
Unfortunately one in every 700 children of school going age is suffering from diabetes. According to a research, it has been proved that this ratio will increase to a good amount in coming years. Most parents are not able to spot when the disease has already started in their children. The worst part is that most of the symptoms of diabetes are treated as normal.

Most people are not able to identify this disease in their children because the symptoms do not appear all at once. There are possibilities that a particular symptom appear at present and the other may take about some months to appear.

A) Here are some of the symptoms that can tell you about the presence of this serious disease in children:

a) Frequent thirst:

If your child is thirsty than normal then you need to worry. Excessive thirst may due to loss of fluid due to higher glucose levels present in the blood that ultimately results in dehydration and frequent thirst.

b) Extreme hunger:

When the glucose is unable to get into the cells, the body does not get adequate energy leading in extreme hunger in children.

c) Frequent trips to bathroom:

Most parents commit a mistake of considering this as a normal behavior. When the glucose is drawn out of, the body in conjunction with it's water, one may experience frequent urination resulting in the body not getting enough insulin in order to move glucose to the cells.

d) Unusual weight loss:

When the body has stored enough insulin, it tends to use the fat stored for required energy. This results in weight loss. A child may also lose weight due to fluid loss and dehydration inside the body.

e) Delayed healing:

It is natural for kids to get injured frequently when playing. This results in a lot of bruises and cuts. However, when suffering from diabetes, the cuts and bruises heal gradually. Don't think that it was just a bad injury. Contact a health care practitioner as soon as possible.

f) Blurred vision:

If you se your child's vision getting blurred contact a doctor. It would be a wise idea to go for frequent check ups as the child may not complain of it as it is not frequent.

g) Numbness in hands and feet:

This is not frequent. The child may also think that he is just tired.

B) Other symptoms indicating diabetes in children

a) Irritability

b) Kussmaul breathing

c) Stomach aches; Abdominal pain

d) Nausea; Vomiting

e) Back pain

f) Headache

g) Behavioral problems

h) Fatigue

Parents must remember that early detection can save their children from developing a lot of complications.

All you require to do is to run a blood test. This is the best and safest solution to identify diabetes.

C) Your role as a parent

Try to learn about diabetes as much as you can. You need to know all about its' symptoms, treatment measures and complications related to the disease. Once diabetes is detected, you need to learn how to give insulin injections to your child. Let your child learn about it too.

Make sure that you monitor your child's glucose levels on a daily basis. You should make yourself aware of the complications related to diabetes such as hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and the fastest remedies for them.

You must make sure that some sugar is always with you for emergency. It is also important to submit a written plan to the school with proper instructions about meal times, snack times and immediate treatments for high or low blood sugar and even emergency contact numbers.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a complex disease that can take more than one form. The two main types are Type I and Type II, and there is also another kind called gestational diabetes, which afflicts pregnant women. Type I diabetes is characterized by the pancreas not producing insulin, causing the need to have insulin injections to keep the blood sugar levels in the diabetic on an even keel. Type II diabetes is a little different. In Type II diabetes, the pancreas is producing insulin the body is just unable to process it or respond to it normally.

While the exact causes of diabetes are not clearly known, there are many symptoms to be on the lookout for. Studies have shown that early detection really makes a difference in how much a person can be affected by the disease, regardless of the type, so knowing and being able to recognize the symptoms is crucial. The symptoms of diabetes include unusual weight loss, frequent urination, irritability, dizziness, blurry vision, extreme hunger, excessive thirst, and increased fatigue.

These symptoms often go overlooked because they seem so harmless, so if you are experiencing one or more of them, it is important to consult your doctor or health care provider and find out now if you have this desease. Type I diabetes must often be treated with medication, but Type II diabetics can often be kept under control and managed with adjustments to diet and exercise. Gestational diabetes often resolves itself after the baby is born, but puts women at increased risk of developing Type II diabetes later in life. Early detection allows you to get a handle on your diabetes and start treating as soon as possible so you avoid any of the more serious complications that diabetes can inflict later on down the road.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
When one's body is incapable of producing/using insulin, then the level of blood glucose tends to rise. This can directly cause problems that may be severe in nature like coma, organ damage or even death! Such blood sugar fluctuations are commonly called diabetes. There are two categories of diabetes; Type I and Type II.

Symptoms for Type I are increased urination along with unusual thirst. There can be blurry vision along with unexpected and unexplained weight loss. Unrelieved and more than normal fatigue is also a sign of Type I. On the other hand, Type II can be classified through symptoms like weakness, extreme fatigue, prolonged healing duration, swollen and red gums as well as nerve damage. Type II is the most commonly found category among diabetic patients.

It is not necessary that one would suffer from diabetes only if he/she has higher blood glucose level. Contrary to this, lower sugar level of blood would also cause this problem. So, the normal level of glucose has to be maintained in order to stay fit and healthy and never face this problem. Better is to control your blood glucose level to normal as preventing the problem is a good solution over curing it.

One thing to keep in mind is that diabetes has the power to squeeze out even the last drop of sweetness from your life. So, instead of facing those times, it is better to reach a doctor and get yourself checked whenever you notice early signs of diabetes. These can be unexplained hunger pangs, dizziness, sweating and shakiness. It you are suffering such minor and seemingly normal changes in your routine, then you need to reach a doctor as quickly as can be. If ignored (which commonly happens), it can easily become a big trouble for the rest of your life.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The signs and symptoms that diabetes may be attacking your body are generally very subtle and are often written off as something less serious. As a result, diabetes may go on undetected in a person for years before it becomes a serious and more noticeable disease. The early signs for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are very similar in appearance. However, there are some differences that may allow you to differentiate between the two. If you suffer from any of the following signs and symptoms of diabetes you should seek the immediate advice of a health care professional. Early detection is the key to taking control.

Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes

The following symptoms are quite common and may be shrugged off as nothing unusual by some. However, you should take note if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, especially when in combination with each other or if you have any family history of diabetes or high blood sugar:

*Frequent Urination

If the body doesn't have an adequate amount of insulin, glucose cannot be filtered through the kidneys and into the blood. When this occurs, the glucose levels build up and the kidneys become overwhelmed. They will try to draw water from the body in an attempt to dilute the excess glucose. This, in turn, leads to excessive bathroom visits and frequent urination. Many tend to shrug this off by blaming their frequent bathroom stops on a small bladder or other minor issue. While a frequency in urination can be caused by a multitude of things, this sometimes embarrassing problem should be taken more seriously if combined with any of the other signs or symptoms of diabetes.

*Unexplainable Thirst

It stands to reason that if your kidneys are pulling water out of your body, then you are likely to become dehydrated and experience a need to replace the water you are losing. If you often experience extreme or unexplainable thirst that you just can't seem to quench, it may be a sign of early diabetes.

*Weight Loss

Since the pancreas is not producing insulin and the body is storing excessive levels of glucose that cannot be dispersed into the system, the cells of the body must look for an alternative source of energy. As a result, they begin to attack and break down muscle tissue and fat cells for the energy they require. Weight loss is generally more noticeable with Type 1 diabetes than it is with Type 2.


Weakness and fatigue may well be a sign of diabetes, especially when combined with any other symptoms. In an individual without diabetes, glucose is carried into the bloodstream and enters into the body cells. Without insulin, glucose cannot enter the cells and they become starved for energy, causing extreme tiredness and a general run down feeling.

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

While the above listed symptoms of Type 1 diabetes can also apply to Type 2, there are a number of other signs that may be more closely associated with Type 2 diabetes. These include numbness or tingling of the extremities, blurred or cloudy vision, itchy or dry skin, slow healing cuts or bruises, and recurring bladder, skin, or gum infections. If one or more of these symptoms are present with or without any of the above mentioned symptoms, you may be developing Type 2 diabetes.

