral medications is that the enzymes in the stomach break down some of the drugs. In these cases, type 2 diabetes victims might be compelled to get steady insulin injections, which you know is not fun at all, but can help ease the symptoms. Someone might even be forced to carry around an insulin machine that disperses insulin without human intervention based on a doctor's recommendation. Though none of these medications are complete cures for diabetes type 2 but they can help the body go back to more normal levels. Sooner or later, the body might become less resistant to insulin, which means that you are likely to reduce the medications or injections.

The major thing to do if you are to manage your diabetes is to keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels so that you can identify which foods and medicines cause a spike. The moment you identified these items, you can do away with them from your diet and find other medicines that won't interfere with your diabetes injections and medications. Also enough exercise is needed and eat a healthy diet and you will be well on your way to managing your diabetes. The goal is to prevent the need for injections for the duration of your life and ensure that your body sees as little effects from diabetes as possible.

I will end this piece of writing by saying that natural diabetes cure has been the only way to reverse diabetes and the good thing about it is that it has no side effect unlike medication. So, you should think about curing diabetes naturally.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


It is extremely important to be able to recognize the symptoms of adult diabetes. Recognizing the symptoms is important because diabetes can be a life-threatening disease if not properly treated. Approximately 17 million people in the United States suffer from adult diabetes.

Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas, and it's function is to regulate blood sugar levels. When high levels of sugar in the blood exist, it can cause the first symptoms of diabetes. Diabetes can be caused by not having enough insulin in the body, or by the body not being able to use insulin, or both.

There are three primary types of diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes is most often diagnosed during childhood. The body will produce only small amounts of insulin or no insulin at all, causing daily insulin injections to be needed.

Type 2 Diabetes makes up approximately 9 out of 10 cases of diabetes, most often occurring in adults. The pancreas does not produce enough insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels, usually because the body does not properly utilize the insulin produced naturally. Type 2 Diabetes is becoming more common in today's world with the increasing obesity rates, lack of exercise, and other bad habits practiced by many people.

Gestational Diabetes is when a woman who does not have diabetes develops high blood sugar levels during pregnancy.

The most common symptoms of adult Type 2 diabetes are blurred vision, fatigue, increased thirst and appetite, male impotence, slow healing wounds, and urinating more frequently.

If you have any of these symptoms and are not sure if you have diabetes or not, the best way to find out is to do what's known as a "fasting blood sugar test" and if it shows your blood sugar (glucose) level to be higher than 126 mg/dL on two separate tests, then you most likely have diabetes. If the blood sugar levels are between 100 and 126 mg/dL on two separate tests, then the condition is often called pre-diabetes and should be considered a high risk for developing Type 2 diabetes.

So what should a person do to stabilize blood sugar levels and keep diabetes under control? Well, there is no cure for diabetes, so the primary goal is to control your blood glucose levels and watch for symptoms so you can eliminate them by taking the proper steps. The main objective is to get rid of the symptoms, give you a longer life and prevent long-term health risks that come from diabetes such as kidney failure and heart disease.

A person suffering with adult diabetes or the symptoms of diabetes should discuss the condition with their doctor and maintain close contact with the doctor for help in keeping blood glucose levels within a safe range. The more you know about how to recognize symptoms of adult diabetes and the trouble they can cause, as well as how to treat the symptoms, then you can take control and make adjustments to your lifestyle that will improve your health and longevity. Some diabetes sufferers have even been able to control their condition simply with exercise, improved diet and weight management instead of having to take medication.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Many Type 2 diabetics have sworn off Western medicine in favor of natural diabetes treatments that work better than most traditional prescription drugs. While this may be a bit extreme, it does speak to the fact that many Type 2 diabetics are largely frustrated with the "care" they receive from doctors. For the most part, diabetics just want to be healthy like everyone else. Unfortunately, most doctors aren't delivering their promise to provide the best care possible.

A new report out of Canada confirms that doctor's "best practice" is often what they feel like doing. In this report, new guidelines were given to Canadian doctors to explicitly tell them to look at abdominal fat and physical activity when treating their diabetic patients. These guidelines published in the April 2011 Canadian Journal of Cardiology, doesn't contain anything groundbreaking... which is why it should be alarming to all Type 2 diabetics.

Abdominal fat and exercise are two factors intimately linked with blood sugar level control. Yet researchers felt compelled to publish research that literally told doctors to rethink what they were doing. In fact, the study author, University of Toronto Physician Laurence Leiter, reports that these two simple things are more important than what most doctors pay attention to.

Is this reason to completely abandon your doctor's advice and set out alone? Of course not. Anti-glycemic medications and injectable insulin are important stepping stones to help diabetics get naturally healthy again. The problem with these approaches is that they create a culture of reliance where lifestyle is completely taken out of the picture. It takes a massive wake up call from reports like this to get doctors to understand that there's more to diabetes management than prescribing a pill.

Here's how you can become a more proactive patient and get better care at the doctor's office:

Speak Up: Many diabetics sheepishly accept everything their doctor tells them. Don't be afraid to ask your doctor to explain, or to politely turn their advice down.

