
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of glucose metabolism that is due to the inability of the pancreas to produce sufficient insulin to the body (type 1) or due to the inability of the cells of the body to use insulin (type 2). The cells lose the ability to use insulin when they were overloaded with insulin for too long. Insulin Overload due to constant blood sugar spikes.

Normal blood glucose level varies from 70-100 mg per 100 ml, but if the level of fasting blood sugar rises more than 120 mg/100 ml, so it should be suspected diabetes mellitus. This chronic hyperglycemia, from whatever cause, leading to a series of complications such as cardiovascular, kidney infections, neurological, or intercurrent eyepieces.

Diabetes has 2 types:

1-juvenile-onset or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)
2-adult or maturity onset or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)

IDDM is the most severe form of diabetes. The onset is usually abrupt and is usually seen in individuals before they are 30 years old. The pancreas produces little or no insulin, and insulin delivery is needed. Is lethal unless promptly diagnosed and treated.

NIDDM is far more common than IDDM. It is often discovered by accident. Is typically gradual onset and occurs mainly in middle-aged and older adults. In this type of diabetes, the pancreas produces insufficient amounts of insulin but cells do not respond. This type of diabetes is caused by diet and can be controlled by diet and exercise.

Medications and insulin are still used for type 2 diabetes because they make money for drug companies, but they don't need to be bought. In fact, make the cells more resistant to the insulin that your body produces.

The glucose tolerance test (IGT) describes an intermediate state-"at risk" group between diabetes mellitus and normal. It can be defined only with the glucose tolerance test.

Signs and symptoms

Some precise details of diabetes include weight loss, frequent urination, general weakness, delayed wound healing and increased thirst and appetite.

Prevention and control

Life expectancy of a well-controlled diabetic is the same as in a non-diabetic. Regular check-ups of urine sugar and blood sugar needs to be done. The diabetic patient should try to avoid emotional and social strain in life, that are associated with diabetes.


Diet, exercise and medications are normally recommended for the treatment of diabetes. Treatment should be done under the supervision of a qualified dialectologist and supervised by him or her once in 3 months. The patient should undergo biochemical tests complete eye check up and get tips for foot care. Insulin is the drug commonly used for control of diabetes in patients with IDDM. For NIDDM, various types of oral tablets are available.

Diabetes is the leading cause of disability through its complications, such as blindness, kidney failure, coronary thrombosis, gangrene of the lower extremities and others. Then blood sugar should be monitored to ensure that a majority of complications arising from diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that prevents the body using glucose partially or completely. Officially is characterized by raised glucose concentration within the blood. Go to some home remedies for the treatment of diabetes mellitus:

or diabetes mellitus can be accomplished using the grapefruit. Grapefruit is known to be one of the best foods that a diabetic patient can eat. If you have sugar, use three Grapefruits, three times a day. If you don't have sugar, but you have a tendency towards and then eat three Grapefruits per day.

or diabetes mellitus can be obtained using Mango leaves. The leaves of the mango tree are considered to be very useful in the treatment of diabetes. Take 15 g fresh mango leaves and put in 250 ml water to sit overnight. Take the filtrate every morning to control diabetes.

or diabetes mellitus can be obtained using Parslane. Parslane seeds have been shown to be useful in the treatment of diabetes. Take one teaspoon of seeds each day with a cup of water for three or four months. This will help to increase the body's ability to make insulin.

or diabetes mellitus can be obtained using the bitter gourd. This home remedy has proven to be the most important in diabetes control. The reason is because bitter gourd is shown containing a hypoglycemic principle or insulin-like, which was found to be very helpful to lower blood and urine sugar levels.

Follow the above home remedies in combination with the following tips to control and prevent diabetes also searched for:

1. Eat a low-fat, low-fat and moderate protein diet.

2. Eat a high fiber diet with foods like vegetables, rye bread and oats.

3. exercise regularly

4. never walk barefoot.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, as it is called officially, tolls around 3% of the world's population. As we all know, the food we eat is broken down and turns into glucose (sugar), which is carried by the blood cells and converted into energy for the body to carry out its necessary functions. The pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that helps to link sugar to the blood cells, so that energy can be taken to certain areas of the body. A person is diagnosed with diabetes when their pancreas does not produce the right amount of insulin, which can leave extra sugar floating in the bloodstream and is not only a waste of energy, but can also lead to serious problems. If not treated properly and regularly, diabetes can cause damage to eyes, kidneys, nervous system and of course, the heart and circulatory system.

Scientists and doctors worked on the classification of the different types of diabetes better situate people with different conditions. Although there are many types, there are three main divisions of the disease.

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas fails to produce insulin period. A recent estimate is that 5-10% of people in the United States who are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The best way to deal with this type of diabetes is taking a regular insulin shot. Progress has been made in technology to provide these shots, and now you can get an "insulin pump," a device that is worn around the belt and not much bulkier than a mobile phone. Not only controls the amount of insulin in the blood, but also insulin in the bloodstream through a small tube called a catheter that is inserted under the skin of the wearer. Take regular shots or use insulin pumps, people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes are usually able to lead a normal life and they can participate in more sports and daily activities.

Type 2 diabetes is much more prevalent than type 1, with the majority of diabetics in America be categorized under this kind of disease. Type 2 is the result of "insulin resistance." This happens when the insulin is not used properly by cells and is therefore unable to carry out his task to help blood cells absorb sugar. On top of this, many people with type 2 already suffer from a lack of insulin. Type 2 can also be treated with regular insulin shots or an insulin pump, but others have found success through gastric bypass surgery.

The third type of diabetes is gestational diabetes. This is a disease that is found in pregnant women who have never had diabetes before they become pregnant. After conception, they begin to experience high blood sugar, which means that most of the sugar we are consuming not be properly connected to blood cells. For the most part, this type of diabetes after pregnancy ends, but in some cases, can lead to diabetes type 2 and type 1 also in some rare cases. Gestational diabetes is estimated to hit the 4% of all pregnant women.

All forms of diabetes can be treated; especially insulin become more readily available for medical use throughout the world. However, a constant care has not been found. Doctors agree that the best way to treat diabetes is to avoid it in the first place. A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes. In fact, diabetes was known as "Rich Man's disease" because of its prevalence among communities of the rich and greedy. Of course, now scientists have found that certain forms of diabetes can be passed along genetically. If this is the case, a healthy lifestyle, along with certain specified medical treatments can help those who struggle with diabetes to live a normal life.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


A multidisciplinary approach is usually used in the management of the patient with diabetes. Diabetic patients are likely to have vascular complications of diabetes such as coronary heart disease, stroke, renal disease and peripheral vascular complications. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to reduce the risks of complications in order to minimize symptoms, allowing a normal life.

This can be done through 2 main modes: pharmological interventions and lifestyle changes.

1) Lifestyle Changes:


Calorie control can be done by changing the diet that is 30 calories per kg of ideal body weight can be increased to 40 calories per kg for an active person and 50 calories per kg, if the patient is heavy physical work. Therefore, ideal calorie intake Tan should be 30 x 69 = 2070 calories per day. Calories should be distributed as 55-60% carbohydrate, 25% to 35% fat and protein 15% to 20%.

Emphasis should be placed on complex carbohydrates as opposed to simple and refined starch and polyunsaturated fats instead of saturated fats, in a ratio of 2: 1. Therefore, Tan should be advised to eat whole wheat bread, brown rice, margarine, vegetable oil instead of rice, fried foods and fatty meats.

Also need to be educated on the glycemic index of various foods. A lower increase of blood sugar occurs after ingestion of simple sugars, complex carbohydrates compared to that seen after the absorption of glucose.

Intake of fiber (soluble and insoluble) also should be encouraged because it slows the absorption of glucose and have also shown high triglycerides lower level.

– Exercise:

Should be advised to exercise at least 3 times a day for at least 30 minutes each time.
And, if possible, you should take the stairs instead of the elevator. It works as a taxi driver takes the stand for long hours, increases the risk of deep-vein thrombosis. Therefore, it should be recommended to do some light exercises every few hours to improve blood circulation.

2) Pharmological Intervention: oral hypoglycemic

-Biguanides (insulin sensitizers)

Metformin is the commonly used drug in this group.

They work by increasing the density of insulin receptors; directly stimulate Glycolysis in peripheral tissues; reduce hepatic gluconeogenesis; decrease the absorption of glucose from the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the level of plasma glucagon.

-Sulphonylureas (insulin secretagogues)

Glibenclamide daonil is used in this patient, as produces a synergistic effect with metformin diabetes control.
Working with the closure of sensitive potassium channels by ATP, causing the islet cell depolarization and calcium influx, which stimulates the release of insulin.

Other classes of medications like, thiazolinediones meglitinide, Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors have also been prove their worth in the diabetic control. Therefore, it can be used as additions or subsitiutions to the current regime of Travaglini if insufficient glycemic control, given the subsequent follow-up.

Throughout, Mr diabetic patients should be educated about the importance of good glycemic control and blood pressure (preferably less than 130/80 mmHg) to prevent complications of diabetes mellitus. Good compliance with diet and medication, as well as family support and health workers will help reduce the morbidity and mortality of the disease.

Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
"Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes the destruction of insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas". OK, now that the terminology is out of the way, lets take a look at this deadly disease.