Attack it Before it Attacks You

Fortunately, if diabetes is caught in the early stages, it can be easily controlled through a healthy lifestyle and a change in eating habits. The trick however, is in recognizing the early symptoms of diabetes and stopping it in its tracks before it takes control.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The signs were all there. The blurry vision, the constant urination, the fatigue. However when this insidious disease came upon me, I no had clue as to the symptoms of diabetes. However in reality you may think that I was novice on the subject of diabetes. However in reality I was not. My cousin Bobby was affected by diabetes from a young age. He was 22 years my senior however, I can remember when he used to eat, he would sweat profusely. I recall even there were times if he missed his insulin, he would behave as though he was drunk. I totally missed one of the most important sign of diabetes, that it can be inherited. (Type 2 Diabetes runs in families, Type 1 diabetes is more isolated)

When I began to investigate about the signs and symptoms of diabetes. I found out some startling information as a Type 2 diabetic, that my grandfather died from this disease. Back in the 1960's the knowledge & health care on this subject was rather limited. As I reflect back on the day that I was diagnosed with diabetes, it had a numbing effect on me. I noticed a few days before that everything I looked at was blurry. Given the symptom, I personally had no clue as to what it meant. So I went to the eye doctor thinking that my glasses were the problem. He said " would you mind reading the chart". Little did he know that I could not even distinguish the largest point size! The doctor said "that this is not adding up, he looked into my eyes and said I believe you have diabetes". Now it all began to make sense, the signs and symptoms that I was experiencing, because the night before when I was resting it was uncomfortable night. That night as I recall I retired about 1:00 am in the morning my feet was totally numb. When I walked it literally felt like I was stepping on cactus. I later came to find out that this is called peripheral neuropathy. Wellness support makes a great product that has reduced my pain tremendously. I highly recommend that product to anyone who suffers from neuropathy.

Please if you suffer from obesity, I would like to encourage you to see a doctor immediately. The long term effects of diabetes can be devastating. Check you Body Mass Index (BMI) He might advice you to change your diet, lose weight, otherwise the symptoms of diabetes can get worse. In other words seek a preventative cure before diabetes becomes more advanced. Dietitian, Physicians, and Diabetic Educators can help debunk a few of the myths that are out there like a piece of cake can kill you, people with diabetes shouldn't exercise, Hypoglycemia Kills Brain Cells. All of these are just myths.

My Personal goal is to reverse my diabetes ( I have lost 30LBS) and help as many persons to understand the dangers that are involved. My Mother has a friend around the corner who has lost both feet to diabetes, he is a young many about 44 years of age who now devotes his life instructing others as to the dangers of this disease. What I have come to find out that if we are to reverse diabetes it requires the following.

#1. Proper Attitude in recognizing the Sign and Symptoms.

#2. Exercising Vigorously when possible.

#3 Monitor Glucose levels constantly.

#4 Lifelong Education

#5 Diet ( Proper Diabetic Diet)

#6 Foot Care (Neuropathy)

#7 Eye Care

#8 Proper Medications

With a few of these steps what I am coming to realize is that the sign and symptoms,need not be a mystery. Also with proper care you can lead a life, that is comfortable and fully rewarding.

Please if you enjoyed this hit this link to find out more http://www.diabetes-breakthroughs.com/
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
As an adult, diabetes is something that can creep up on you without any warning. Well, that's not quite true -- there are definite warning signs for adult-onset diabetes, but they're often ignored or mistaken for other things. Since diabetes is a serious disease, it's important to recognize these signs as early as possible in order to minimize health problems and other complications. This is especially true of overweight adults, who are very much at risk of diabetes.

The classic signs of adult diabetes are frequent urination and constant thirst. The thirst is actually a side-effect of the urination, since the body is trying to prevent dehydration. Frequent or excessive urination is particularly a sign of diabetes insipidus, a form of diabetes that is hormonal in nature, unlike the more common diabetes mellitus, which is due to abnormal levels of insulin and/or resistance to insulin's effects.

Blurry vision is definitely one sign you should take seriously, as it often occurs after long periods with elevated blood sugar levels. Many adults will ignore this symptom, ascribing it to fatigue or the effects of aging. A visit to the optometrist should be scheduled as quickly as possible to determine if the blurred vision is in fact due to adult-onset diabetes or some other health problem.

Other symptoms of adult diabetes include unexplained weight loss, perhaps oddly coupled with increased hunger, as well as fatigue and irritability. Of course, there are many diseases and conditions that can cause some or all of these symptoms, especially in adults, which is what makes diagnosis of diabetes so difficult. Who hasn't been irritable, after all, or fatigued? But it's the chronic appearance of these symptoms that are worrisome. It's one thing to be fatigued for a day or two, but if you're feeling off for a couple of weeks, it's time to visit the doctor.

The good news is that diabetes responds well to treatment if caught early, especially in adults. If sugar or insulin resistance is the problem, careful control of diet and exercise may be all that's needed to keep the disease in check. For others, medication will also be required. The earlier it's diagnosed, though, the better chance you'll have of dealing with adult diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes can affect men and women at any age. It can even occur in children. Before we discuss the different symptoms for diabetes, let's go quickly over the 2 main types of diabetes.

Types of Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes can appear suddenly. Patients must carefully plan meals, monitor blood sugar, and take insulin as needed.

Since Type 1 diabetes results from a genetic predisposition as well as an autoimmune condition, it is difficult to prevent. However, some studies have revealed a correlation between Vitamin D and a lower rate of Type 1 diabetes, which suggests that drinking Vitamin D-enriched milk as children may lower the incidence of Type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes causes insulin resistance. Some of the known causes include eating a diet high in fat, being overweight, and having a history of diabetes in the family (genetics).

It can often be avoided with exercise and healthy eating habits. Eating lean meats and fresh vegetables and limiting processed foods will have a significant impact. While a low fat diet, free of partially hydrogenated fat, is advisable, it is important to have some of the good fats such as nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils.

Diabetes Signs and Risk Factors

You need to be aware of diabetes signs and symptoms so that you can recognize the condition and begin preventive measures to avoid debilitating complications.

Early warnings include excessive thirst, frequent urination, increased fluid intake, extreme hunger, and superficial wounds healing more slowly.

Blurred vision, which can occur when blood glucose levels are elevated for long periods of time, is another one of the symptoms for diabetes. Regular eye exams are especially important once a person has been diagnosed with diabetes.

One may feel weakness and exhaustion when the body fails to produce insulin properly, as well as when the body does not process energy correctly. In Type 1 diabetes unexpected weight loss may occur.

While Type 1 diabetes comes on suddenly, Type 2 symptoms for diabetes develop slowly.

Diabetes can also cause neurological damage, which can be irreversible if glucose levels continue to remain high for a number of years. Tingling and numbness in the hands, feet and legs may be an indication of nerve damage. Numbness may also increase risk of injury and infection. Diabetics should do regular self examination of the feet for possible cuts or infection. Also, be aware of calluses because they can develop into ulcers.

Poor circulation makes it harder to get rid of infections. Insensitivity to heat and cold can also lead to problems if one is not careful.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is chronic in nature only treatment can be given there is no proper cure for it. The signs and symptoms for diabetes develop very slowly and steadily but when they become more severe they lead to serious other complications. The main symptoms and signs of diabetes are

ท Increased thirst

ท Increase in appetite or excessive hunger

ท Increased urination, during night times

ท Weight loss or gain which is unexplained

ท Blurred or unclear vision

ท Sores and wounds that do not heal

ท Dry itchy skin

In more complicated cases diabetes leads

ท Blindness

ท Kidney failure

ท Nerve damage and

ท Micro vascular and macro vascular diseases.

ท Micro vascular disease are related to small blood vessels.

ท Macro vascular diseases are related to arteries i.e. hardening of arteries and narrowing them and leading to strokes, heart attacks.

Diabetes is mainly classified into two types i.e. type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is mainly due to halt in production of insulin which is due to autoimmune system of the body, it destroys the beta cells of the pancreas which are responsible for secretion for insulin. Type 1 diabetes is also known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus because insulin is a must dose over here. It is also by name Juvenile diabetes because it is more common among young adult and teenagers.

Diabetes type 2 is due to low production of insulin or the receptors of the cells not reacting with the insulin produced. This condition is known as insulin resistance. Here the body secretes more and more insulin rigorously and so it develops a resistance by itself.

The good news about diabetes is that it can be controlled or maintained naturally by taking well balanced diet, doing regular exercise.