Bring In Questions: Remember, you paid for your doctor's visit (and it probably wasn't cheap!). If you're wondering what that new study about the diabetes medication means to you, bring in the article to your doctor to get his or her feedback.

Get Complemented: Western and alternative medicine don't have to be mutually exclusive. You can still follow doctor's orders and try natural diabetes treatments, such as herbs, vitamins, acupuncture and several other forms of complementary medicine. There is no doubt that some of them may be able to lower your blood sugar levels.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
The early symptoms of diabetes can easily be confused with symptoms other chronic diseases. Type 2 Diabetes usually presents itself after the age of 40, but more and more children are being diagnosed daily due to obesity and not enough physical activity.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and is the most commonly diagnosed, and is non insulin dependent (NIDDM). It is best controlled by diet and increased exercise. If not properly managed, complications such as renal and cardiovascular disease can result.

With Type 2 diabetes symptoms can be mild and go noticed for years causing a delay in treatment. It is characterized by a resistance to the insulin that is being produced by the islet cells located in the pancreas.

In An Emergency:

Persons who don't know they are diabetic are at high risk for an emergency event when their symptoms become overwhelming. There is an additional problem of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), the complete opposite of what diabetes mellitus is.

There are two types of a diabetic emergency:

Hyperglycemia occurs with not enough insulin and too much glucose in the blood. This is caused by eating more than you should, no physical activity, and you didn't take the proper amount of insulin. This can lead to a diabetic coma. This person is in need of insulin

Hypoglycemia exhibits it self when there is too much insulin and not enough glucose, which can lead to insulin shock. This condition is directly related to too much exercise, not eating enough, and injecting too much insulin. This person is in need of sugar.

The emergency measures are the same for both conditions. If the person is conscious, getting them something to eat or drink, such as orange juice, milk, or a candy bar will help reduce symptoms. Then get medical help as quickly as possible.

What are the early signs:

Elevated urinary output: Occurs due to elevated glucose levels and the body's attempt to get rid of it.
Excessive thirst: Is due to the frequent urination, causing dehydration
Impaired vision: Vision may be blurred due damage to the ocular vascular system
Feelings of hunger: Caused by excessive insulin that is not being used properly
Lethargy: Is related to the elevated glucose levels
Erectile dysfunction:
Frequent bacterial and fungal infections
Slow healing wounds:

When showing these signs and symptoms, getting tested is the next step to determine the cause. Testing procedures include:

Blood glucose test: Normal values for glucose is around 110 mg/dl. A reading of 126 mg/dl or more is indicative of diabetes. If your blood sugars are high on two occasions of testing, the diagnosis is most likely diabetes.

Other testing includes:

A Fasting Plasma Glucose
An Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
A Random Plasma Glucose Test - No fasting is involved.

Most tests involve fasting for 8 hours as eating a meal increases glucose levels, Therefore to get a true reading, the patient can't eat for 8 hours before the test.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of diabetes, as well as one's risks for developing the disease, will help in getting early treatment and prevention of complications.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you are like many people, you are looking to natural ways to treat any ailment; this includes searching for a diabetes type 2 natural treatment. In today's world, people are shying away from conventional medicines and searching for natural cures and treatments. One of the best ways to keep your type 2 diabetes in check is with natural means.

Getting The Facts

Did you know that in the United States alone, there are more than 20 million people have diabetes. Of those 20 million people, about 95% of them have type 2. Type two is typically developed as an adult and is typically caused by the lack of insulin in the body, which leads to higher levels of sugar within the blood. If left untreated, type 2 diabetes can result in damage to your nerves, kidneys, heart, and eyes.

Diet and Exercise

Whether you believe it or not one of the most recommended Diabetes 2 natural treatment is through diet and exercise. Watching what you eat and implementing a healthy diet into your lifestyle can make dramatic changes to not only your body, but your body's way of dealing with diabetes. Many people suffering from diabetes have turned to the Mediterranean diet to effectively treat their condition.

The Mediterranean diet is deemed an effective diabetes 2 natural treatment because it implements unprocessed foods into the diet and makes certain that you are eating whole grains, fresh vegetables, and fresh fruits. This is great because it means that whatever carbohydrates that are included in the diet are not likely to raise the levels of sugar in your blood, which is unlike those processed foods that you are so used to eating.

You have heard it said that obesity is the number one cause of diabetes. With that being said, treating Type 2 diabetes means living a healthier, leaner, and thinner lifestyle, while treating your diabetes at the same time. Many people have been able to implement natural treatments for type 2 diabetes and never have to use prescription medication.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Type diabetes and type 2 diabetes share many signs and symptoms. The right knowledge about earliest signs of diabetes is critical as it provides a person an extra edge in the treatment as well as control of his diabetic medical condition.

Excessive Urination: It is the most common and alarming diabetic symptom. Unfortunately the kidneys, which are the major organ of our body, become loaded with plenty of glucose. This loading of surplus glucose takes place as the malfunctioning cells are unable to utilize the provided glucose properly. The excessive glucose is then flushed out of the diabetic body by extracting excessive fluids from the body. This extraction of excessive fluids leads to another warning sign of diabetes.