What are some of the symptoms?

Type 1 diabetes has the same symptoms of diabetes type 2. That is why it is sometimes confused with type 2. They are:

* Increased Thirst * frequent urination * hunger of increasing * blurred vision * tiredness/fatigue * weight loss

So what's the difference between type 1 and type 2? With diabetes mellitus type 1, little or no insulin is produced by the pancreas (the hormone needed to convert sugar into energy.) The only way to replace it is from insulin injections.

With type 2 diabetes, the body is resistant to insulin or doesn't produce enough to convert sugar into energy.

How to test for diabetes type 1?

Doctors test for type 1 diabetes using the dosage of C-peptide (measures the body's production of insulin).

How do you treat diabetes mellitus type 1?

Treatment includes not only insulin injections and blood sugar control, but eating right and regular exercise. Pancreas transplantation is the only cure known potential for those with type 1 diabetes.

How can I manage my diabetes?

* Schedule an annual physical * keep an eye on your feet for sores/regular examinations timetable is infections * maintain blood pressure * maintain healthy teeth. Brush at least twice a day will keep your up-to-date vaccinations (flu like) * maintain low cholesterol

Diabetes mellitus type 1 most often begins in infancy (otherwise known as "juvenile diabetes.") But in reality it can develop at any age, even in adulthood.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
The symptoms of diabetes is more easily recognized in children than in adults, so it's surprising that the diagnosis can be missed/delayed sometimes, diabetes is a great imitator: influenza, gastroenteritis and appendicitis are most frequently diagnosed conditions, only to find that the disease was diabetes. Families with a strong family history of diabetes should suspect diabetes, especially if there is a child in the family with diabetes. Major events are:

• • • Temporary Polyuria Polydipsia Cachexia • Polyphagia • Progressive • Glucosuria Hyperglycemia • increased urine specific gravity

The sequence of chemical events described above results in hyperglycemia and acidosis, which in turn produce three "polys" Diabetes polifagia, polydipsia and polyuria-Cardinal symptoms of the disease. In non-insulin-dependent diabetes (which was also found in older children), insulin values are found to be overweight, and often there is fatigue and frequent infections (such as monilial infections in females).

The insulin-dependent diabetic is significantly decreased insulin levels and, as diabetes becomes complete, there is no demonstrable, insulin. Your baby may begin to wet the bed, became surly and "non-self" or act too tired. Abdominal discomfort is common. Weight loss, although quite observable in the rankings, perhaps less frequently presents complaint due to the fact that the family may not have noticed the change. Another feature of diabetes is thirsty. A couple reported that their son, during a voyage from California to Kensas, drank the contents of a gallon jug of water between each gas station. At one point the child's illness may actually refuse liquids and food, adding to the growing state of dehydration and malnutrition. Other symptoms include dry skin, blurred vision and sores that are slow to heal. More commonly in children, fatigue, bed-wetting and are the main complaints that encourage parents to take their child to the doctor. The child may be Hyperglycemic, with very high blood levels of glucose and glucose in the Urine; can be in diabetic ketosis, ketones and urine glucose but not severely dehydrated; can be in diabetic Keto-acidosis, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and acidosis.

EvaluationObservation Diagnostics and testing are important in the diagnosis of diabetes in children. If children show glycosuria, are overweight or have symptoms of hypoglycemia, are candidates for the glucose tolerance test. The Urine test will show positive glucose only when the disease is actually occur. The urine test does not necessarily negative our early diabetes, nor a positive test necessarily indicate diabetes. Renal glycosuria, do not related to diabetes, may cause glucose in urine.

The fasting blood glucose test may miss the early diagnosis of diabetes and has been known to lose as 85% of children who have an abnormal glucose tolerance test with asymptomatic disease. The glucose tolerance test 4 hours was found to be the most successful tests for the early diagnosis of diabetes, whereas the glucose tolerance test-6--now is more beneficial for hypoglycemia diagnosis os. According to the rules established for normal children, diabetic or not of various ages, the criteria for early diagnosis of diabetes is two or more abnormal range. However, the standardization of food intake before testing can be critical, and those preparing for the test should emphasize the importance of following directions to the diet provided by your doctor or the laboratory. It's hard to do glucose tolerance test in children younger than 3 years of age, since standards have not been established for children in this age group.

Problem diagnosisSigns tests, and chemical symptoms can lead to the conclusion that your child has diabetes, when in fact another condition can appear, this is true in salicylate intoxication, which can be excluded our easily by boiling urine. Acetone, if present, boil out the urine, leaving a negative test if related to diabetes, and a positive test if related to salicylate intoxication. Temporary hyperalimentation, pancreatitis and encephalitis. Blood glucose testing usually return to normal after the stress is reversed; However, insulin may be needed for a short time stress diseases, especially when the child is at the stage of hyperalimentation. Other abnormal conditions that may cause glucose to appear in the Urine are some kidney disease, some other endocrine disorders as hypercortisolism and lead encephalopathy.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Special areas of the pancreas gland, the islets of Langerhans, produce a hormone called insulin. This hormone is a small protein. Insulin stimulates the muscle cells and other cells of the body to take up glucose from the blood and convert glucose to glycogen, a kind of starch and then store the glycogen. The need for the body's cells convert glycogen into glucose and use it as fuel. This allows insulin keeps your blood glucose at a normal size.

From type I diabetes insulin-producing cells are destroyed. Then less glucose is taken up from the blood into the cells of the body and used there and glucose accumulates in the blood.


The cause of the disease is unknown. An auto-immune response attacking insulin-producing cells in the islets of langerhansian may be a cause. Virus infection may be another cause. The disease is to some extend also inherited.

When you reduce the absorption of glucose into the cells of the body, but instead, glucose accumulates in the blood, you experience the following physiological effects:

-The cells of the body do not get enough fuel for the job that needs to be done.
-Molecular weight (osmality) of the blood increases. This allows the water to be pulled out from the body tissues and blood. The fabrics so get dried and increases urine output.
-Tissues begin to break down proteins and fats for energy, causing weight loss and reduction in muscle.

The symptoms of type 1 diabetes are one consequence of these mechanisms.


The illness often begins suddenly. Often children or young people are attacked by the disease. Lack of insulin causes a greater amount of sugar in the blood. The first symptoms of the disease are:

-Urine output increased

-Dehydration (lack of water in the body)

-Thirst due to the abnormally high urine output increased

-Dry mouth

-Abnormal appetite high

-Feeling extremely tired and weak

-Weight loss, even when eating well

-Visually Impaired

If your blood sugar is not stabilized on a normal value, there will be an accumulation of chemicals in the body called ketones, and this condition is called Diabetic Ketoacidosis. This serious condition can lead to coma and death. The signs of Ketoacidosis include:


-Stomach pain

-Rapid breathing,

-High frequency

-Drowsiness (abnormal tendency to sleep)

In the long run, type 1 diabetes can seriously injure blood vessels in vital organs. This can cause further damage to the heart, eyes, kidneys or other organs of the body.


Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin injections. The plant cells to insulin in the pancreas is an experimental treatment. Another experimental treatment is the implantation of stem cells in the pancreas that can become new insulin producing cells.

Another important form of treatment is the amount of sugar and fat consumed through the diet that fits with the amount of insulin injected. Monitoring of the blood sugar level to adjust the amount of regular insulin is also an important part of treatment.

There are also natural products on the market that can help to normalize blood sugar levels from diabetes type 2. These products may not heal illnesses or replace the insulin injections, but can help the body regulate blood sugar. These products contain minerals that use components of enzymes that stimulate glucose metabolism in the body. They also contain herbs that have been used for a long time in traditional medicine to regulate the level of glucose and that have shown effects in scientific studies.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes mellitus-who hasn't heard of it? In fact, diabetes mellitus (DM) seems to be a universal language for high blood sugar.

Millions of people are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, which in fact is getting a lot of attention from health experts worldwide. The complications of diabetes mellitus can, after all, cause serious health problems that lead to death.

General classifications

Diabetes mellitus are generally of three types:

or type 1 diabetes is insulin-dependent or childhood-onset juvenile
diabetes type 2 or non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset
gestational diabetes or that occurs during pregnancy

The signs and symptoms

Know the signs of diabetes mellitus is important in order to be diagnosed and treated early. For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the presenting signs and symptoms are basically the same:

or increased urination
or increased thirst
weight loss or
feelings or hunger
or blurred vision
nausea or
fatigue or

For gestational diabetes, however, can be difficult to complete because all these signs and symptoms can easily be confused as related to pregnancy. The best thing to find out is to undergo a glucose tolerance test oral--this is the most definitive test for gestational diabetes usually conducted on the fifth month of pregnancy.

The treatment options

The treatment options for diabetes mellitus include the right diet, engaging in regular exercises and medications. In milder cases of diabetes mellitus, eating the right foods and engage in exercises are enough to keep blood sugar levels down, but in more severe cases, diabetic medications should be administered.

The right diabetic diet includes starch in the form of whole grains, breads, cereals; fresh fruits and vegetables, some meat products and some fats and sweets. How much you need to eat these, however, may depend on the weight of the body and other necessities. It is always best to consult a dietician for a diabetic meal plan that is right for you.

Exercise should be made part of any diabetic treatment plan. Exercise helps you lose weight and keeps you healthy in General.