Balanced diet in the sense diet should be rich in nutrition. For diabetes diet rich in fiber is recommended. Examples of diet rich in fiber are carrot, broccoli, peas, beans, apples, bananas, apricot, dates.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Your body has ways of telling you when something is wrong. It is important that you know the symptoms of type 2 diabetes because, the sooner treatment starts, the less damage will be done to your body.

The symptoms for this disease are many and seemingly innocent so you must pay close attention. By themselves they may appear harmless-I guarantee they are not.

Here are the most common symptoms.

o Frequent urination (causing the kidneys to work harder) due to excessive urine

o Excessive thirst

o Tired and weak-flu like symptoms-causing maybe a slow down in activity levels

o Hunger and increased appetite-causing weight gain

o Weight loss in spite of eating more or weight gain fluctuations

Less common are:

o Tiredness-just a general lack of energy from the food not being metabolized

o Dry skin

o Dry mouth-causing thirst

o Head aches and pains

o Blurred vision

o Impotence

o Yeast infections

o Difficulty in healing sores frequent infections

o Nerve damage-numbness in extremities

There is absolutely no harm in erring on the side of caution for these symptoms. It is always best to check especially if you are in a high risk category or have some inherited high risk factors. IT IS MUCH BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY!

If you have high risk factors anyhow check it out with a simple blood test. It is better to control at the outset than develop complications from inaction. Listen to you're your body has to say. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, see your doctor.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes is a medical disorder. It is characterized by the inability of the body to use or produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone released by pancreas. It helps to break down the food into energy.

Diabetes is generally diagnosed by an abrupt increase in tiredness, irritability, weight loss and skin infections. If the body fails to produce insulin the condition is termed type 1 diabetes. However the inability of the body to utilize insulin is termed type 2 diabetes. The former type is a life threatening condition and requires close monitoring.

When an individual suffers from diabetes his blood glucose levels fluctuates. The blood glucose level of the body increases and the sensitivity towards insulin decreases. There is a loss of excessive fluids from the body to expel the surplus glucose from the body. The diabetic individual does not sweat when required, which results in the skin drying specifically of legs, feet and elbows. Diabetics are also at an increased risk of catching various infections.

Diabetics experience severe symptoms of dry skin and complications. Diabetes also results in poor blood circulation and the nerve sensitivity at extremities. The decreased sensitivity cause the dry skin condition to remain unnoticed until the situation gets worse.

A most generally observed example of this is the cracked skin of the diabetic's feet. The diabetic may leave it untreated for some time. After few days the dryness becomes so severe that cracks start to appear. After few days germs may sweep in the cracks. These germs are happily fed by the high glucose levels in the blood stream of diabetics; so they reproduce quickly. The wound may result in gangrene which even requires amputation.

In addition to dry skin following skin complications may be faced by diabetics.

NLD is also termed Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum. It is a rash that appears on the lower parts of the leg. This rash is more common in women. There are red brown, slightly raised shiny patches. The centers of the patches are yellowish and have the tendency to develop open sores that are difficult to heal.

Diabetic Demopathy is a condition in which there are reddish or light brown, round or oval scaly patches that appears on the shins. This skin condition is faced by 30 % diabetics.

Bullosis Diabeticorum is blister that develops under the skin. They range in size from small to large. They are painless. There is not any treatment of the blisters as they generally heal by themselves within 3 to 4 weeks.

Acanthosis nigricans is a skin condition that causes velvety black or dark brown lesions on the skin of neck or underarms. It is more common in overweight women.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
It would be good for you to understand the symptoms of diabetes, and find out what are the signs of diabetes as early as possible. By knowing the symptoms will allow you to take good care of your own health, and watch out for any problems which may caught you off guard.

Diabetes is a long term disease, and it can just creep silently into your life if you are not aware of the symptoms of diabetes. Diabetes occur because the body could not properly metabolize the sugar which is in the food you eat. And diabetes happen when the pancreas stop producing insulin or the body stops responding to the insulin produced.

There are 2 main types of diabetes namely type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 is due to the body's immune system which mistakenly affects the production of insulin, while type 2 diabetes is because the body is immune to the insulin produced. Diabetes can be life threatening if you are not treated properly, therefore it is important that you know the symptoms of diabetes.

Some symptoms include excessive thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, blurry vision and sudden weight loss. These symptoms of diabetes occur because the excess glucose in your body is not being properly processed by insulin. It is crucial that you are able to identify these symptoms and seek professional health care immediately to prevent other diabetes complications.

Know how you can prevent diabetes, and not allow it to creep silently into your life. Prevention is always better than cure!
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a disorder of the body's sugar-regulation abilities. Most of the time it goes undiagnosed because the symptoms are not very clear. There are many symptoms, but they don't appear in all cases. The symptoms include frequent urination (polyuria), which occurs because of the high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels result in an overflow of glucose from the kidneys, carrying the fluid along with it. Because there is a constant loss of body fluid through urination there is a constant thirsty feeling (polydipsia).

Diabetes is usually accompanied by sudden weight loss, due to the body not being able to utilize the available glucose to generate energy. This can result in the individual being hungry throughout the day (polyphagia), which leads to weakness and fatigue. In diabetes the high sugar levels do not allow some of the body tissues and cells to work normally; hence, it can result in poor or blurred vision. This also results from the shrinking of the lens of the eye due to excess glucose. A diabetic person is prone to yeast and fungal infections, as these organisms can survive well in tissues, which cannot utilize sugar themselves, and therefore have a large amount of extra food for the yeast and fungi to grow.

There is also a tingling feeling or numbness in the hands and feet, which heightens at night. The skin of a diabetic person becomes very dry and flaky due to excessive loss of water, leading to dehydration. This situation may also lead to the person going into a coma. As the basic body fuel, glucose, cannot be converted into energy, the person seems very tired and lethargic most of the time. Also it takes a long time for any sores, cuts or wounds to heal in a person suffering from diabetes. They are also very susceptible to infections, since the immune system is very weak.

Some patients also experience pain in the legs while walking (claudication). There is also a constant itchy feeling (pruritis) in some diabetics.

Though the symptoms are many, it is very difficult to say for sure that you are a diabetic only on the basis of these symptoms, as these symptoms are not exclusive to diabetics. Therefore, to find out if you are diabetic, it is advisable to approach a medical doctor if any of these symptoms are seen, so that he can guide you in the proper direction.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes symptom is very often understated. As a result, Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless.Initially, the diabetes symptom is subtle or innocuous. It is no surprise that, you could have diabetes for months or even years and not even know it.

There are millions of people in the world who are unaware of the fact that they are diabetic. Awareness of the possible diabetes symptom can facilitate an early diagnosis and treatment, and ensure a better health for lifetime. In either cases of type1 and type 2 diabetes, signs and symptoms are more likely to be alike as the blood sugar is high. It could be due to less production of insulin, or no production or insulin resistance. In both cases there is inadequate glucose in the cells, which can be recognized through certain signs and symptoms. These symptoms are quickly eased once the Diabetes is treated .It will lessen the chances of developing serious health problems.

The most common diabetes symptom is excessive thirst and increased urination. They are typical symptoms.When you have diabetes, excess sugar or glucose develops in your blood. It puts extra load on the kidneys to filter and absorb the excess sugar. If the kidneys can't carry on, the excess sugar is excreted into the urine along with fluids pull out from the tissues. This activates more frequent urination, which may cause dehydration. The more you drink fluids to satisfy your thirst, the more you will urinate.

Another diabetes symptom is a flu-like feeling. One may experience tiredness, weakness and poor appetite. The reason being uncontrolled or poorly controlled diabetes obstructs the body's ability to convert sugar into energy. Instead of energizing the body cells, the sugar stays in your blood. The outcome is you end up feeling tired and exhausted.