Greedy Thirst: The kidneys of diabetic body have to work hard for flushing glucose out of the body; as a result the diabetic person feels that he is always thirsty. If any one has a greedy thirst despite drinking jugs of water then it is better that he should go for a diabetes screening test.

Unexplained Weight Loss: Diabetes and obesity are closely linked with each other. Unexplained weight loss as a symptom of diabetes looks counterintuitive. Unexplained and sudden weight loss is a typical diabetic symptom of type 1 diabetes. In this type of diabetes the pancreas of the body stops insulin production. This occurs because of a viral attack on pancreas. The cells of the body then start to starve of energy. These starving cells then have to use muscle as well as fat mass for energy production. This results in an unexplained as well as sudden loss in weight.

Fatigue And Tiredness: Glucose is the major culprit here. The diabetic cells are unable to extract surplus glucose from the stream of blood for energy production. This inability of cells gives the feeling of complete exhaustion.

Tingling And Numbness In Extremities: This sign of diabetes onset over a period of time. The elevated level of blood glucose causes damage to the nerves. Though it is a slow process but in most cases the damage starts to occur even before the diagnosis of diabetes.

Slow Healing Cuts And Bruises: Damage to the nerves and poor blood circulation result in slower healing of wounds particularly at extremities. At times the diabetic person is unable to feel the sore because of numbness. The underlying cause of the sore and infections is also poor circulation of blood. Decreased blood flow does not permit oxygen to reach the wound. The white cells remain unable to destruct the harmful bacteria and the wound gets even worse.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
The symptoms of diabetes most of the time begin gradually, and can be difficult to identify initially. They may include fatigue, sudden weight loss, blurred vision, slow healing of wounds, frequent urination - especially at night, and excessive thirst. When there is extra glucose in the blood, the body gets rid of it through frequent urination. The loss of fluids induces extreme thirst, leading to more frequent urination.

A doctor may also suspect a patient to have diabetes if he has health problems related to diabetes, such as heart disease, changes in vision, numbness in the feet and legs or sores that are slow to heal. These symptoms do not mean that the person has diabetes, but anyone with these problems should definitely see a doctor.

A person with diabetes may actually show no symptoms. Type 2 diabetes, in particular, develops slowly, even for years before it is diagnosed. When symptoms develop, they vary from person to person. The two symptoms that occur in most people with the disease are increased thirst and frequent urination.

The way these symptoms develop differs for Type I and Type II diabetes. In Type I diabetes, they usually show up slowly in children or adolescents over a period of a few days or weeks. In Type II diabetes, symptoms develop even more slowly, over a period of years - in adults over the age of forty. Adults often do not realize they have diabetes mellitus. The condition may only be discovered maybe during a routine physical examination for some other ailment.

Recent studies indicate that the early detection of diabetes symptoms and treatment can decrease the chance of developing the complications of diabetes.

Type - 1 diabetes symptoms:
Symptoms of Type - I diabetes often come suddenly and very severely. They include:
- exceptional thirst (polydipsia)

- dry mouth

- frequent urination (polyuria)

- weight loss

- feeling weak and tired

- blurred vision

Type - 2 diabetes symptoms:
Mostly, people with Type 2 diabetes don't notice any symptoms, or the symptoms are experienced gradually. They include:
- blurred vision

- cuts or wounds that heal slowly

- itchy skin

- increased thirst

- dry mouth

- frequent urination

- leg pain

Gestational diabetes symptoms:

- increased thirst

- increased urination

- weight loss in spite of good appetite

- fatigue and weakness

- nausea and vomiting

- frequent infections including those of the bladder, vagina and skin

- blurred vision

- irritability

Other warning symptoms of diabetes mellitus include:
- Flu-like symptoms - like a viral illness, along with fatigue, weakness and loss of appetite.

- Weight gain or loss - as the body is trying to compensate for lost fluids and sugar, one tends to eat more than usual and gain weight. On the other hand, one may also eat more than normal, but still lose weight because the muscle tissues don't get enough glucose to generate growth and energy. In fact, most people with type 1 diabetes are at or below their normal weight.

- Blurred vision - high levels of blood sugar draw out fluid from the tissues in the body including the lenses of the eyes. For most people this causes only mild vision problems. Nevertheless, for others, the effects may be much more serious, even blindness.

- Slow healing sores or frequent infection - bladder and vaginal infections can be a particular problem for women.

- Nerve damage (neuropathy) - excess sugar in blood can lead to loss of sensation in hands and feet. One may also experience burning pain in legs, feet, arms and hands. Many men, above the age of 50 and older with diabetes may experience some degree of sexual dysfunction from damage to the nerves that help produce an erection.

- Swollen and tender gums - Diabetes increases the risk of infection in gums and in the bones that hold teeth in place. One may also develop sores or pockets of pus in gums.

- Frequent yeast infections.

- Velvety dark skin changes of the neck, armpit and groin, called acanthosis nigricans.

- Numbness and tingling of the hands and feet

- Impotency

Diabetes sometimes goes unrecognized early, because people usually think they are urinating more, simply because they are drinking more. It is better to get oneself checked by a doctor before one starts restricting his fluid intake.
If one has any of these symptoms, contact a professional doctor right away to be tested. Even people with pre-diabetes can have an increased risk from heart disease as seen in people with diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If somebody has a doubt that he may have diabetes he must look for the following signs and symptoms of diabetes. One thing that should be made clear in the minds that the signs of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are almost the same.