Type 1 diabetics will most likely require insulin therapy, but type 2 diabetics may be able to manage their diabetes with oral medications. Insulin must be injected into the body, the reason why a lot of diabetics frown on the idea of insulin therapy. Insulin can be quick-acting, intermediate-acting or long-acting.

Diabetic emergencies and complications

Diabetes mellitus is extremely important to avoid complications like:

atherosclerotic disease or
myocardial infarction or
peripheral vascular disease or
cerebrovascular disease or
renal artery stenosis or
diabetic retinopathy or
diabetic nephropathy or
peripheral neuropathy or

At the same time, you can also prevent the risk of medical emergencies such as:

or Diabetic Ketoacidosis, which can cause coma and finally death. Intensive care is essential
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma or

Responsibility for a diabetic

As a diabetic you must also do your part in treatment, this means that:

or make regular visits to your diabetologist
or the constant monitoring of blood sugar levels
or yourself by watching for anything that indicates an increase in blood sugar levels and reporting the matter to the doctor
or the right diet
or doing daily exercises or regular
or strictly taking medicines

With these tips, you should be able to do well with diabetes mellitus.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
While Type 2 diabetes is affecting more and more younger people it still occurs more in the elderly. People are not always aware that they suffer from diabetes until they go for a routine check up. The medical website for Mayo Clinic claims that in the United States alone there are more than six million people who are not aware of the fact that they are diabetic.

Symptoms of Diabetes

- Weight gain or weight loss that has no other cause can be a sign of diabetes.
- Diabetic people find that they are thirstier than always.
- Frequent urination is another possible sign of diabetes.
- Blurred vision can be a symptom but it can also be an eye disease related problem.
- Some diabetic people find that wounds tend to heal slower than normal.

Who is at Risk?

- Overweight is the primary risk factor for Type 2 diabetes.
- Inactive people are at greater risk. Inactive people also tend to pick up weight easier and can become overweight or obese.
- Age is one of the other main risk factors and most probably because older people might be less active and gain weight easier.
- A family history of diabetes can increase the risk.

Complications Associated with Type 2 Diabetes

- Diabetes can damage the delicate filtering system of the kidneys and if diabetes is left untreated it can lead to kidney failure.
- Eye damage that can lead to blindness is also associated with diabetes.
- Diabetes can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease, can lead to foot or leg amputation, increase the risk of osteoporosis or lead to blood and heart vessel disease.


- Blood sugar levels must be monitored regularly. This must be checked daily or several times a week. Your doctor will inform you about the procedure. It is essential to assist older people with this, especially if they tend to be forgetful or can't manage it by themselves.
- Healthy eating is very important and older people should also be assisted with this if necessary.
- Regular exercise will help to loose weight or prevent weight gain.
- Oral medication or insulin therapy might be prescribed. Some people might only need to make the necessary lifestyle changes while other will need both medication and lifestyle changes.

Diabetes can be a death sentence if it is not controlled, but if it is quickly diagnosed and kept under control older people won't experience serious side effects.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


What are the earliest symptoms of diabetes? Why isn't there a warning sign so prevalent that you would know without a doubt you have diabetes? Most physicians and medical personnel proclaim high blood pressure is the silent killer! How about diabetes? Could it be another silent killer?

You can have high blood pressure for years without any symptoms. Then suddenly without warning, you have a heart attack or stroke!

Well, diabetes is much like high blood pressure. You can live for years with this disease and not know it until the complications of diabetes begin to show up! By that time, you will have prediabetes or metabolic syndrome or full blown type 2 diabetes. Why did you not know something was wrong before it developed to this point?

I am here to let you know there are warning signs! You, like most others, fail to pay attention to the symptoms. Because the symptom does not reach out and hit you upside the head, you shrug it off as no big deal.

It is a big deal! It is such a simple symptom. It could be a symptom for several things. Why would you consider it to be the first indication that you have diabetes? This symptom is Unexplained fatigue! You go to bed tired. You wake up in the morning tired! During the day you find yourself so fatigued, you have difficulty completing the day!

You have no reason that you know of to feel so tired!

When this happens to us, we pay no heed. We explain it away. We have been working too hard. We have a lot of stress at work. We haven't been sleeping well. We can make a lot of excuses for why we feel so weary! We accept it as a way of life instead of talking to our doctor about it.

When we go to bed tired and we get up the next morning more tired than when we went to bed the night before, we need to pay heed! When the fatigue never goes away and we do not have an explanation for the extreme fatigue, we need to pay attention! Unexplained fatigue is the earliest symptom of diabetes!

Do not ignore this symptom! If there is no reason for you to be so tired all the time, then it could be high blood sugar levels. If you feel a bone-weary fatigue when you are not sick, or you have not been out partying late at night, or you have not been staying up late at night, then you need to go to the doctor and check it out. When you are so tired it is difficult for you to get through the day, then it is time to see the doctor! Extreme fatigue with no apparent reason is the earliest sign that your blood sugar levels are too high!

Insulin is used to help the cells absorb glucose, which is energy for the body. When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body does not properly use the insulin, the cells do not absorb the necessary glucose to supply energy to the body. Therefore, you begin to feel tired for no apparent reason!

If you have unexplained fatigue, talk to your doctor. There are several tests that can be performed to determine if your blood sugar levels are high! Simple blood sugar checks can be done prior to your meals to determine your blood sugar levels throughout the day. You can monitor your blood sugar levels over a few days and help your doctor determine if your blood sugar levels are high and if that is the reason for your unexplained fatigue.

If high blood sugar levels prove to be the culprit, then you can take steps to slow down or stop the complications of diabetes in your body. Most people do not know they have diabetes and it is left untreated for years. By the time they discover the diabetes, it has done much damage to some of their major organs. This can greatly affect their quality of life.

If you have fatigue, bone weary fatigue, that you cannot explain, then get to the doctor. Have him check your blood sugar levels and do whatever tests are necessary to prove you are or are not diabetic! The sooner you find out, the sooner you can begin to fight it and stop it in its tracks!

Live the great life you deserve!
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Yeast, or Candida, occurs in the body as part of the body's normal bacteria and organisms. The yeast is usually kept in check and are a necessary part of body functions. Increases in blood sugar, or other when drastic changes occur, Candida cells multiply unchecked, resulting in a diabetes yeast infection.

Diabetics tend to have lower immune systems because the disease alters the normal function of the pancreas and other important organs in the body. Yeast is attracted to sugar, in fact sugars are its main nutrient.

Most people wonder how having diabetes causes recurring yeast infections. This is because normally, the vagina has a high acidity and yeast can't thrive in that environment. But if a woman has diabetes, her vagina secretes fluids that contain more glucose/sugar than normal. This will result in the yeast organisms thriving because of the presence of the sugar that are vital for them. Diabetes yeast infection nearly always recurs more often than yeast infections in people that do not have diabetes.

Diabetics' lower immune system contributes to higher susceptibility to yeast infections and slower recovery from them. Vaginal yeast infections symptoms include itching or discomfort on the vaginal area. This will be coupled with vaginal discharge resembling cottage cheese that have a foul odor. Other effects would include pain during sexual intercourse or urination.

It is important to spot a diabetes yeast infection by being observant to its symptoms. This is because the presence of yeast can also be an indicator of the threat of getting other infections, or never fully getting rid of the yeast overgrowth.

In people with diabetes, the combination of yeast, high blood sugar and a low immune system makes the body generally weaker. Thus it is disabled from fighting off other viruses.

The important thing to do is keep the diabetes yeast infection in check by avoiding foods and drinks containing high amounts of sugar.

Also, exercise and keep yourself active to increase your metabolism and improve your blood circulation. Try to get 8 hours of sleep each night to avoid fatigue. More importantly, don't neglect your insulin treatments.

Try some home remedies to combat the yeast infection itself. While you are treating diabetes yeast infection, keep it in check by maintaining a healthy lifestyle in order to keep up the strength of your immune system even if it is slightly weakened by your diabetes.

Eat garlic and yogurt in order to aid your body in fighting off the diabetes yeast infection. Fresh fruits can replace sugary snacks to avoid building an environment for yeast. Even if you get rid of the yeast infection, it can keep on coming back if you do not keep your diabetes in check.

The primary goal is to contain the harmful effects of a diabetes yeast infection. Once you get infected, act quickly in order to not strain your already weakened body for any longer. Do this and you can cope with these two illnesses without much trouble or danger.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes Mellitus is a problem in metabolism specifically on the production of insulin used to convert sugar and starch for energy. The cells in our body would experience hunger and thus cause you to be weak once this is not treated immediately. Diabetes in children is a common condition and when it is not detected at an earlier time, complications can happen and it can have certain effects on the organs of the body like the heart, kidney and even the eyes. The complications can be irreversible and it would then be very hard to follow a treatment regimen.

There are two types of Diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is due to the destruction of cells of the pancreas that produces insulin thus there is none enough to metabolize sugar creating the different signs and symptoms. Type 2 Diabetes on the other hand is a condition wherein the body resists insulin or there is only a little amount of insulin produced. This type can be managed by change in lifestyle and following a healthy diet and exercise. The first type is what commonly occurs on children.