Variations in the Body weight are also a possible diabetes symptom. Loss of sugar through frequent urination, results in loss of calories. The presence of diabetes prevents the sugar from your food from reaching your cells. This leads to frequent hunger which will result in rapid weight loss, especially if you have type 1 diabetes.On the other hand, increase in body weight is an equally serious concern. Over weight makes your tissues more resistant to the insulin action. This increases your blood sugar level. The cells become more anti with the increase in fatty tissues. Hence, obesity is a serious factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

Unclear or blurred viision is yet another diabetes symptom. High levels of blood sugar pull fluid from your tissues, including the lenses of your eyes, thus damaging your ability to focus .Diabetes needs immediate attention .If ignored; it promotes new blood vessels to form in your retina which is the back part of your eye, thereby damaging the old vessels. In some, this may bring minor vision problems such as dark spots, flashing lights or rings around lights. Rarely, diabetes can lead to blindness in some cases.

Diabetes can slow down the process of healing of sores or infections. This is because the body has lost most of its ability to challenge infections due to high levels of blood sugar. Natural healing process of the body is also weakened as a result. Women with diabetes are troubled by bladder and vaginal infections..

Loss of sensation in the hands and feet are another diabetes symptom. The excess blood sugar can damage the nerve. There may be tingling and a feeling of numbness in the hands and feet, as well as intense pain in the arms, hands, legs and feet.The risk of infection in the gums and in the bones that hold the teeth in place increases in diabetics. This is because the condition weakens the resistance towards germs. As a result, the gums may move away from the teeth, eventually the teeth may become loose, there may develop sores or pockets of pus in the gums .The risk is even more if one previously had a gum infection even before diabetes developed.

One must contact a physician as soon as the symptom is evident. If you notice any possible diabetes symptoms,it is absolutely vital to take all the body hints seriously and contact your doctor. The earlier the condition is diagnosed, the sooner the treatment can begin. Diabetes is a serious condition. Nevertheless, it is not the end of the road. By proper and timely medication, balanced diet and regular exercise a diabetic can enjoy a normal, healthy and happy life.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are many people in the world who suffer from the dreaded disease called diabetes and this is the reason why we should be aware of it with its symptoms. This disease can afflict anyone and it is wise and prudent to know more about it. When you are a diabetic you should be aware of the precautions that you need to take in order to live a normal life without hassles.

Diabetes is of two types and they are Type 1 and Type 2. Both persons of these two types suffer from high blood sugar levels that are caused due to less or no production of insulin. Diabetes and symptoms depend on the two types that are suffered by the person and they have been outlined below:

Symptoms of Diabetes Type 1:

People who suffer from this type of diabetes experience fast weight loss and dehydration, In advanced stages a person may also experience coma and death. There may be symptoms of vomiting and nausea in the initial stages as the blood cells do not receive the required glucose that is required for producing ATP or Adenosin Triphosphate.

Symptoms of Diabetes Type 2:

People who suffer from this type of diabetes suffer from increased fatigue and this is caused due to cell inefficiencies to metabolize glucose in the body. There is blurred vision and the person experiences fluctuations in weight. The person may also become tired and uneasy as there is insufficient supply of blood glucose to the brain. This also results in irritation. The person also shows signs of increased appetite and tends to gain weight fast. There is also an outbreak of frequent infections and there is poor wound healing. This affects the person and there is no proper circulation of blood too as the blood vessels thickens.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
The signs and symptoms of diabetes are often insidious. Knowing what to look for may be the only the key to early diagnosis and treatment - both of which are vital to preventing future complications. It's possible to have diabetes for months (possibly years) without recognizing the fact, making it all the more important to become familiar with the sometimes elusive clues your body sends you. Don't be one of the more than 6 million people in the United States alone who remain unaware that they are diabetic.

You may be excessively thirsty. You may urinate more than usual. These two symptoms combined are considered classic symptoms of diabetes. Your kidneys are working overtime to absorb and filter the excessive amounts of sugar in your system. When they can no longer keep up the exhaustive process the sugar is excreted into your urine - taking with it other equally important fluids drawn from your tissues. Out with the bad - and the good. The more you drink, the more you pee = and the likelier it is that your body will dehydrate.

You may suffer from fatigue induced by the dehydration. The excessive tiredness may also be from your body's increasing inability to convert sugar into energy as intended.

You may notice a weight loss occurring in spite of having an increased appetite. It's not just urine that gets lost in the process of frequent urination, calories are flushed away at the same time. Diabetes also keeps the sugar from reaching the body cells which need it causing you to become constantly hungry as the cells attempt to find the much needed nutrient. These two processes in tandem can cause rapid weight loss.

You might notice tingling or lack of feeling in your hands and/or feet. This is caused by nerve damage from excessive sugar in your blood.

Your eyes may lose their ability to focus causing blurred vision. This is also caused by high levels of sugar in your blood pulling fluid from the tissues in your eyes. If allowed to progress unchecked diabetes may cause new blood vessels to form in the retina. It may also damage and destroy existing vessels. Left untreated these changes can lead to blindness.

Because diabetes may impede your body's natural ability to fight germs frequent infections and/or wounds which are slow to heal are also a possible sign of diabetes. Bladder and vaginal infections can be especially common in women. Another body area where excessive sugar may cause a problem is your mouth. You may have reoccurring gum infections, frequent mouth sores or you may notice pus pockets on your gums. You may also notice that your teeth are loosening as the bones that hold your teeth in place can also become weakened by undetected infection.

Diabetes is a serious medical condition affecting men, women and children but with early detection and diagnosis combined with participation in ongoing treatment the prognosis can be a for a full, happy, productive and active life.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Approximately 8% of all Americans suffer from diabetes. This represents around 24 million Americans and this figure has increased about 15% over the last 2 years. In addition it is estimated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that around 57 Million Americans suffer from pre-diabetes, which involves blood sugar abnormalities. This represents a significant percentage of the population and, while in most cases treatable, can greatly affect the life of the afflicted.

The main symptom of diabetes is the decreased production and effectiveness of insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas, which is responsible for controlling the absorption of glucose into the body. Glucose, a sugar, is used for energy and when insulin is low or ineffective, the body begins to use fat in place of glucose for energy.

Diabetes can be classified into 3 categories. Type 1 diabetes involves an insufficient production of insulin. Type 2 diabetes involves a resistance to insulin, which is compounded by reduced insulin output. Gestational diabetes is found in 2%-5% of pregnant women and is very similar to Type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes often disappears or improves after child birth, but it can adversely affect the baby and a large percent of the women affected will develop Type 2 diabetes later in life.

There are several common symptoms of diabetes, but the most common symptoms are frequent urination, thirst, increased fluid consumption, and amplified appetite. In children Type 1 diabetes is most common and often the symptoms can develop in a few months or even weeks. Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes is usually much slower to develop. Weight loss is another symptom of Type 1 diabetes, but this is not usually found in Type 2 diabetes.

One common side effect of diabetes is that wounds take much longer to heal. This puts the body at increased risk of infection and often can result in the need for amputation of the foot and lower extremities. Proper foot care is essential, because an open sore on the foot can quickly result in a foot ulcer. The risk of fungal infections, heart attack, and stroke are also increased. Many diabetic people also wear special socks that allow for better breathability, reduce foot sweat, and have no seams or edges that could cause a foot irritation.

Insulin has been used to treat diabetes since the early 1920's. Shots of insulin are most oft used to control diabetes, but special insulin pumps can be used and recently an oral form of insulin was developed. Drugs that help increase the sensitivity of the body's tissue to insulin are also commonly used in Type 2 Diabetes.

Maintaining a proper diet and exercising regularly is also very important for the control of diabetes. Often this can be used to effectively treat Type 2 diabetes. Eating the right types of food and sugars is imperative and can mean the difference between life and death.

Diabetes can be effectively treated, but in most cases can not be cured. It affects many Americans and those across the World, but people with Diabetes can still live full and productive lives.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes symptoms are your final reminder that -- if you want to avoid diabetes Type 2 -- it is time to get serious about your weight and your exercise habits. You may already know that 97% of dieters regain all the weight they lose (and often more!) within five years. You need a diet that you can live with.

Diabetes runs in both sides of my family. Both my grandmothers were heavy Southern ladies who died of heart disease caused by diabetes. I knew instinctively from a young age that I never wanted to suffer that same fate.