Causes of Diabetes

The reasons behind these symptoms are the elevated glucose levels in the blood of the diabetic person and the insufficient glucose in the cells of the body where it is required. What causes these high glucose levels in the blood of type 1 diabetics is the lack of a hormone termed "insulin". This insufficiency of insulin comes about when the body has assaulted its own beta cells responsible for producing insulin. The reason of the excessive level of glucose in the type 2 diabetics is the development of insulin resistance. Sometimes pregnant women also develop a temporary phase of diabetes termed "gestational diabetes" because of the pregnancy hormones.

Signs of Diabetes

Frequent Urination

This is the foremost warning sign of diabetes. This frequent urination is caused by the excessive amount of the glucose in the blood which the kidney tries to dilute with water. This keeps the bladder of the diabetic constantly full and he has to make frequent trips to washroom.

Increased Thirst

As mentioned the kidneys are taking water from the blood to dilute glucose, so the diabetic may become dehydrated and he frequently feels the urge to drink water.

Sudden Weight Loss

This sign is more prevalent in type 1 diabetics rather than type 2 diabetics. This comes about when the body immune system has attacked the insulin producing beta cells. Without insulin, cells are unable to transform glucose into energy. The cells have to use the muscles and fat cells for the energy. It happens gradually in type 2 diabetics so it is less noticeable there.

Fatigue and Tiredness

Fatigue and tiredness comes into place again because of the scarcity of available energy. As the glucose is not being properly absorbed in the body, the cells become starved of energy which causes the diabetics to feel tired and shaky.

Blurry vision

The elevated blood glucose levels cause the damage to the nerves of the eyes which cause the vision to be blurred. This is the initial stage and if left untreated may cause blindness.

Numbness in hands and feet

The elevated glucose levels cause the damage to the nervous system. Lack of blood circulation in the nerves of the different parts of the body causes the numbness in hands and feet.

If any reader is suffering from any of the above symptoms it is better to consult the doctor. Timely diagnosis can help to reduce the risk of diabetic complications.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes of different types is known by a number of names. We will look briefly at the symptoms at each one of these type, to begin with they are namely Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational diabetes. These are the three categories that it has been divided into over a period of time.
Type 1 Diabetes was earlier referred to as juvenile - onset diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. In this type of diabetes the pancreas fails to produce insulin to effectively control blood sugar levels. It is developed in childhood or early adulthood and is generally life long. As a matter of fact it can strike at any time. These patients require regular insulin injections for survival. This type of diabetes is associated with autoimmunity, a condition that is not yet fully understood. Type 1 diabetes is caused by environmental factors like diet, viruses or is passed on genetically.
Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes are as follows: fatigue, absence of menstruation abdominal pain, increased thirst, vomiting, nausea, weight loss despite increased appetite and increased urination.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common of them all. In this case the body does not produce the required amount of insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. It is the insulin that converts the glucose to energy for the body to make use of. Build up of glucose in the bloodstream instead of going into the cells causes two problems, right away, your cells are starved for energy and over a period of time the high glucose levels may hurt your kidneys, nerves, eyes or heart. Type2 diabetes also increases the risk of heart disease, kidney damage, blindness and nerve damage. Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are as follows, increased hunger, frequent urination, fatigue, dry mouth, increased thirst, headaches, loss of consciousness ( which is rare), blurred vision, weight loss (even though feeling hungry and eating), recent weight gain, frequent yeast infections and itching skin.
Gestational diabetes is prevalent in women and is usually detected at the time of pregnancy, normally during the fifth or sixth month. It is a condition in which the blood glucose levels are high during pregnancy. There is no particular reason as to why but it is a belief that the hormones produced during the time of pregnancy increase a woman's resistance to insulin thus impairing the glucose tolerance. There is a possibility of the patient developing Type 2 diabetes after the pregnancy. However, the condition is treatable but their offspring are more likely to be obese and at a risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later on in life. Most of patients are advised and treated only with a diet modification plan and moderate exercise, while some take insulin and other anti-diabetic medications. Normally Gestational Diabetes goes away after the infant is born. Symptoms of Gestational diabetes include, excessive hunger or thirst, excessive urination, recurrent vaginal infections, excessive weight gain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, bladder and yeast infection, blurred vision, unusual weight loss and irritability.
The symptoms are very similar in all types of diabetes. Fear sets in once a person is diagnosed with diabetes and that is easily understandable. At the same time let me tell you that it is not the end of the world. Your compliance with the doctor's recommendations will enhance the quality of your precious life.

Drink lots of water because it is calorie free and helps to flush away the toxins. Did you know that flavored carbonated water has no calories, sugar, body, sweetener, color or preservatives?
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes can be due to very little insulin, opposition to insulin, or even both. Insulin is the hormone that is produced by the pancreas in controlling blood sugar. To understand the disease, it is very essential to comprehend the normal course of action wherein food is broken and utilized by the human body for power. Several things occur when food is assimilated; a blood sugar called glucose goes through the bloodstream. Glucose supplies the fuel in the body; the pancreas is the organ that makes insulin. The function of insulin is to carry the blood sugar from the blood into the muscles, liver and fat cells, wherein the sugar can be utilized as fuel for energy.