When someone is said to have this metabolic problem, the person can experience the common symptoms of diabetes which can already alarm him to seek medical attention. These symptoms are very noticeable that is why you need to learn about them. If you have diabetes, you will experience, extreme weakness due to the lack of food that are needed by the cells for energy, extreme thirst and hunger that is why you want to drink and eat all the time, frequent urination, irritability and sometimes blurry vision and either weight loss or weight gain.

A sure sign of diabetes in children is frequent urination. This can be explained due to the fact that when the brain detects that there is too much glucose in the bloodstream, it will alert the kidneys of the body to excrete it in the urine thus there is excessive urination. It can also be evident that when the urine is tested, there is the presence of glucose in large amounts which is not normal. Aside from that since the child will urinate at frequent times, he will replenish it by drinking a lot of water. Cell thirst also occurs when someone has diabetes.

Moreover, when a child has diabetes there is evident weight loss. This is due to the fact that despite eating more due to the condition, the body will not be able to break it down due to the absence of insulin. That is why, the cells will just get its food from the stored fats and protein which can cause muscle wasting and thus decrease the weight of the child. Due to the lack of food in the cells, the child will be noticed to be weak and not active when it comes to doing different activities or playing around just like what a normal child does.

When your child experiences this kind of symptoms, as a parent, it must signal you to seek the help of medical experts so that it will be manage as early as possible.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you think you have diabetes you should look for these warning signs. One thing you should know is that the warning signs of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are much the same.These common signs and symptoms include excess glucose in the blood and not enough glucose being absorbed into the cells. The High blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetics are caused by a lack of insulin because the body has attacked its own insulin producing beta cells. The excess glucose in Type 2 diabetics is caused by the body developing insulin resistance. Sometimes pregnant women develop gestational diabetes because of insulin resistance caused by the pregnancy hormones.

The common warning signs and symptoms include the following; increased frequent urination, excessive thirst,increased unexplainable weight loss,tiredness and fatigue, numbness in limbs,vision blurring or loss, dry skin,increased susceptibility to infection,and bruises taking longer to heal.

Increased frequent urination is caused by excess amounts of glucose in the blood that the kidneys try to dilute with water from the blood, this keeps your bladder constantly full. Excessive thirst is caused by the same thing that causes frequent urination. Your kidneys are taking all the water out of the blood to dilute the glucose, so you become dehydrated and need to constantly drink more water.

Type 1 diabetic weight loss is more noticeable than type 2 diabetics.The pancreas stops making insulin because the body's immune system is attacking the insulin producing beta cells.Without the energy obtained from glucose being absorbed the body has to use the muscle and fat for energy. It happens more gradually in type 2 diabetes so its not as noticeable.

Weakness and fatigue occur because of the lack of energy available. Without the glucose being absorbed into the cells for energy your cells become starved which causes you to feel worn out and achy.The high blood glucose damages the nervous system especially the limbs(hands,feet,legs,arms). Lack of circulation to these limbs develops and can eventually lead to amputation or the limbs. The blood sugar levels also damage your eyes causing blurred vision and eventually blindness. They also cause skin problems, and lead to the rest of the warning signs and symptoms listed above. If you are having more than one of these symptoms you should consult your doctor or physician and have your blood glucose levels tested. The sooner you find out the sooner you can start treatment and prevent complications from occurring.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a condition featuring unusually high levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, is used by the body to lower blood glucose levels. If someone's pancreas doesn't generate enough insulin, their body will develop diabetes.

A short list of symptoms of diabetes would include severe hunger and thirst, more urge to urinate, and fatigue. But the surest way of knowing whether you have diabetes is having a blood sugar test, also known as a Glucose Tolerance Test.

Type 1 diabetes is the more acute form. It is typically treated with special dietary restrictions, exercise and occasionally with insulin. Type 1 diabetes usually will be treated with special diet, exercise, and a weight loss plan before insulin is added. This form of diabetes is considered an insulin dependent disease.

A less severe form of diabetes, Type 2 diabetes is first treated with a diabetic diet,
exercise and weight loss. If theses measures are not successful in controlling blood sugar and insulin levels, oral medications may be added. Insulin is then finally considered if these also are unsuccessful. Type 2 diabetes normally occurs in adults who are middle age or older, which is why it is sometimes called Late-Onset Diabetes In this case, he pancreas still produces the right levels of insulin but the body has become resistant to it.

It is feasible to delay the onset of Type 2 diabetes if it runs in the family. Through losing weight, getting the right amount of exercise and controlling your diet, you can manage. If Type 2 diabetes is not treated, eventually the same complications may ensue as those seen with Type 1 diabetes.

Gestational diabetes is seen in pregnant women. Normally it disappears after the birth of the baby, however, treatment for the mother to stabilize the blood glucose levels will decrease the chance of complications to the baby as well as mother.

Juvenile Onset diabetes is another major form of diabetes that affects many children. It is believed to be the onset of Type 1 diabetes. If a child is showing even a few of the symptoms of diabetes, it's vital that they be checked by a doctor. It is estimated that over two million adolescents are in the pre-diabetes stage. This is mostly due to being overweight. In this condition, blood glucose levels are high but not high enough to be considered diabetes. Teens usually develop this between the ages of 12 and 19.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
The doctor just told you that you have diabetes. You shouldn't be startled by this fact because in spite of the fears and other notions of the disease, you can control it if you have a disciplined mind and periodical check ups. Your life will change after you are diagnosed with diabetes. You will need to take certain measures such as to stop eating certain foods and also some medical treatments to help you. Here's what you should do if you have diabetes.

Identify What Type It Is

Of the many types of diabetes, there are two distinct types that many people have been diagnosed with. These are type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Your doctor will tell you what you have so you can know how to maintain and treat the disease.

Type 1 Diabetes is caused when your insulin levels in your blood are destroyed by your own cells. In this way, your sugar levels become so high that you won't be able to handle normal functions such as seal external wounds.

Type 2 Diabetes, on the other hand, is when your body resists the insulin hormone. The sugar simply doesn't react with it and as a result, your sugar levels remain the same. After a while, your pancreas will stop producing the hormone, eventually putting your life in danger.

Treat Each Type Respectively

Once you know what sort of diabetes you have, then you can treat it with taking specific measures effective for the type. Although you can perform these tasks to all forms of diabetes, you should keep in mind what you should be expecting from the treatment.

Since type 1 diabetes happens when your body destroys your insulin, you should take periodical insulin shots. This artificial insulin helps lower your blood levels. You can't take it orally through pills because your body will digest this, rendering it useless. Consult your doctor on the most efficient insulin shot for you and the frequency of the shots.

Type 2 diabetes can be maintained by an overhaul on your diet. You should ultimately cut down on the carbohydrates or sugar. Eat foods that help lessen sugar levels such as cinnamon, strawberries, and other berries. Even wine can reduce blood sugar levels, but don't drink too much.

For both forms of diabetes, you can always exercise more frequently. This will help speed up your body processes and allow the insulin hormone to be produced faster. If you can work out more often, you can use up the energy that carbohydrates fuel, which effectively lessens your blood sugar.

Diabetes shouldn't be something you should be afraid of. You still have your body in control, so you can control the diseases by knowing what type of diabetes you have and consequently treating the specific type. All it actually takes is a healthy lifestyle.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Cats are a favorite pet to many Americans across the United States. They are wonderful companions and are capable of giving unconditional love to their owners. As with many other types of pets, cats are not immune to sickness. There are many illnesses that a cat can contract but one of the most deadly diseases for a cat is said to be feline diabetes although if diagnosed early, can be treatable by your veterinarian. Your cat could still live a long and active life even with the diagnosis of feline diabetes.

When you think of diabetes, you think of the human disease that so many people are being diagnosed with today. There's really only one cause for diabetes medically and that is too much sugar or glucose is produced in the blood and the body, specifically in the pancreas, is unable to produce enough insulin to counteract the effect. Just like people, a cat with a very high amount of sugar in their blood will need to help the pancreas secrete more insulin by supplementing it with injectable insulin as often as needed.

Maybe you have a cat and are not sure what to look for if you suspect he has diabetes. The symptoms will vary but one of the most common symptoms is an increase in their water intake. If you see your cat reaching out for the water bowl more frequently, you may want to watch him a little closer. Something else to watch for is a decrease in his appetite thus resulting in noticeable and rapid weight loss. His coat may become dry and you may notice bare patches in some areas. He will begin to look disheveled and unhealthy.

Without treatment, your kitty cat will slowly deteriorate. He will become less active and possible begin vomiting on a regular basis. Eventually, he could lapse into a coma and die. Luckily, because of the newest in technology today in the world veterinary medicine, you will never have to watch your precious side-kick suffer like that. This disease is highly treatable and if you want to keep your buddy around, you will need to step up to the plate and decide to commit to his health. It will take dedication and time on your part to check his blood sugar and administer insulin just like you would for yourself or anyone else you love and care for.

Routine is key for the treatment of feline diabetes. You must keep his blood sugar stable throughout the day and one of the ways to do that is to feed him the same times every day. If your kitty is an outdoor cat, you may need to reconsider this as diabetes is much harder to treat and control when they are able to roam the neighborhood. If he stays indoors, you have a much better opportunity to monitor his treatment. Some cats require 2 to 3 insulin injections a day so having to find him and call him in may become a daunting task. Your veterinarian will be able to suggest the proper dosage of insulin for your cat once he is diagnosed and a treatment plan has been put into place.