Motivation I had; Now, I needed Information

What I sensed at age ten was that being grossly overweight had a lot to do with diabetes, in most cases. Choosing to adopt an athletic hobby was also natural, after observing all the unhealthy sedentary elders around me.

Finding the missing piece of the puzzle -- a healthy diet plan -- took me until the age of twenty. Confirmation that I was on the right track didn't come until age sixty, when I found a leading diabetes doctor's book. It gave me exactly what I was looking for, a program to avoid diabetes symptoms and all medications.

Interestingly, these simple dietary and exercise changes are effective 71% of the time when consistently applied by patients 60 years old and over, compared to only 30% success for those who used a drug to prevent diabetes. (This was proven in the Diabetes Prevention Study of high-risk subjects, as reported by the Center for Disease Control.)

Common diabetes symptoms are
1) Lack of energy;
2) Excessive thirst and urination;
3) Unexplained weight loss; and
4) High blood glucose levels.

These symptoms are your body's way of telling you that the rules of how you will live and eat are changing permanently -- and soon! They are your last warning that you can change your ways easily now... or suffer escalating consequences in the near future.

If you don't want your life to be ruled by medications and daily insulin shots, frequent doctor visits, progressing up to painful neuropathy, blindness, kidney disease, and possibly even the amputation of your feet, etc., it will be wise to take action now.

Diabetes is such an easy medical problem to prevent or even reverse. It only takes three things -- correct knowledge of how to eat, some moderate daily exercise, and willpower.

Come on! All one has to do, typically, is to lose 5-7% of your body weight by eating healthier foods and doing one half hour of moderate exercise per day, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and other experts. How hard can that be?

Losing Weight Permanently Is Impossible With Most Diets

The key thing is to not waste time with "loser" diets that you can't stay on. You know, the diets that temporarily starve you, until you scream, "Enough!" and get back to eating everything in sight.

The battle against diabetes symptoms is one you can't afford to lose.

When you begin experiencing diabetes symptoms, you need a diet that you can comfortably stay with for life. No, not a "life sentence" of deprivation, but some general rules of how to eat that will still allow you some occasional flexibility.

At this point, you can still reverse your incipient diabetes symptoms. You can cure yourself of this terrible disease before it gets much worse.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
One of the most common metabolic disorders in today's world is diabetes. Malfunctioning of the pancreas in - producing too little insulin, resistance to insulin, or both and this causes diabetes. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas to help in converting sugar, starches, and other foods into energy. A person who has regular high levels of blood glucose is diagnosed to suffer from diabetes. There are three types of diabetes - Type I, Type II, and Gestational diabetes.

Polydipsia or increased thirst causing to drink fluids more often, Polyphagia or increased appetite, Polyuria or frequent passing of urine, Blurred eye vision, Lack of energy and fatigue, Unusual and sudden weight loss, Dry itchy skin, Slow healing sores, Losing sensation or tingling and numbness in feet are all diabetes symptoms.

The different allopathic diabetes medicines are - Meglitinide Drugs, Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors, Thiazolidinedione Drugs, DPP-4 Inhibitors, Sulfonylureas Drugs, Biguanide Drugs, Dopamine Receptor Agonists, Bile Acid Sequestrants, and Combination Drugs.

In Ayurveda, diabetes is also known as Madhumeha and according to them, there are 20 types of diabetes - four types are due to Vata, six types from Pitta, and Kapha causes the remaining ten. Ayurveda for Diabetes helps to maintain blood sugar and keep kidneys, liver, eyes, and heart safe as these organs are affected by long drawn diabetes. Some diabetes herbal medications are listed here - Gymnema Sylvestre, Salacia oblonga, Bitter Melon, Cinnamon, Fenugreek, Ginseng, Aloe vera, and Chandraprabha. Some specified herbs for diabetes are - Savory to alleviate thirst, Broccoli, Ginseng, Green Tea, Lantana, Plantain, Sage to lower blood sugar, Evening Primrose for blood circulation, and Aloe Vera, Beans, Ginseng, Green Tea, Plantain to normalize blood sugar.

In Ayurvedic medication since ages, cow urine is used to prepare diabetes medicines. A recent scientific study by Dr. Jayakumar and his team in their research have found that the cow urine has anti-diabetic properties and has raised hope for millions of diabetic patients in India and abroad. The project funded by the State Government will be over five years.

Natural medicines for diabetes do not cause any side effects and help in stimulating pancreas to function normally. Any form of regular exercise, stopping smoking and alcohol, and taking a balanced diet along with few life-style changes can help in controlling diabetes. Some yoga exercises that are beneficial for diabetes are Sarvangasana, Halasana, the Child pose, Paschimotasana, and Ardha Matsyendrasana. Diabetes yoga helps to manage diabetes by activating glandular system responsible for this illness.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Do you show concerned about your health or the health of a loved one? Learn about the symptoms of diabetes.

Diabetes as a disease is a state of health characterized by high level of blood sugar, known as "hyperglycemia". The hormone insulin which is concealed by pancreas, controls the sugar metabolism of the body. The high blood sugar level is either as a result of fewer production of insulin or body's resistance to insulin. By and large, there are 3 types of diabetes namely: diabetes Type 1, diabetes Type 2 and gestational diabetes.

The Type 1 diabetes occurs as a result of failure of insulin production by the body while diabetes Type 2 is occurs because of failure of the body to utilize the insulin. The Type 1 diabetes is as well known as juvenile diabetes, since it was previously believed that only the kids fall victim to this type of diabetes. Last one is gestational diabetes and it looks like the Type 2 diabetes and occurs in pregnant women at any time throughout the course of pregnancy. Learn from this article that environmental factors and hereditary are responsible for causing diabetes.

Let's take a look at the symptoms of diabetes

Some symptoms of diabetes Type 1 and 2 are alike and the early diabetes symptoms are not so serious as many people overlooked it sometimes. As a result, people mostly neglect to diagnose diabetes in its initial stages. The symptoms varies from each diabetes type. Below are some of the commonly observed signs and symptoms of diabetes.

* Frequent Urination
* Increased in Thirst
* Increased Appetite
* Blurred Vision
* Increased Fatigue
* Weight Loss: The weight loss is as a result of too much loss of sugar and fluid because of polyuria.

Furthermore, glucose from the digested food does not get to the body cells. A victim of Type 1 diabetes loses weight more rapidly than a patient with other types of diabetes.

* Increased Infection and Slow Healing: The accurate cause for regular infection and slow healing among diabetes victims has not been proved yet. However, it is believed that the immune function of a diabetic patient is comparatively low as compared to a non-diabetic person. This may be due to presence of high sugar level in the blood, which in turn prevents the white blood cells from functioning as it should.

This diabetes of things are one of the common rigorous diseases in today's generation. It is a very severe disease and should not overlooked. Although, diabetes can be treated by providing insulin externally but the good way to be free from diabetes is by natural means as it has little or no side effect. Also undergoing steady blood sugar and urine tests to know if you have diabetes is recommended. Those obsessed folks and those having diabetes in their family history should be more careful.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a potentially life-threatening, medical condition that affects millions of people around the world, young and old alike. What makes it all the more ominous, is that diabetes progresses in an extremely slow, silent, and stealthy manner, and lies dormant and undetected until it is too late.

Unfortunately, most people who display one or more symptoms of diabetes either ignore the early tell-tale signs of this deadly, medical condition by attributing them to other medical issues, or are unaware of the serious harm it can cause to their overall health.

The Price Of Neglect

Unfortunately, a significant number of those who are advised to seek medical intervention when diagnosed with diabetes - based on one or more of its common symptoms - usually fail to heed such advice, and tend to brush aside further medical intervention to control it. It is precisely these people who pay a heavy price - physically, emotionally and economically, as their general health condition worsens with the silent, progressive march of diabetes.

Swift Action Can Help

You'll be well advised never to lose sight of the fact that diabetes is controllable... but NOT curable. This is a lifelong AND life-threatening, health condition that must not be ignored in any circumstances. Therefore, as soon as you experience one or more of the symptoms of diabetes, don't put them on the back-burner, seek medical diagnosis... immediately! By acting swiftly and responsibly, you can and will enjoy a normal, healthy lifestyle, irrespective of whether you are diagnosed with diabetes, or not.