3 main types:

Diabetes Type 1 - is normally occurs in childhood. In this ailment, the body produces little insulin or none at all. Injection of insulin everyday is needed. The precise cause of the disease is not known. It has been considered that viruses, genetics, and autoimmune problems may cause the ailment.

Diabetes Type 2 - this type is more common compared to Type 1. Most cases of diabetes are classified Type 2 diabetes. It generally occurs during adulthood, however, young people or teenagers are gradually more being detected having the disease. The pancreas is not able to produce adequate insulin to maintain the blood sugar in normal levels frequently since the body is not able to respond well toward insulin. A lot of people suffering from Type 2 do not realize they have the disease, although the condition is a severe one. This type of ailment becomes more frequent due to the increase in the cases of obesity and failure of some people to exercise or do some physical activities.

Gestational diabetes - this type develops any moment during pregnancy in women who do not suffer from diabetes. They have elevated blood glucose during pregnancy. Women who develop the disease become susceptible to type 2 and a possibility to develop cardiovascular illnesses later on.

The following are some symptoms of high levels of blood glucose:

1) Blurry vision

2) Frequent urination

3) Excessive thirst

4) Weakness or fatigue

5) Hunger

6) Weight loss

On the other hand, since diabetes Type 2 develops gradually, several people with elevated blood sugar do not experience any symptoms.

Here are some signs of diabetes type 1:

1) Increased thirst

2) Fatigue

3) Nausea

4) Vomiting

5) Increased urination

6) Loss of weight even the person has increased appetite

Patients with diabetes type 1 generally develop signs over a little duration of time. Often times the condition is detected within urgent situation.

The following are some indications:

1) Blurred vision

2) Increased appetite

3) Frequent urination

4) Fatigue

5) Increased thirst

If you observe some of these symptoms mentioned, try to visit your doctor right away for consultation and appropriate treatment.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Would you believe that many of the people who have Type 2 diabetes don't realize that they have it? This is a major concern, because diabetes can lead to so many other serious health issues. It is important to understand what the symptoms of diabetes are, and to pay attention to those symptoms when they appear.

There are two symptoms that are very hard to overlook. The first is excessive thirst. It will seem that no matter how much water you drink, it is never enough. You remain thirsty. The second symptom is thought to be connected with this excessive thirst, and it is frequent urination. The logical thought pattern is that you are drinking a great deal, because you are so thirsty, so obviously you need to urinate more often. The excessive thirst, however, is not the cause of the frequent urination -- and you would still need to urinate more frequently even if you didn't have the excessive thirst.

Along with not feeling like you are getting enough to drink, you may not feel like you are getting enough to eat. Excessive hunger is also a symptom, and you may eat an entire plate of food, but still not feel satisfied. While you are eating all of this additional food, you may even find that you are losing weight, which is unusual.

Fatigue is another common symptom of diabetes. It won't matter how much rest you are getting, you will still feel tired. You will also be irritable. You might associate the irritability with feeling tired, but that isn't what is causing it. Blurry vision is also a symptom of diabetes.

These symptoms are hard to overlook, but many people fail to associate them with diabetes, because they are so closely associated with each other, in the logical sense. They think that the excessive thirst is leading to the frequent urination. They think that the fatigue is associated with the irritability. However, if you pay close enough attention to your body, and you know the symptoms of diabetes, you will know that if you experience these symptoms, you need to visit your doctor for testing.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is the condition that results from the poor functioning or non-functioning of the cells of pancreas. Homeopathy offers remedies for the diabetics and shows several ways to normalize the blood sugar levels. In contrast to the allopathic system or modern medicine, the homeopathic approach is remarkably different. A homeopathic doctor determines the type of treatment that is appropriate for each patient.

Homeopathy offers great hope for the diabetic patients by providing an alternate way that effectively controls the blood sugar level. The system uses minimal quantities of medicine to reduce the blood sugar and in addition, improves the overall health of the diabetic patients.

The branch of homeopathy is based on the principle that like cures like. So instead of trying to find remedies for the illnesses, homeopathy boosts the body mechanisms involved in controlling the disease and promotes the healing capabilities of the body. Homeopathy believes that any disease is caused by a combination of the internal factors, external factors and the emotional state of the patient.

In homeopathy, the doctor specifically attends the individual and not the disease. This is because the symptoms of diabetes will be different for different individuals and moreover, the manner in which the blood sugar level varies is also individual specific. As a result, the medicines used to cure diabetes vary from person to person. But in general, phosphorous, phosphoric acid, lactic acid, etc are used in homeopathy to provide a cure for diabetes.

In homeopathy, the history taking plays a very important role in the treatment of diseases. The physical and emotional nature of the patient, the likings and dislikes, phobias and personality assessment comes under the purview of history taking. A detailed history permits the doctor to familiarize with the symptoms of the patients and choose the most appropriate medicine for each case.