Prior to giving your cat his dose of insulin, it's important that he has eaten first. Without food in his system, an increase of insulin could shock his system and send him into hypoglycemic distress. This condition could become fatal without immediate care so don't ever leave your cat alone after injecting with insulin until you know he has tolerated it well.

Your cat can live a long and healthy life even when diagnosed with feline diabetes. If you get him proper medical attention and keep him on his treatment plan, your best buddy will be there for you to provide you with an abundance of unconditional love just as you do for him. Don't let this disease take him too soon when there are treatment plans out there to maintain his health and quality of life.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The signs of diabetes vary a lot from person to person. If you are a newly diagnosed diabetic, the signs which your body is showing are the hints of probable mismanagement of insulin. For those who have doubts in their mind of being diabetics these signs of diabetes can give them a better idea to know whether they are suffering from diabetic condition or not. If the symptoms are there it is better to consult the doctor who will arrange some blood tests, to get a clear picture.

If there is more sugar in the blood than required it means that the person is suffering from hyperglycemia

The body will show the following signs

--The person has to make very frequent trips to the restroom. The amount of urine each time will be also much greater than the routine volumes.

--Most often they have a quenchable thirst, they require a large amount of liquid to satisfy their thirst.

--Most of the time they are hungry, especially soon after eating.

--Though they are eating a lot to satisfy their hunger they are more tired. A feeling of fatigue is most of the time there.

--They have the short breath without doing much physical work.

If the hyperglycemia continues for a long period of time, these symptoms includes

--Stinging pain in the muscles can take place any time, which sometime can convert into a shooting pain. These actually depict some nerve damage

--In men the body can react by showing impotency

-- Blurring of vision

--A fruity smell in breath

--Cramping in stomach

--Vomiting and nausea

--Mental puzzlement

If you can detect the above signs in you it is better to consult the doctor and gather as much information about diabetes as you can.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Are you worried that you are suffering from diabetes? Are you thinking that either you or someone you love is experiencing some signs of diabetes? If your answer is yes then the good thing is that you have reached the right place. As following article will guide you in such a way that by the time you finish reading it you'll have a clearer picture in your mind.

Here you'll find brief outline of signs and symptoms of diabetes. If any one or more than one of these symptoms are experienced then it is important that you should consult the doctor as early as possible to have the blood test done.

Diabetic Symptoms

Whenever the diabetes sets in the blood sugar level of the body start to rise. The increased blood sugar level causes different symptoms and signs of diabetes. Most common diabetic symptoms are

Polyuria: The body in an attempt to get rid of excessive glucose in the blood draws extra water from the body tissues. The result is that an increased amount of urine is produced. An adult person may have to wake up several times during the night to urinate. If the problem is experienced by a child suddenly he may start to wet the bed.

Polydipsia: The body needs to replace that too much of water that has been expelled by the body in the form of urine. This need of the body results in excessive urination.

Polyphagia: The body's need of energy cause this signs of diabetes. The leading cause is that cells of the body are unable to draw glucose from the blood. The cells than feel energy starved and give the signal of being hungry to brain.

Exhaustion, Fatigue and Tiredness: This sign of diabetes occurs when the body is unable to use the provided sugar as cells are unable to convert it into energy. The diabetic symptom is further intensified if the body becomes unable to store the consumed carbohydrates in the form of energy.

Recurrent Infections and Slow Healing Cuts And Bruises: The perfect breeding environment for yeast and bacteria are high sugar surroundings. The women that are suffering from high-level of blood sugar most of the times develop urinary tract infection or vaginal infection.

Numbness or Tingling In Hand And Feet: The damage to the blood nerves caused by consistent high blood sugar results in tingling or numbness sensation.

Trouble Getting Erection: Nerve damage and poor circulatory system is again the culprit here.

Dry and Itchy Skin: Tiny crystals of sugar just beneath the surface of the skin cause the diabetics to feel itchy.

Blurriness in Vision: There can be microscopic bleeding in retina of the diabetics. This may cause blurriness in visions.

Dehydration: If the fluids of the body are not properly replaced; it may cause dehydration

Serious Diabetic Symptoms: Some serious signs of diabetes include



--Abdominal cramps

--Fruity smell in breath
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetic symptoms progress with systemic approaches according to the type and progression of a diabetic condition and the duration of high levels of blood sugars. Common symptoms of higher blood sugar durations include extreme thirst and hunger, weight loss and frequent periods of urinary urgencies. These conditions are known to be associated with rapid onset of diabetes type II and should be symptoms that prompt medical testing or diabetes.

These particular symptoms are the result of the actual progressive nature of diabetes. Problematic symptoms like incessant thirst and hunger, to growing urgencies for urination, indicate a serious inclination towards a diabetic condition. Undiagnosed and left untreated, these conditions may lead to pathological conditions dealing with urological, pancreatic, kidney, liver and other internal organ pathological conditions. Weight loss symptoms displayed in a diabetic condition is a result of an imbalanced metabolic system.

Severe weight loss needs immediate medical attention. Diabetic symptoms that display themselves as excessive thirst and hunger need appropriate medical testing to rule out any digestive conditions like Chron's Disease and diverticulitis. These three symptoms closely mimic the symptoms of diabetes insipidus, which is otherwise unrelated to diabetes mellitus. Frequency and the urge to urinate are symptoms of a diabetic condition known as polyuria. Conditions like dehydration can result in these cases, and medical evaluation should be prompt.

Most diabetic symptoms are results of a prolonged duration of high blood sugars, and start mildly, like unhealed sores and derma abrasions that do not go away. Unhealed sores and abrasions of the skin include abscesses, skin rashes, and infections of the skin, skin boils, and eventually debiticus ulcers (bedsores). These areas will fill up with pus and surround the tissues in hollowed cavities of the body. This inflammation is indicative to bacterial infections or parasitic infections. These infections can lead into internal abscess infections like abscesses on the brain, lungs, kidneys, and rectum, and breast, liver, spinal and oral abscesses. Skin rashes, infections of the skin and skin boils are open sources of viral and fungi portals. All of these signs of poor skin healing are milder symptom of a diabetic condition, but can cause a variety of other problematic conditions.

Additional symptoms include fatigue, blurred vision along with sores and abrasions that do not heal. Diagnostic evaluations should be performed to properly diagnose a diabetic condition. These symptoms require medical interventions that could prevent conditions known to be associated with diabetes. Blurred vision and fatigue are two other symptoms of a diabetic condition. Diabetic symptoms of blurred vision can lead to diabetic retinopathy and diabetic lens osmosis. A marked degree of eyesight changes occur with the aging process and are normal.

A certified physician should, immediately check out sudden blurred vision, spots and hairline shadows and loss of peripheral vision. Fatigue symptoms displayed in a diabetic condition is a signal that glucose levels may be dangerously low in the body. Chronic fatigue left untreated in a diabetic patient can be a serious sign of heart disease, which is linked to diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Of course you want to make sure your kids are safe.

Most symptoms of juvenile diabetes are very similar to early diabetes signs and symptoms in general. In most people, you'll see high blood sugar effects in plenty of time to treat them

But sometimes not in kids.

That's because they have no history of diabetes and you're not expecting it to hit so young. So you can mistake it for something else and when it gets serious you must act quickly to keep your kids safe.

So what are the symptoms of juvenile diabetes?

Generally, they relate to starving cells for glucose at the same time that excess glucose builds up in the blood. I you Google type 1 diabetes symptoms, you'll find lots of articles on it - frequent peeing and drinking, weight loss and wasting, weakness, and incessant hunger.

But some kids sometimes will experience very serious symptoms for diabetes. These come from ketone bodies building up in the blood and urine, leading to diabetic ketoacidosis.

And this, you must get help for at once.

How to recognize it: Your son will be hit with nausea, abdominal pain, and at times, vomiting. His blood will get thick like syrup. He'll get drowsy and may fall unconscious. And if the situation isn't corrected quickly, he may die. (If you ever have any question that this may be going on, call your doctor immediately).

The treatment is straightforward and uneventful when the problem is handled quickly.

The best course of action for you, is to never let your child get that advanced with symptoms of juvenile diabetes. The challenge with kids often is that they don't want to follow the diet and exercise program you put them on.

It's just not cool.

And peer pressure is more powerful than the specter of health problems for a young person.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
A person must stay alert to recognize early symptoms of diabetes. There are many  symptoms of diabetes that give red signal. The sufferer should try to decrease these early symptoms of diabetes and lower down the chances of developing diabetic complications. To preserve the better health; a treatment of these symptoms is necessary. If a person does not alert his feelings to recognize these early  warning signs of diabetes; it means that he is putting his life even at more risk.

Some early symptoms of diabetes includes excessive thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, sudden weight loss, tiredness, blurry vision and numbness in extremities. Sometimes these symptoms come together; so one must be attentive to his feelings. Unfortunately there are 20 million people suffering from different types of diabetes. A worst news is that 1/3 out of these are not aware of their medical condition.

Members of some races should have to be more cautious. If an individual is a member of African-American, Pacific Islanders or Latino he must be slightly more careful; as diabetes is more prevalent in these groups. Hereditary issues, age, weight and lack of exercise are risk factors of diabetes. Early symptoms of diabetes are similar even in juveniles. Keeping the senses of children alive is vital as other issues for their well-being.