Of course, if you aren't too familiar with the symptoms of diabetes, here are the unlucky 7 of the most common ones. These have proven, more often than not, to be the early warning signs of this dreadful, health condition.

1. Abnormal Pangs Of Hunger

This is one of the common symptoms of diabetes which usually occurs when cells receive inadequate amounts of energy to process the vital functions of the body owing to insulin deficiency. When cells are starved of energy, they express this hunger for energy by transmitting signals to the specific area of the brain which in turn, makes a diabetic constantly hungry. With lack of insulin, the cells cannot extract glucose from food consumed, and this is what leads to the abnormal pangs of hunger.

2. High Urination Frequency

This is another of the 8 common symptoms of diabetes. It is caused by the increased levels of sugar in the blood that, in turn, increases the frequency of urination. What follows is an increased level of blood flow through the kidneys of the diabetic patient. Although frequency of urination increases as one gets older, it must still be diagnosed, if the underlying cause is determined as, or is indicative of, diabetes.

3. Excessively High Thirst

This is one of the symptoms of diabetes that most people diagnosed with this health condition experience. Unquenchable thirst is usually experienced while the kidneys of the diabetic extract more levels of water from the body, which the latter continuously demands to restock.

4. Inordinate Weight Loss

The inability of cells to extract energy from food, owing to insulin deficiency, starves the body of the adequate amount of energy needed for maintaining normal weight. The lowered energy intake results in breakdown of fat mass and muscle which, in turn, leads to unexplained, sudden or inordinate weight loss.

5. Constant Fatigue

Complete exhaustion or even constant fatigue with minimum exertion or routine work, can be attributed to the decreased levels of energy in a diabetic. This is also one of the many symptoms of diabetes.

6. Tingling Or Numbness In Extremities

This is another one of the many symptoms of diabetes whereby a tingling sensation or numbness is experienced in the extremities of the diabetic sufferer. Tingling or numbness is usually felt in the feet (toes); legs; hands (fingers); or arms

7. Blurred Or Impaired Vision

This is one of the symptoms of diabetes that, if untreated, can lead to complete blindness. It occurs when increased levels of blood flow to the retina of the eye, resulting in swollen eye lenses. As a result, the diabetic can experience blurred or impaired vision.

If you experience any of the above "unlucky 7" symptoms of diabetes, DO NOT hesitate to get yourself tested... the sooner, the better for you. Always consult your doctor before using this information. This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
The diabetes symptoms sometimes do not seem so harmful, like signs of just getting older. And because of that, almost one third of all people suffering from diabetes do not even know they have it. Here we will go into the different sorts of diabetes and some of the most common symptoms of each of them, to help you recognize diabetes a little better.

The main three types of diabetes are: juvenile diabetes, adult onset diabetes and gestational diabetes.


This sort of diabetes is also called immune-mediated or insulin-dependent diabetes. It occurs when your body cannot generate insulin. Your immune system destroys the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas. This sort of diabetes typically shows in young adults and children, and that is why it was formerly called juvenile diabetes.

This kind of diabetes increases the threat of other serious complications such as nerve injure, kidney failure, blindness and heart disease.

Some other symptoms include increased urination and thirst, weight loss even with increased hunger, nausea, abdominal pain, weakness, and absence of menstruation, among others.


This kind of diabetes is the most widespread and it also frequently fails to be diagnosed. It progresses gradually and causes symptoms such as repeated skin infections, slow healing of cuts and sores and vision tribulations as well. It is usual that neither these complications nor the diabetes itself are diagnosed before years of mild symptoms.

The problem here is that people usually do not have severe symptoms and then do not seek medical advice until it is somewhat late. They see the symptoms as just getting older. For this reason it is imperative to get tested for diabetes on a regular basis over the 40's, the most ordinary age group. Sometimes the doctor may treat other diseases, without realizing the need to test for diabetes.


Gestational diabetes shows in women throughout pregnancy. Pregnant women who had previously never had diabetes but have high blood glucose levels during pregnancy are said to have gestational diabetes. It affects four percent of all women throughout pregnancy.

Symptoms include increased urination and thirst, weight loss in spite of increased hunger, weakness, nausea, recurrent infections, including those of the vagina, skin and bladder, and also blurry visualization.

Gestational diabetes is frequently missed in pregnancy. It usually begins with mild symptoms that habitually can be attributed to other causes. It is important to get tested throughout pregnancy, because the high blood glucose from gestational diabetes can do damage to the baby, and sometimes it can lead to various complications.

Even if you are not pregnant, you should make it a main concern to get tested. Many women suffer from gestational diabetes and see their symptoms as being something natural for the period of pregnancy. You never know, maybe it is, but it is always a better idea to get tested.


If you suspect you are having any of the diabetes symptoms, it is important for you to see your medical doctor, the sooner the better. Even if you think it is almost nothing. It is always better to be protected than remorseful. Furthermore, there are many other diabetes symptoms besides the above mentioned. Seek further information on the web.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you are particular about health stuff, you must know that diabetes is one medical condition that can be fatal, if not debilitating. What's worse is that the symptoms of diabetes may not be immediately visible or felt, and even if they were, they could easily be mistaken for something else. The only good thing about diabetes is that it can be controlled, and if truth be told, it's quite easy to control given the advancements in technology and science. Unfortunately, for quite a lot of Americans, around 16 million of them, in fact, control measures may come too late already.

Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent the occurrence of deadly diabetic complications. That is why it is very important that you know the signs and symptoms associated with diabetes for you to be able to take immediate actions. When you are thirsty all the time, urinating more frequently than before, having blurry vision or are experiencing sudden weight loss and fatigue, consult your doctor without delay because you may be having diabetes. A series of tests may be conducted to confirm the incidence of diabetes.

The reason why diabetes presents with these signs and symptoms is because of too much glucose in the body following insulin resistance. Normally, insulin which is produced by the pancreas, converts glucose into glycogen, but for a person with diabetes, insulin is not able to do its task well or the body itself rejects insulin, that is why unconverted glucose pools in the bloodstream. In response, the body needs to dilute the excess glucose in the body. This explains why you get thirsty and why you need to drink more water.

It is vital that you understand the warning symptoms of diabetes so you can get immediate medical attention. Although diabetes is not in itself deadly at first, unchecked or uncontrolled diabetes can cause debilitating illnesses involving various organs of the body such as the kidney, the eyes, the heart, and the nerves. In worst cases, these complications can lead to death.

The need to constantly monitor blood sugar levels cannot be overemphasized, either. It is very important that your blood sugar levels are always within the normal bounds for diabetics. There is a diabetic chart that you can refer to so you will know if your body is responding well to the treatment or not.

Usually, the recommended treatment for diabetes involves eating foods appropriate for diabetics, exercising regularly, and taking the right medications. You need to understand, too, that certain foods, most particularly those that are high in fat and sugar content may cause spikes in blood sugar levels and must therefore be avoided. In many cases a diabetic dietician or nutritionist can help you prepare your daily menu so you can be sure that you are getting essential nutrients without increasing your blood sugar levels.

Prevention is better than cure, they say, but even if you already are afflicted with diabetes, there are many things you can do to control it and be on top of the situation.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
One of the leading causes of global death is still diabetes. Although it can be managed through consistent treatments or medication and a good diet program, having this chronic illness is burdensome, not to mention that it still claims at least 200,000 deaths annually in America. When you have diabetes, your body does not produce insulin or it does not properly use it.

There are two types of diabetes.

Type 1 which is usually diagnosed among children and adolescents.

Type 2 diabetes is prevalent among adults, specifically overweight people.

Years have passed since the medical profession first learned how to treat diabetes began, and it has constantly improved since then. The main goal of a diabetic should be to control and maintain a good level of blood glucose. The glucose in your blood is the major sugar that your body makes from all the food that you have consumed. When this becomes unbalanced, that is where the problem begins.

Here are some tips that would help in monitoring and treating diabetes:

1. Regularly monitor the level of your blood sugar. Stick to blood monitoring regimen that your doctor has assigned to you. Generally, the rule is to measure the blood sugar level before bedtime and also right before meals. Make use of testing the blood. It was more common in the past to use the urine for testing the blood sugar level but that has long since changed. Blood is now checked through the use of instruments such as blood glucose monitors.