The medicines used in homeopathy are obtained from plants, vegetables and fruits. These natural compounds are good antioxidants as well and some have the properties similar to insulin. It is true that homeopathy does not offer a sudden cure for diabetes. It offers a long term cure and it may even take one or two years to find an observable change in the diabetic patients. But the low doses of medicines used, the principle of natural healing and the ability to be complemented with other treatment modalities makes it a popular choice for the public.

Homeopathic treatment cannot be considered as a substitute for dietary regulations. Just like any other form of treatment, diet control and proper exercise plays a key role in controlling the blood sugar level. Maintaining an active life style is as important as the medicinal treatment and one should not underestimate the role of life style modification in controlling diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Do you show concerned about your health or the health of a loved one? Learn about the symptoms of diabetes.

Diabetes as a disease is a state of health characterized by high level of blood sugar, known as "hyperglycemia". The hormone insulin which is concealed by pancreas, controls the sugar metabolism of the body. The high blood sugar level is either as a result of fewer production of insulin or body's resistance to insulin. By and large, there are 3 types of diabetes namely: diabetes Type 1, diabetes Type 2 and gestational diabetes.

The Type 1 diabetes occurs as a result of failure of insulin production by the body while diabetes Type 2 is occurs because of failure of the body to utilize the insulin. The Type 1 diabetes is as well known as juvenile diabetes, since it was previously believed that only the kids fall victim to this type of diabetes. Last one is gestational diabetes and it looks like the Type 2 diabetes and occurs in pregnant women at any time throughout the course of pregnancy. Learn from this article that environmental factors and hereditary are responsible for causing diabetes.

Let's take a look at the symptoms of diabetes

Some symptoms of diabetes Type 1 and 2 are alike and the early diabetes symptoms are not so serious as many people overlooked it sometimes. As a result, people mostly neglect to diagnose diabetes in its initial stages. The symptoms varies from each diabetes type. Below are some of the commonly observed signs and symptoms of diabetes.

* Frequent Urination
* Increased in Thirst
* Increased Appetite
* Blurred Vision
* Increased Fatigue
* Weight Loss: The weight loss is as a result of too much loss of sugar and fluid because of polyuria.

Furthermore, glucose from the digested food does not get to the body cells. A victim of Type 1 diabetes loses weight more rapidly than a patient with other types of diabetes.

* Increased Infection and Slow Healing: The accurate cause for regular infection and slow healing among diabetes victims has not been proved yet. However, it is believed that the immune function of a diabetic patient is comparatively low as compared to a non-diabetic person. This may be due to presence of high sugar level in the blood, which in turn prevents the white blood cells from functioning as it should.

This diabetes of things are one of the common rigorous diseases in today's generation. It is a very severe disease and should not overlooked. Although, diabetes can be treated by providing insulin externally but the good way to be free from diabetes is by natural means as it has little or no side effect. Also undergoing steady blood sugar and urine tests to know if you have diabetes is recommended. Those obsessed folks and those having diabetes in their family history should be more careful.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


It is absolutely critical get treatment for type 2 diabetes. This is one of the fastest growing illnesses in the world. A diabetic cannot wait or they risk losing there life. What this illness has done in just the last few years is amazing. The rate of growth of this illness moved it from the number seven killer disease in the United States to number five in just 4 years. There is no time for the diabetic to delay if they are to save their life.

This is an illness that is exploding in Asia and Africa as well as the United States. Many are sadly losing the battle for their lives. The diabetic slowly can lose the use of their legs or organs. A recent study from John Hopskin University revealed that the type 2 diabetic can lose the functioning of their lungs. The disease can age the lungs and cause you to have difficulty in breathing. There is no organ of the body that is not potentially damaged by this disease. Treatment for type 2 diabetes can save you life.

Diet is usually the best line of defense for those with blood sugar problems. The right diet can literally save the life of the diabetic. The problem is that most diets for type 2 diabetes miss the healing factor. A typical type 2 diabetes diet has the person leaving out sugars or fats. These diets can do some good but it is not enough. There must be more healing in the diet than a typical diabetes diet. The problem is that none of these diets heal the pancreas which is suppose to make the insulin. Treatment for type 2 diabetes diets must heal the pancreas. This is why many never get a normal blood sugar level. The good news is that there is diabetes diet by a filmmaker that has been healing people in an amazing way. It is a diet that lower blood sugar and heals the pancreas which is the answer to the problem. If you are seeking treatment for type 2 diabetes do not wait take action very fast.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetic symptoms progress with systemic approaches according to the type and progression of a diabetic condition and the duration of high levels of blood sugars. Common symptoms of higher blood sugar durations include extreme thirst and hunger, weight loss and frequent periods of urinary urgencies. These conditions are known to be associated with rapid onset of diabetes type II and should be symptoms that prompt medical testing or diabetes.

These particular symptoms are the result of the actual progressive nature of diabetes. Problematic symptoms like incessant thirst and hunger, to growing urgencies for urination, indicate a serious inclination towards a diabetic condition. Undiagnosed and left untreated, these conditions may lead to pathological conditions dealing with urological, pancreatic, kidney, liver and other internal organ pathological conditions. Weight loss symptoms displayed in a diabetic condition is a result of an imbalanced metabolic system.