No doubt, diabetics can live a longer and happier life. Keeping the symptoms alive is a greater investment. One can also choose to have some quality minerals and vitamins to keep the immunity system strong. One must exercise, cut down processed food, get enough rest and gather basic information about early symptoms of diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The importance of normal blood glucose (sugar) levels is related to the prevention of some of the complications of high blood sugar. Your healthcare team can help you set the blood glucose target range that is right for you. If your blood glucose level in not within the ideal or normal blood glucose range you may begin to experience type 2 diabetes symptoms as well as the symptoms of low or high blood sugar. Symptoms of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes include hyperglycemia or high blood glucose and things like more hunger or thirst than usual, frequent urination, dry or itchy skin, fatigue, blurred vision, frequent infections and slow healing of cuts. Some people do not have symptoms probably due to gradually blood sugar levels over the years. Mild symptoms may go unnoticed. Also, people differ in their awareness of symptoms.

You may wonder how diabetes can go undiagnosed when one gets a physical every year. Unless you have symptoms that alert you to the fact that additional diabetes testing may need to be done the necessary test may not be performed. One reason may be that a fasting blood sugar at the time of your annual physical may be normal. Likewise, a random blood glucose level at the time of your physical may be normal. If HgbA1C is done at a physical it may, also, be normal if the person is experiencing lows as well as highs in blood sugar. HgbA1C represents an average blood sugar range.

Noticing of unusual body symptoms and relaying those to your health care provider is important to diagnosing of diabetes. Mentioning those symptoms may result in more tests being performed. There are other tests like a 2 hour glucose test in which the monitoring of blood glucose levels takes place every one-half hour after drinking a specially formulated drink with a known amount of carbohydrate. This 2 hour glucose test can help diagnose diabetes that could be missed with fasting or random blood sugar testing. It is often used with a family history of diabetes so family history is an important piece of information to relay to your health care provider as well.

A diabetic may still have high blood glucose even after treatment so this is why self monitoring of blood glucose is very important to check to see if blood sugar levels are normal. With hyperglycemia or high blood sugar your diabetes is out of control. Factors that cause blood glucose to increase include more food than usual, emotional stress, infection, physical stress like being in pain or being sick, getting less exercise than usual, not taking enough or the right diabetes medication, and extra sugar produced by the liver.

Blood sugar levels are considered to be above normal when they rise above 100 or 120 mg/dL before meals or above 140 or 160 mg/dL 2 hours after a meal. This happens to everyone with diabetes at times but if this happens often, it is problematic and needs attention. It is important to keep blood glucose levels normal to help prevent the symptoms and complications of type 2 diabetes as outlined above. Symptoms of type 1 diabetes and type 1.5 or 3 diabetes will be outlined in another topic.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Research has proven that good control of Diabetes lowers the incidence of diabetic complications. As a result, the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists have encouraged physicians to help patients get their sugars as close to the normal range as possible. Many patients believe that this means getting their sugars as low as they can, and will often skip meals or exercise excessively to do so. However, these behaviors can be very dangerous for a patient with diabetes, and may result in hypoglycemia. Complications of hypoglycemia are discussed below.

The April addition of Medscape News cited an online survey presented by Barbara Boughton at the 20th annual meeting of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in which she mentioned that 55% of adults with diabetes had sugar levels that were too low, and 42% of people with low blood sugar had symptoms of hypoglycemia. Approximately 26% of low sugar reactions occurred while people were working, and 19% occurred when they were driving. About one third of people who experienced the symptoms of hypoglycemia while engaging in these activities did not know that skipping meals and/or engaging in excessive exercise while taking insulin or other medications for diabetes may bring about hypoglycemia. In addition, many of the individuals surveyed did not know that dizziness, "fuzzy" thinking, and/or shakes may be symptoms of hypoglycemia.

As a endocrinologist, I have felt that the danger of diabetic complications from poorly-controlled sugars has been appropriately emphasized in the medical literature and the lay press, but the dangers of hypoglycemia have not received sufficient publicity. it is important to balance the risk of high-sugar complications against the risk of hypoglycemia. As a first step, patients should be advised to take their medications appropriately, monitor their sugars and eat regularly and consistently. In addition, the risk of hypoglycemia may be decreased by following these steps:

1) Recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia caused by inadequate sugar to the brain. These symptoms include loss of consciousness, dizziness, and impaired ability to think.

2) Recognize symptoms caused by your body trying to raise the sugar. These symptoms sugar include excessive sweating, rapid heart beat and extreme anxiety.

3) Do not skip meals.

4) If you are going to exercise excessively, make sure you have a snack beforehand.

5) Have food and with you if you are going to go on a car trip.

6) Learn how to monitor your sugar, and check it at intervals as advised by your health care provider.

7) If you have any of the aforementioned symptoms, check your sugar level immediately.

8) Always carry juice or some other source of sugar with you.

9) Discuss how to recognize and treat hypoglycemia with your health care provider, as the general advice provided here may not apply to your specific needs.

10) Make sure family members or others close to you understand how to recognize symptoms of hypoglycemia and know how to help you if you are not able to check your sugar level or drink juice on your own.

11) Family members need to understand that hypoglycemia may cause confusion and even lead to your refusing to eat or drink. If they cannot get you eat or drink something to appropriately raise your sugar level, they will need to get you professional medical attention immediately.

12) If you have hypoglycemia and are unable to take in sugar by drinking juice or ingesting another appropriate source of sugar, call for help as you will need immediate medical attention requiring a visit to the nearest emergency room.

Above all, follow the advice of your health care provider. If you have hypoglycemia or a low sugar reaction, inform your physician after the fact so (s)he may help you understand why it occurred and help you take active steps to prevent another one.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
If you have shaky hands and feel not able to concentrate before lunch no matter if you had a snack after breakfast we can suspect you are suffering of reactive hypoglycemia you can just be in the initial phase, and this can just be an annoying crash but if not treated, this condition is just going to get worse. Here we are going to see how to stabilize your blood sugar levels to help you avoid those crashes.

Commonly hypoglycemia occurs due to adrenal fatigue, adrenal glands produce cortisol and with these not working properly we got lowered blood cortisol. The liver has to work harder to convert glycogen into blood sugar, during stress insulin levels are increased because the cells demand more energy, and without the right cortisol levels to elevate the blood sugar levels the increased demand is impossible to meet.

People suffering of adrenal fatigue when even under mild stress like an argument at work can not produce the increased demand for blood glucose as a result of the fatigued adrenals unable to cope with the cortisol needed , increasing the insulin at the same time that the demand of glucose is increasing, setting the stage for tragedy.

You can not treat diabetes low blood sugar with coffee and sweet snacks, this only throws your body into a constant roller coaster ride trough the day, at the end you just going to fell exhausted without having done anything. Is like driving with the brakes and flooring the accelerator at the same time.

More than sixty percent of people with diabetes low blood sugar go on to become diabetics!

You can be in the other side of the fence with an hypoglycemia diet while treating your adrenal glands and in less than 3 months you can improve remarkably.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes is a serious medical condition. If left untreated it is not only lifelong but also life threatening. It is estimated that more than 20 million individuals are suffering from symptoms of diabetes in United States of America alone. More alarming figure is that around 6 million of the above figures are not yet diagnosed with diabetes. These unlucky individuals are experiencing diabetic symptoms but are not ware of their medical condition.

What Are First 8 Symptoms Of Diabetes?

Diabetes is generally diagnosed when a person visits his family doctor for the treatment of other problems. There are some earliest signs of diabetes that people confuse and attribute them to other medical conditions.

Frequent Urination: The frequency of urination of the person increases because of the increased level of sugar in blood. This increases the amount of blood that is flowing through the kidneys. However some people also start to experience frequent urination as they get older. Mostly this condition is written off as they are getting older. If the underlying cause is diabetes it must be diagnosed. If this chronic medical condition is left untreated it may lead to kidney failure as well.

Extreme Thirst: As kidneys are extracting more water from the body; to restock the water supply the body experiences an unquenchable thirst.

Excessive Hunger: There is a deficiency of insulin in the body and the cells are unable to get adequate amount of energy for the processing of body functions. The cells get energy starved and give signals to the brain that they are hungry. Though the food is around but the cells are unable to extract glucose from the food because of lack f insulin.

Sudden or Unexplained Weight Loss: As mentioned earlier the lack of insulin causes the cells to stay away from energy. The body needs energy for its processing. It starts to break down the muscle and the fat mass of the body to get enough energy. The result is then sudden or unexplained weight loss.

Fatigue: Decrease level of energy cause the diabetic person to feel fatigued tired or even completely exhausted after the routine work.

Irritability, Mood Swings and Depression: The diabetic becomes irritable and depressed because of the drastic changes and the undiagnosed signs and symptoms of diabetes experienced by him.

Impaired Vision or Blurriness in Vision: More blood flows through the retina of eye which results in the swelling of eye lens. The blurriness in vision is experienced. If left untreated it may result in complete blindness as well.

Numbness or Tingling In Extremities: Numbness is experienced generally in leg, feet, hands or arms.

If you are experiencing any of the above mentioned warning signs of diabetes it is important to get tested.