2. Stick to the schedule of your treatments and medications most especially when you are taking insulin. In addition to medical treatment for diabetes, discuss your diet with your physician. There is always a prescribed table of foods that a diabetic should partake of so openly discuss with your doctor your food preferences.

3. Keep a record of the foods that are good for you and make a list, too, of those that have a bad effect on you. Remember that no single diet treatment is applicable to all diabetic patients. If you can, shun foods that are rich in sugar or just take them occasionally. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits (preferably fresh ones). Eat foods that are full of carbohydrates since this supplies the body of the needed fibers, minerals and vitamins.

4. Do everything that you can to lose some weight, if you have a weight problem. There are some treatments and medications for diabetics that depend on weight. Once your weight is reduced, the treatment can either be stopped or reduced.

5. If you do notice that the level of your blood sugar remains the same after a period of treatment, then discuss this with your doctor. He will be able to tell if you should continue with your ongoing regimen or if you would have to change anything on your diet or medication. He is the best one that could decide this for you. Never self-medicate.

6. At present, the only known and proven surgical treatment for diabetes is to have a pancreatic transplant. This is a procedure that is applicable only to diabetics who are already dependent on insulin and are still suffering from complications. The life of a diabetic is greatly improved with this surgical treatment.

These are just some general guidelines on the treatment for diabetes that will help a diabetic maintain what his physician has already scheduled for him. The information here is not sufficient to replace anything that your doctor has prescribed for you. Again, never do things on your own. Always ask for medical help and advice.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Today diabetes is affecting more and more people. It happens due to many reasons. These days even children are showing the symptoms of diabetes which is very unnatural. Due to the lack of knowledge people become aware of this disease when it reaches the advance stage

In majority of cases, diabetes usually occurs mainly due to two reasons. They are:

1. Deficiency of insulin produced by the pancreas.
2. Rejection of insulin hormones in its cells by the body

Diabetes is mainly of three types:

1. Type-1 diabetes
2. Type-2 diabetes
3. Gestational diabetes.

A particular type of bacteria or virus, some toxins in the food and the consumption of the milk of cow causes the type-1 diabetes in the infant stage.

Type-2 diabetes mainly occurs with the increasing age, physical inactivity and obesity. The gestational diabetes usually occurs in the women only during pregnancy.

You can easily diagnose the diabetes in the early stages if a person becomes aware of the symptoms. Its symptoms are warning signals for you to immediately rush to the doctor for complete diagnoses. If you neglect the symptoms of this disease, it will soon reach the advance stage and can create many health complications for you.

Type-1 diabetes has the ability to develop at a rapid pace within a shortest time. At first a person may feel extra thirst, weight loss, frequent urination and blurred vision. When these symptoms are left untreated then slowly many additional symptoms like vomiting, rapid breathing, stomach pain and sleepiness etc are felt.

Type-2 diabetes will never develop at a rapid phase. This form of diabetes starts showing the symptoms at a much slower rate. The usual symptoms are skin infections, itching, slower healing of wounds, impotence, etc. You can successfully reverse the diabetes through many medicines and many natural methods which have been proved scientifically.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes is very subtle and 'sleeks' in quite unnoticed until the complications set in due to lack of early diagnosis. The challenge for you as an individual is to get information on what to look out for so that the chance of the symptoms degenerating into complications of the disease will be greatly reduced.

According to the American Diabetes Association, recent studies indicate that early detection of the symptoms of diabetes and subsequent treatment greatly reduces the chance of developing the complications of diabetes.

What are the symptoms? These seven signs are the symptoms to watch out for:

1. Frequent Urination: You or somebody close to you may experience frequent urination during the day or at night. Once you observe this repeatedly, start thinking about having a blood sugar or urine test. It may be an indication that there is too much sugar in your blood which can be a symptom of diabetes.

2. Excessive Thirst: Having the desire and urge to drink water at short intervals is an indication that you are dehydrated. This is usually an indication that there is less glycogen in your liver and cells. The sugar which ought to have been converted to energy form in your system is still floating in your blood as excess. This tend to increase your thirst mechanism. Excessive thirst may be an indication that you have excess sugar in your blood-a sure symptom of diabetes

3. Extreme Hunger: Because of the lack of insufficient bioconversion of glucose to produce energy in your system, your system begins to demand for more which can only be assuage in the interim by increased desire for dietary solutions. This stimulates hunger in you.

4. Unusual Weight Loss: Although this is not peculiar to diabetes, it is a symptom to watch out for.

5. Increased Fatigue: Getting tired so easily is an indication that there is insufficient energy for the cells of your body to utilize to supply the metabolic needs of all your activities. When you feel tired so easily, go ahead for a blood sugar or urine test.

6. Irritability: This relates with the earlier conditions. You become so irritable and unstable.

7. Blurry Vision: The human system is so interwoven that when one is ailing, the other feels its consequences. Blurred vision is another sign you must watch out for as an indication of diabetes.

Observing these signs will definitely ensure you take quick steps to verify your condition as it relates to diabetes. Simple tests are available to confirm these observation.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder whereby the body cannot process sugar in the blood. This leads to a high blood sugar level which leads to short and long term problems for the health. The most common form of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. This is characterized by a term known as insulin resistance. Insulin is the hormone that the body releases to reduce the blood sugar level. Type 2 diabetics produce insulin but the body doesn't respond to this insulin or not enough is released to have any effect on lowering the blood sugar level. The other common form of diabetes is type 1 diabetes. This occurs because the body destroys the cells that are responsible for creating insulin, hence the body cannot lower the sugar level. Type 1 diabetes generally has some distinctive symptoms. Type 2 diabetes often manifests the same type of symptoms as type 1 but sometimes show no signs at all. In some cases, people have type 2 diabetes for many years without knowing about it because there are no overt symptoms. This article will cover the classic diabetic signs and symptoms.

Three common diabetic symptoms

Polyuria or frequent urination. Sugar has to be excreted through the kidneys when the blood sugar is high. This creates a saturated solution that attracts and draws water from the surrounding tissues. Hence frequent urination.

Polydipsia or constant thirst. This is partly related to the polyuria. The person is ridding the body of water that it needs to replace. High blood sugar also convinces the brain that more fluid should be taken on.

Polyphagia or excessive hunger. Sugar in the blood is essentially the energy that the body uses to function. If it can't access the energy, the body thinks that it is hunger and hence the person eats more.

Other signs of diabetes

Tired or listless. Same as polyphagia, the body gets no energy from the sugar thus the person will feel tired or suffer from fatigue.

Blurred vision. High blood sugar causes osmotic changes in the lens that lead
to blurred vision.

Numbness in feet and hands. This is often the result of poor circulation or nerve break down as a result of consistently high blood sugar for a long time period. This might often feel like 'pins and needles' in the tips of the feet or hands.

Susceptible to wounds and infections with poor healing abilities. The immune and circulatory systems are affected by diabetes. This causes parts of the body to be deficient in nutrients and minerals and slows down the response to infection and germs.

Irritable or moody. hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar nonketotic coma, hyperglycemia are all conditions of diabetes. They can affect the central nervous system and cause dizziness, confused mental states and even coma.

Most of these signs and symptoms will be apparent. This is especially so for type 1 diabetics because there is no insulin to reduce blood sugar. These symptoms often become noticeable when the diabetic condition begins and leads to a fast diagnosis. Type 2 diabetes is different because the body is still working normally and gradually gets worse over time. People learn to live with the symptoms over time until they get so bad that they seek medical help and the condition is diagnosed.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Before a person finds out they have diabetes they will start to show certain symptoms of the illness. One of these signs that will appear is a rash that will either be a darkening of the skin or even a raised area. An astute doctor may point this out to a patient as a precursor of diabetes. This rash can be a way to find out about diabetes before it has a chance to develop and stop it. However, a diabetic rash can appear after the disease has set in as well.