Severe weight loss needs immediate medical attention. Diabetic symptoms that display themselves as excessive thirst and hunger need appropriate medical testing to rule out any digestive conditions like Chron's Disease and diverticulitis. These three symptoms closely mimic the symptoms of diabetes insipidus, which is otherwise unrelated to diabetes mellitus. Frequency and the urge to urinate are symptoms of a diabetic condition known as polyuria. Conditions like dehydration can result in these cases, and medical evaluation should be prompt.

Most diabetic symptoms are results of a prolonged duration of high blood sugars, and start mildly, like unhealed sores and derma abrasions that do not go away. Unhealed sores and abrasions of the skin include abscesses, skin rashes, and infections of the skin, skin boils, and eventually debiticus ulcers (bedsores). These areas will fill up with pus and surround the tissues in hollowed cavities of the body. This inflammation is indicative to bacterial infections or parasitic infections. These infections can lead into internal abscess infections like abscesses on the brain, lungs, kidneys, and rectum, and breast, liver, spinal and oral abscesses. Skin rashes, infections of the skin and skin boils are open sources of viral and fungi portals. All of these signs of poor skin healing are milder symptom of a diabetic condition, but can cause a variety of other problematic conditions.

Additional symptoms include fatigue, blurred vision along with sores and abrasions that do not heal. Diagnostic evaluations should be performed to properly diagnose a diabetic condition. These symptoms require medical interventions that could prevent conditions known to be associated with diabetes. Blurred vision and fatigue are two other symptoms of a diabetic condition. Diabetic symptoms of blurred vision can lead to diabetic retinopathy and diabetic lens osmosis. A marked degree of eyesight changes occur with the aging process and are normal.

A certified physician should, immediately check out sudden blurred vision, spots and hairline shadows and loss of peripheral vision. Fatigue symptoms displayed in a diabetic condition is a signal that glucose levels may be dangerously low in the body. Chronic fatigue left untreated in a diabetic patient can be a serious sign of heart disease, which is linked to diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Type 2 diabetes warning signs and symptoms may develop very slowly. In fact, some people have type 2 diabetes for years and don't even know it.

The reason there are so many warning signs or symptoms is that everything is related to how efficiently (or not) your body is using the nutrients you feed it. If you think about a car and the fact that it needs gas and oil to run, what happens when you get a bad tank of gas or run out of oil? Yeah, it stops.

Your whole body relies on the blood stream to carry what it needs to all your organs; liver, kidney, brain cells, heart, eyes, etc. If those organs don't get what they need to do their job and their job doesn't get done, then some other organ can't function properly and it becomes a chain reaction. Before you know it, you started out feeling tired, but now you've also got high blood pressure and cholesterol and who knows which other warnings signs common to type 2 diabetes.

In many cases you will notice the warnings for yourself without even visiting a physician. If you do, please pay attention; and definitely get things checked out. Most of all, start doing something to reverse the situation!

If you're not even sure what to look for, here are some common warning signs and a brief description of what's happening.

o Frequent urination and Excessive thirst - you become dehydrated as the body tries to flush excess sugars from your blood

o Extreme unexplained fatigue -when your cells are deprived of sugar, you become tired.

o Blurred vision - fluid gets from the lenses of your eyes affecting your ability to focus clearly.

o Increased hunger - when your cells don't get the needed glucose, your muscles and organs become depleted for energy triggering intense hunger.

o Weight loss - Without the ability to use glucose, the body uses alternative fuels stored in muscle and fat. Calories are lost as excess glucose is released in the urine.

o Wounds that are slow to heal, Frequent skin, bladder, or gum infections - weak cells affect your body's ability to heal and fight infections.

o Irritability - when your cells are deprived of sugar, you become irritable.

o Tingling or numbness in hands or feet - when your cells don't get the needed glucose your circulation is hindered.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Do you know that diabetes mellitus is now the 5th leading cause of death in the United States? The good news is diabetes natural treatments that work are available.

Diabetes is a chronic disease in which blood glucose levels are high or above normal. Two things could happen. Your body cannot produce enough insulin or it cannot use its own insulin for cell energy thus causing sugar to build up in your blood.

Recent surveys disclosed that about 17 million Americans are sick with this disease. And the more shocking news is another 5.9 million people in the US do not even know they have it.

There are three types of diabetes. These are type 1 or the insulin-dependent, type 2 or the non insulin-dependent and gestational type which only pregnant women get. Another term for Type 1 is juvenile diabetes, because it happens more in children. The cause of this particular type of diabetes is the pancreas' lack of production of insulin.

Type 2 which is also known as adult-onset diabetes occurs due to the presence of insulin resistant cells in the body.

Although gestational diabetes develops in about 3 to 5 percent of pregnant women, it usually disappears once the pregnancy is over.

The best way to combat this condition is through natural treatment like naturopathy. Naturopathy makes use of water, light, air, heat, the right diet, and ample physical exercise as well as certain physiological measures. These methods do not require medication and surgical procedures which are not just painful but very expensive as well. Such procedures are not necessary with natural treatment because nature gives us the ability to fight diseases. Nature is a natural healer.