Remember diabetes is not an illness that will go by itself. Further it only progresses if left untreated. It is the 6th leading cause of death in USA.

So do not be the next victim of this chronic ailment.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Gestational diabetes is a temporary phase. In this type of diabetes a pregnant woman has the levels of blood sugar that are higher than normal. Till so far the exact cause of this type of diabetes is still unknown. However many doctors are of the belief that these disturbed blood sugar levels are because of an increased stress on the body of the woman. Most women do not experience any obvious symptoms of gestational diabetes. The disease remains undetected unless they go for a routine screening of diabetes during the second trimester of pregnancy.

Some doctors think that it is the placenta and its working that is the main reason of gestational diabetes. Placenta is the system that supports the growing fetus in the uterus. In the period of pregnancy placenta produces many different types of hormones. Some of these hormones are not in the favor of the efficiency of mother's hormones. The result is high-level of sugar in blood. Though the pancreas of the mother's body is producing three times more insulin to counteract the placental hormones but insulin cannot enter the cells. This condition is termed insulin resistance.

Sometimes pregnant women are able to note the classical symptoms of diabetes. These are

Excessive Urination: This is the result of increased blood flow towards the kidneys so surplus sugar could be expelled through urine.

Excessive Thirst: This is the reaction to the excessive urinary output to avoid dehydration.

Extreme Hunger: The sugar consumed by the body is unable to enter the cells of the body so the cells become starved of energy. These starving cells give signals to the brain that they are hungry.

Unexplained Weight Loss: In spite of the fact that a pregnant woman is eating a lot to feed the starving cells and the growing fetus, there is a continuous decrease in the weight of the body of the mother. The doctor may be able to see that the weight of the baby is increasing but the weight of the mom is decreasing.

Tiredness: It is very difficult to distinguish between pregnancy fatigue and the exhaustion because of diabetes. The woman may feel completely exhausted even without doing any strenuous activity. The reason again here is the lack of energy as the cells are unable to convert glucose into energy.

Irritability and Mood Swings: Again the woman may confuse this irritable behavior because of pregnancy hormones.

Blurriness in Vision: The vision of the pregnant women starts to get blurred because of an increased blood flow towards the retina of eye.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
What is canine diabetes? Diabetes mellitus is the condition where in there is a deficiency of insulin to keep the body in its regular functioning. In the average dog, food is ingested and converted to glucose which serves to give energy to the body. Glucose is only accessed through insulin and the lack of insulin is the culprit behind dog diabetes.

If the pancreatic gland is not secreting sufficient insulin; or it the dog's cells fails to respond to the insulin-the animal has diabetes. Diabetes is not fatal. In fact, treatments are made easily available in stores and online shops that will ensure a long and fairly healthy life for your pet.

What are the symptoms of a diabetic dog? Excessive urination (or polydipsia) and unusually high consumption of water (or polyuria) is to be expected. You will also notice a loss of weight in him. This is because the body takes fat and protein from its reserves to counteract the lack of glucose produced.

When symptoms of diabetes arise, take your pet and have him diagnosed as soon as you are able. The vet will first get a urine test to see if traces of glucose are found in the urine. The results will be verified by a blood test that will or will not show a higher level of glucose than the normal dog. If it is confirmed that he has diabetes, get a thorough check-up for your dog to see if there are other health issues that might complicate his present condition further.

The treatment for dog diabetes will vary depending on the results as well as factors like age, weight and current condition of the animal. Generally, the recommended and primary method used will be injections of insulin-the dosage will again vary for every canine. Monitor him for a few days and get another check-up. If there is an improvement, maintain the dosage and establish a healthy routine the dog can follow.

It is very important that your dog is provided with good food and adequate exercise. A diet high in complex carbohydrates and fiber will help regulate the glucose in your dog's body better. Do not give food that have a lot of fat and sugar content in it. Read up on nutritional and appropriate meals and snacks you can serve your dog.

Exercise improves insulin production because it promotes better blood flow. Be very careful if you have never engaged the diabetic dog in physical activity before. Sudden exercise or any change in his exercise routine will cause blood sugar levels to decrease and may trigger hypoglycemic coma.

A common offshoot of diabetes is cataracts. High blood glucose levels, or hyperglycaemia disrupts the lens of the eyes. Neuropathy is also another possible complication of diabetes. Check the back legs of the dog for weakening. More than all that though, diabetes ketoacidosis is the most dangerous. The vital organs break down because of high hyperglycaemia that has been untreated for too long. Look out for the symptoms to avoid the more progressive complications that your diabetic dog may suffer if the condition is not kept appropriately under control.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Sometimes it is difficult to recognize type II diabetes symptoms, since they vary from person to person. But, ignoring diabetes symptoms can lead to serious damage to the organs caused by unchecked blood glucose levels. Here we look at the most common type II diabetes symptoms, but keep in mind that regular check-ups are always important, even if you do not notice the symptoms, particularly if you have a family history of the condition.

More Frequent Urination

In an effort to remove the excess glucose from the blood stream, the kidneys work harder, leading to more frequent urination. This also removes other necessary fluids from the body and can lead to dehydration. Increased thirst and/or dry mouth are usually noticed.

Possible kidney damage is one reason that ignoring diabetes symptoms is not safe. In addition, severe dehydration accompanied by very high blood sugar levels can lead to hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome, which is life threatening.

In rare cases, people who have not previously noticed type II diabetes symptoms have ended up in the emergency room in a coma. Scientists believe that they have identified genes that are responsible for the development of the condition, confirming the long held belief that it does "run in the family".

This information also confirms the long held suggestion that persons with a family history of type II diabetes should advise their doctor and have regular physicals, including a fasting or casual plasma glucose test. This test measures the level of glucose in the blood stream.


If you have high blood glucose levels, you may feel tired, weak or easily fatigued. The cells of the body convert glucose enter energy. Insulin, secreted by the pancreas after a meal, signals the cells that glucose is available. The cells "open their doors", so to speak, and allow the glucose to enter.

If insulin production is insufficient or if the cells do not recognize the "signal", glucose builds up in the bloodstream. It needs to be mentioned that a certain amount of glucose in the bloodstream is normal and necessary to fuel the brain. If blood glucose levels fall too low, a condition call hypoglycemia can occur. Some of the symptoms of hypoglycemia are similar to type II diabetes symptoms, including fatigue.

If untreated, hypoglycemia can lead to coma, brain damage or death. These are more reasons why ignoring diabetes symptoms can be dangerous. Type II diabetes symptoms are not specific to the condition and can be symptoms of other health problems.

If blood sugar levels are too high, fatigue is caused by lack of glucose or energy in the cells. If blood sugar levels are too low, fatigue or sleepiness is a result of lack of fuel to the brain.

Other Type II Diabetes Symptoms

Other symptoms can range from increased hunger, even after eating a meal, to nausea or vomiting. Blurred vision is sometimes noted and if left unchecked the condition can cause permanent damage to the eyes.

Tingling in the hands or feet may be noticed early on in the condition. If left untreated the small blood vessels that supply the nerves of the hands and feet can become damaged, leading to pain and other more serious complications.

Frequent urinary tract infections, vaginal infections or skin infections are sometimes type II diabetes symptoms. Not everyone with the condition experiences all of the symptoms mentioned here, but ignoring diabetes symptoms may mean that treatment does not begin early enough to prevent permanent damage to the organs, nerves and blood vessels in the body.

To learn more about type II diabetes symptoms and to learn about new natural products that support healthy insulin production and improve insulin sensitivity, please visit the Diabetes Type Two Info Guide.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is one of dangerous illness which is very difficult to treat. Most of people who are suffered from diabetes only can keep their glucose in stable if they do not want to get involve with serious problem caused by diabetes. Basically, diabetes is caused because insulin in your body does not work properly in which insulin is acted as a glucose controller across the cells within your body. The basic term of diabetes is the highest level of glucose in your body from the normal glucose level. Moreover, there are several types of diabetes and it determines the level of dangerous. There are three levels on diabetes which are pre diabetes, diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2. Pre diabetes is a condition in which the person is already has high level of glucose but he or she is not diagnosed as people with diabetes yet.

The most dangerous diabetes is diabetes type 2. The symptom is various and sometimes you do not realize if you are suffered from diabetes. Several general diabetes symptoms which you need to know such as getting thirsty more than normal condition, getting tired easily and also getting hungry. One way to prevent you from diabetes is changing your lifestyle and of course you need to change it into healthy lifestyle to keep your health well. First, you can take diet program for diabetes. In this case, you need to learn about what kind of foods which you can eat and foods which not allowed. Of course, it has to keep your daily nutrition otherwise you will suffer from different illness. If you feel uncomfortable with your condition, you have to check your condition to the doctor right away especially if you have the same diabetes symptoms. Second, besides keeping your eating habit you have to stop your bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Third, you need to keep you health by doing exercise regularly and avoid more sugar and also salt. You need to do these kinds of treatment to prevent your condition worst especially preventing you from diabetes type 2.

For your information, diabetes type 2 can leads you to several serious illnesses including stroke. Stroke is a condition in which you have high blood pressure. Furthermore, stroke happens when your blood vessel ruptures and blood cannot reach your brain. This is the reason why people with stroke disease are able to move several parts of their body. Basically, it is caused because their brain can control their body because their vessels are damage. The way to reduce this kind of risk is by checking your blood pressure regularly. Again, you need to keep your health by eating healthy food and do exercise. People with overweight problem tend to have a risk of suffering from diabetes and stroke. Of course, the next solution is by reducing your weight by tight diet program.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a condition wherein the body cannot regulate the amount of sugar especially the glucose in the blood. There are two types of diabetes the type I and the type II. What are the diabetes symptons, and what are the things that we need to do to avoid having diabetes mellitus? What are the procedures we can do to detect or to check if we are at risk or carrier of diabetes mellitus?

We classified diabetes as type I if the body stops producing insulin or produces too little insulin to regulate blood glucose level. It comprises about 10% of total cases of diabetes. Type I is typically recognized in childhood or adolescence, this is what we called juvenile-onset diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Type I diabetes mellitus is usually occur in an individual this is because of the destruction of pancreas b alcohol, disease, or removal by surgery. It can also be the result of progressive failure of the pancreatic beta cells-producer of insulin. In type II diabetes, this is the state wherein the pancreas secretes insulin but our body is unable to use that insulin. This is what we called insulin resistance. Our body tries to overcome the resistance by secreting more and more insulin. A person can develop diabetes type II if they have insulin resistance and they do not continue to secrete enough insulin to cope with the higher demands.

What are the diabetes symptons, for type 1 is often dramatic and come very suddenly it is usually recognized in childhood or early adolescence, it is often associated with an illness like virus or urinary tract infection and also injury. The extra stress can cause diabetic ketoacidosis which includes nausea and vomiting. If the ketoacidosis will not be treated it can lead to coma and death. For type 2 the diabetes symptons are often subtle and may be attributed to aging or obesity. In type II you can have diabetes without even knowing it, they can develop hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic symdrome. It can be precipitated by steroid and stress. If those diabetes symptons not be properly treated, it can lead to complications like blindness, kidney failure, heart disease and nerve damage. There are also major diabetes symptons for both major types of diabetes:

- Fatigue

- Unexplained weight loss

- Excessive thirst (polydipsia)

- Excessive urination(polyuria)

- Excessive eating (polyphagia)

- Poor wound healing

- Infections

- Altered mental status

- Blurry vision

We need to seek for medical care if we see anyone having any diabetes symptons. Check up to the doctor is a very good way in this kind of disease because early detection is the best key for further damage.

The procedures that doctors usually do with the patient having diabetes is monitoring blood sugar by means of blood test. A number of laboratory test are performed to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes. Procedures includes are:

-Finger stick blood glucose

-Fasting plasma glucose

-oral glucose tolerance test

-Glycosylated hemoglobin or hemoglobin A1c

Those are the procedure that can be done to test your blood for glucose level. This is done for early detection and monitoring your blood sugar. Knowing the predisposing factors is very important especially the diabetes symptoms because it can lead to more complicated situation and more serious health condition if not be treated properly.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Many women, who are suffering with gestational diabetes, believe that medications or insulin injections are the only way of controlling gestational diabetes. Ironically, these methods are least preferred when it comes to a gestational diabetes treatment. There are certain other effective methods that can help get rid of this condition without any major side effects. This article summarizes some of those methods:

1. Gestational Diabetes Diet:

Following a proper and balanced diet chart is one of the most commonly prescribed methods for controlling gestational diabetes.  Pregnant women suffering with diabetes should eat foods that contain the right type of nutrients in proportionate amounts.  Also, one must keep a check on the calorie intake.  Another important point regarding gestational diabetes diet is that the amount of food consumed must be according to the stage of pregnancy, physical requirements of the mother and also the baby's growth rate.  In this regard, one must contact an experienced and certified nutritionist or dietician who can help you out in planning your gestational diabetes diet.

2. Regular Exercise:

Another important method that greatly helps in regulating gestational diabetes symptoms is regular physical exercise.  Apart from that, regular exercise also helps your body stay fit and toned, drives away stress and ensures that you are physically active.  During pregnancy, women tend to gain excess weight that can lead to further complications.  With a proper physical exercise, it is even possible to control weight gain.  However, remember to consult your health care provider before starting any exercise program during pregnancy.

3. Avoid Stress:

Stress is a major cause of several ailments including gestational diabetes. Always ensure that your surroundings are peaceful and calm.  Remember to stay away from circumstances that can create stress and cause hypertension.

4. Monitor blood sugar levels periodically:

This is an important part of controlling gestational diabetes and its symptoms. Any women suffering with gestational diabetes must ensure that her blood glucose levels are kept under check throughout the day.  For this, it is important to monitor glucose concentrations in the blood at least 4 times a day.  The first reading should be taken early in the morning with an empty stomach.  Subsequent readings can be obtained one hour after every meal.  One can do this exercise at home itself.  At present, a variety of glucometric meters are available in the market. Along with this, do remember to regularly monitor the condition of fetus, its growth and well-being.  This can be done through certain diagnostic methods such as fetal ultrasound and nonstress test.

Controlling gestational diabetes is possible. All that is required is a bit of dedication, proper planning and regular consultation with the physician so as to ensure a healthy and successful pregnancy without any major complications occurring in the fetus.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a problem with the blood glucose level in your body. Blood glucose is essentially the energy that we supply the body with so that it can function. This might be things you never think about, like antibodies healing cuts and bruises or it might be the energy your body uses to play a squash game.

Glucose gets into the blood from digested food. The process it uses to convert glucose to energy uses an hormone called insulin.

Insulin is produced in the pancreas. When somebody has diabetes, insulin is not produced or the insulin that is produced is ineffective. In a non-diabetic person the insulin converts glucose to glycogen, and in the process, reduces the glucose level in blood. In a diabetic this does not occur and the blood glucose level gets high.

High glucose levels in the blood can cause all sorts of problems to a persons health. In type 1 diabetes a person with high glucose level blood can get diabetic ketoacidosis that can lead to coma and death if not detected and acted upon.

Chronically high blood sugar levels can lead to heart disease, poor circulation, nerve damage, foot and eye problems and a host of other problems.

Thus high blood sugar levels can lead to acute and chronic illnesses that range from mild and irritating or critical and dangerous. Therefore it is important to check the blood glucose level because it tells you the state of your diabetes and the likelihood of complications occurring.

Monitoring your blood gives you the information you need to treat your diabetes.

Your doctor will tell you what the ideal range of glucose in your blood should be based on your particular circumstances.

General guidelines are based on just before meals and 2 hours after a meal. The range is measured in millimoles of glucose per liter of blood (mmol/l)

Before meals an ideal reading is 4-6 mmol/l , a fair reading is 6-8mmol/l and a poor reading is 8 + mmol/l.

After meals an ideal reading is up to 8mmol/l, a fair reading is up to 10 mmol/l and a poor reading is 10+ mmol/l.

With this information you can determine whether you need to take insulin, medication or some other strategy that can control the glucose level.

Testing is normally done by pricking your finger and allowing a drop of blood to fall onto a testing strip. The testing strip is then put into a blood testing monitor that will give you a reading in about 30 seconds on so.

Testing blood gives you control over diabetes and allows you to plan your day without the disease impacting on your life too much.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
In many instances, it may be very difficult to know if your child is suffering from diabetes. However, there are some diabetes child symptoms you can look for. Diabetes is a disease that increases the overall amount of sugar or glucose found in the blood. If left undiagnosed, diabetes can cause some severe problems.

One of the most common diabetes child symptoms is frequent urination and thirst. When a child suffers from diabetes, the excess sugar makes them extremely thirsty. Therefore, they drink a considerable amount to compensate. With all of the excess water they are taking in, they will then need to use the bathroom a lot more. Another diabetes child symptom is blurred vision. However, most kids do not realize their vision is blurry. Diabetes causes the vision to become blurry, but it not a constant thing. Therefore, this may be a tough symptom to recognize. Your child may also experience some numbness or tingling in their hands and feet. Again, your child may not describe this symptom to you or not realize exactly what is going on.

In a child who has diabetes, cuts and bruises may take considerable longer time to heal, than in a child without diabetes. In many instances, it is easy to simply think that your child has a "bad" cut and it is taking longer to heal. Therefore, it is important that you watch the cut or wound closely.

A child diabetes symptom that is often overlooked is irritability. This is especially true if you have a teenager. Diabetes can cause your child to have some extreme mood swings, which can be disguised as hormones in teenagers. Extreme hunger and unexplained weight loss are two other symptoms to look for. If your child is constantly eating and not gaining any weight, it may be cause for concern. Likewise, if your child is constantly eating and is still losing weight, he or she may have diabetes. Often times parents simply write this off as the child going through a growth spurt. If left undiagnosed, diabetes can cause severe problems in children. If the blood sugar remains too high, your child can experience blindness, heart disease, kidney failure and extreme nerve damage.

If you believe your child may be suffering from diabetes, it is extremely important you contact a physician. They can check your child's blood sugar several different ways. They can do a quick check to see if there is sugar present in the urine. As well, they can do a blood test after a large amount of glucose is taken in. The test will give an accurate representation of how the body reacts to the high amount of glucose. Diabetes is not something to take lightly. However, if properly diagnosed and treated, your child can go on to live a normal, healthy life.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
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