The best way to start the natural treatment to fight diabetes is to come up with the proper diet plan. Your diet should mainly consist of vegetables especially the dark green and yellow ones and whole fruits for an increased fiber intake.

Low fat dairy products, up to 3 ounces of cooked fish, poultry or lean meat, one egg, one quarter cup cottage cheese and one tablespoon of peanut butter are also allowed. Stay away from alcohol, sweets and fats.

A diet such as this, when combined with enough exercise can result in weight loss and cholesterol control.

You can use herbs known to cure Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes like Mango leaves, Asian Ginseng, Cinnamon, and Indian Gooseberry among others.

You can also use some of these herbs for natural processes like hydrotherapy, mud therapy, chromotherapy, and regular massages.

Lastly, remember that diabetes natural or green treatments are safe and healthy ways to maintain good blood sugar levels.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Early symptoms of diabetes can set in at any age. A person can be born with it or may develop it later at any stage in his life. If symptoms of diabetes onset later then there are bright chances that the said person is suffering from type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is also referred as non insulin dependent diabetes or adult onset diabetes. The symptoms of diabetes indicate that body of the person is not utilizing provided insulin properly. This situation allows an increase in level of blood sugar. If the situation is left untreated then dangerous blood sugar levels can start damaging blood vessels and nerves. This situation further leads to serious health related complications.

It is extremely important that if any person can see warning signs of diabetes setting in then he must see the doctor to learn how to control blood sugar levels. If adult onset diabetes is caught earlier then it can be easily detected with a little bit of lifestyle change.

Frequent Urination And Excessive Thirst

American Diabetes Association has declared that type 2 diabetes often onsets without any warning symptoms or signs. Very early symptoms of adult onset diabetes are so general that a person is unable to connect it with any serious illness. This is the prime reason that it is extremely important to monitor blood sugar levels. The earlier the diagnosis is made the better are the chances of proper and successful treatment. As the blood sugar levels further rises the body makes an extra attempt to bring these levels down. This attempt makes the person feel thirstier and causes him to visit the rest room again and again.

Sudden Weight Loss And Increase In Appetite

High blood sugar level makes the person feel hungry quite often. This happens as the body is not properly utilizing insulin. This also indicates that body is unable to digest the consumed food. The body does not allow efficient conversion into food. This makes the person feel that he is in a constant need of food. At the same time the body is unable to convert this consumed food into fuel so he starts to lose weight. It is critically important that any person must not ignore the warning signs of diabetes. These adult onset diabetes symptoms are subtle but can damage the body for many months or even years.

Tiredness And Slow Healing Wounds

The body has to struggle as it is not getting the required amount of energy. The person starts to feel tired and fatigued. It is true that today's hectic lifestyle makes every person feel tired but excessive and constant fatigue must never be ignored. Diabetes hinders the ability of the body to heal any cut or wound. Slow healing cuts and wounds are another early warning sign of diabetes.

Blurred Vision

Any sudden change in vision must never be ignored. It is important to consult the doctor if you have blurriness in vision or if the vision is getting worse.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes Mellitus is even merely called diabetes. It is the legal disease characterised by a faulty metabolism and a elevated blood sugar level.

The outcome may be run down levels of insulin or irregular insulin resistance. This mixed with inadequate levels of insulin secretion leads to diabetes, and clearly a poor diet for diabetic sufferers and diabetic weight loss regimes may facilitate realign this weight loss.

Symptoms of diabetes come with raised urine production, excessive thirst, extreme fatigue, and excessive thirst and weight loss. These symptoms while may not be gift in those individuals with purely mildly elevated sugar levels.

Diabetes also includes sort 1, kind two plus gestational diabetes, that occur solely during pregnancy. Every type has an alternative cause plus alternative severity of symptoms. Gestational diabetes symptoms tend to diminish once pregnancy is accomplished, but the extent of gestational diabetes symptoms need to not be disregarded because it's an added danger at crucial time of life. Mothers have to be warned, subtle thought the gestational diabetes symptoms can be, the diabetes need to not be over looked.

You see, every one forms of diabetes are dangerous if not treated. With correct management while, people with diabetes may live a long, healthy, standard life. Once more, simply since sort 2 or gestational diabetes symptoms are delicate, it does not mean that the condition can be ignored!

The most important cause of kind 1 diabetes mellitus is the loss of insulin producing cells during the pancreas. This ultimately leads to an insulin deficiency.

Sort 1 diabetes mellitus is sometimes found in children and young adults. It is also termed juvenile diabetes. The universal treatment for sort one diabetes mellitus is daily insulin injections to exchange the insulin the body is only not manufacturing correctly, together with careful blood glucose monitoring.

While not careful monitoring and treatment, complications from diabetes can include loss of limps like arms, legs and feet, blindness and diabetic comas, which may be fatal.

It's extremely significant which if you suspect you have got gestational diabetes symptoms or any other symptoms of diabetes, that you just visit your practitioner to be tested. If the tests are positive it is simply not the end of the world. With cautious monitoring plus care, diabetics can live long healthy lives.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
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