There are a variety of rashes caused by diabetes with different symptoms that can occur. Some rashes may be itchy and red like those of an allergic reaction. Others will simply darken the skin in small spots on the body. There is also a rash type that will cause raised bumps on the skin that have the possibility of being itchy. No matter what type of rash a person has, if it's due to diabetes there is one sure way to treat it.
Maintaining a proper diet that keeps sugar levels at an appropriate level when a person has diabetes will help prevent and remove rashes. Typical rash ointments and creams will also work for most types of rashes. Of course in some cases the diabetic rash may be caused by the insulin injection. If a person notices a rash in the area they receive their shot occurring soon after the shot is administered they should consult their physician immediately. Rashes should always be brought up with a doctor during appointments in case they could be caused by something other than the diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The symptoms of diabetes most of the time begin gradually, and can be difficult to identify initially. They may include fatigue, sudden weight loss, blurred vision, slow healing of wounds, frequent urination - especially at night, and excessive thirst. When there is extra glucose in the blood, the body gets rid of it through frequent urination. The loss of fluids induces extreme thirst, leading to more frequent urination.

A doctor may also suspect a patient to have diabetes if he has health problems related to diabetes, such as heart disease, changes in vision, numbness in the feet and legs or sores that are slow to heal. These symptoms do not mean that the person has diabetes, but anyone with these problems should definitely see a doctor.

A person with diabetes may actually show no symptoms. Type 2 diabetes, in particular, develops slowly, even for years before it is diagnosed. When symptoms develop, they vary from person to person. The two symptoms that occur in most people with the disease are increased thirst and frequent urination.

The way these symptoms develop differs for Type I and Type II diabetes. In Type I diabetes, they usually show up slowly in children or adolescents over a period of a few days or weeks. In Type II diabetes, symptoms develop even more slowly, over a period of years - in adults over the age of forty. Adults often do not realize they have diabetes mellitus. The condition may only be discovered maybe during a routine physical examination for some other ailment.

Recent studies indicate that the early detection of diabetes symptoms and treatment can decrease the chance of developing the complications of diabetes.

Type - 1 diabetes symptoms:
Symptoms of Type - I diabetes often come suddenly and very severely. They include:
- exceptional thirst (polydipsia)

- dry mouth

- frequent urination (polyuria)

- weight loss

- feeling weak and tired

- blurred vision

Type - 2 diabetes symptoms:
Mostly, people with Type 2 diabetes don't notice any symptoms, or the symptoms are experienced gradually. They include:
- blurred vision

- cuts or wounds that heal slowly

- itchy skin

- increased thirst

- dry mouth

- frequent urination

- leg pain

Gestational diabetes symptoms:

- increased thirst

- increased urination

- weight loss in spite of good appetite

- fatigue and weakness

- nausea and vomiting

- frequent infections including those of the bladder, vagina and skin

- blurred vision

- irritability

Other warning symptoms of diabetes mellitus include:
- Flu-like symptoms - like a viral illness, along with fatigue, weakness and loss of appetite.

- Weight gain or loss - as the body is trying to compensate for lost fluids and sugar, one tends to eat more than usual and gain weight. On the other hand, one may also eat more than normal, but still lose weight because the muscle tissues don't get enough glucose to generate growth and energy. In fact, most people with type 1 diabetes are at or below their normal weight.

- Blurred vision - high levels of blood sugar draw out fluid from the tissues in the body including the lenses of the eyes. For most people this causes only mild vision problems. Nevertheless, for others, the effects may be much more serious, even blindness.

- Slow healing sores or frequent infection - bladder and vaginal infections can be a particular problem for women.

- Nerve damage (neuropathy) - excess sugar in blood can lead to loss of sensation in hands and feet. One may also experience burning pain in legs, feet, arms and hands. Many men, above the age of 50 and older with diabetes may experience some degree of sexual dysfunction from damage to the nerves that help produce an erection.

- Swollen and tender gums - Diabetes increases the risk of infection in gums and in the bones that hold teeth in place. One may also develop sores or pockets of pus in gums.

- Frequent yeast infections.

- Velvety dark skin changes of the neck, armpit and groin, called acanthosis nigricans.

- Numbness and tingling of the hands and feet

- Impotency

Diabetes sometimes goes unrecognized early, because people usually think they are urinating more, simply because they are drinking more. It is better to get oneself checked by a doctor before one starts restricting his fluid intake.
If one has any of these symptoms, contact a professional doctor right away to be tested. Even people with pre-diabetes can have an increased risk from heart disease as seen in people with diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, meaning that the body's immune system malfunctions and attacks the body. The pancreas produces insufficient insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetes symptoms usually appear quickly and threatening. Once started, they can progress rapidly over a span of weeks or a few months, and if action is take soon they are usually diagnosed promptly. The most common type 1 diabetes symptoms seen are:

Frequent urination. This symptom may be more noticeable at night. Frequent urination can lead to excessive thirst. There can be other health conditions that cause this symptom and they are all worth looking into.

Excessive thirst. This is a very common symptom of type 1 diabetes. Because of the loss of fluid from frequent urination, the person becomes extremely thirsty to avoid dehydration. In order to keep the body's water at a normal level the person drinks a lot of fluids.

Extreme hunger. Hunger that is not satisfied even after consuming a large meal. Because the body lacks insulin, the glucose produced from carbohydrates in your food never reaches your body's energy-starved tissues.

Weight loss. Even though a patient is eating more, they may be losing weight rapidly. This happens because the body is unable to properly convert food into energy.

Extreme fatigue. This type 1 diabetes symptom occurs because the cells aren't getting a sufficient supply of sugar.

Blurred vision. Excessive blood sugar causes depletion of fluid in the lenses of the eyes effecting the ability to focus.

Nausea and vomiting. A frequent type 1 diabetes symptom caused by high blood sugar.

There is no cure for type 1 diabetes and there is no way to prevent it. People with the disease need to see their doctor regularly, monitor their blood sugar daily, and take insulin as needed.

Type I Diabetes, (formerly called insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes) needs to be taken seriously, and treatment if needed should be started promptly. The longer a person has the disease the more at risk they are for complications. The risks can be reduced substantially if blood glucose levels are closely monitored and kept under control. Be sure to consult with your doctor if you're concerned about diabetes or if you notice any type 1 diabetes symptoms.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
High blood sugar symptoms can be sign of diabetes, a serious condition, that - if not treated - can lead to devastating consequences to your health, including kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, blindness, and diabetic coma.

However, the most common symptom of high blood sugar is having no symptoms at all! Which is why many people are living with diabetes without knowing about it!

Because of this fact, it's very important that you test your blood glucose levels on a regular basis using a blood glucose analyzer and also to be aware of the following high blood sugar symptoms.

But first, let me explain what it means to have "high blood sugar" or hyperglycemia. One is considered to have hyperglycemia, when one's blood glucose level elevates and stays elevated above the normal levels. Normal glucose levels are between 70 and 150 mg/dL. Levels typically are lower in the morning, when you wake up after a whole night of fasting, and increase after meals.

Levels rising consistently above 150 mg/dL are indicative of hyperglycemia.

If your blood glucose level is too high, you may experience the following symptoms:

- Increased thirst- it seams that you are always thirsty- Frequent urination - you constantly have to go to the bathroom- Dry mouth- Nausea- Vomiting- Shortness of breath- Extreme fatigue, feeling weak and tired- Difficulty concentrating- Blurred vision- Slower healing of wounds- Unexplained weight loss- Frequent yeast infections- Blood sugar higher than 180 mg/dL

It is important to know that not everyone with high blood glucose levels will experience the exact same symptoms. If your symptoms are not severe, you may feel normal and not think that may you have high blood sugar. Also, your symptoms can be very mild or develop at an extremely slow pace. Some people do not experience any symptoms at all. That is why it is important to pay attention to your body, and have blood sugar levels checked periodically.

The good news is that while diabetes is a serious and potentially devastating disease, it is also highly preventable. Even if you already have it, you can control the symptoms or reverse the disease entirely, with a few simple changes to your lifestyle. Because diabetes is caused mainly by poor diet choices, lack of or insufficient physical activity, and stress; simply by improving your diet, exercising, and eliminating stress from your life, can have a profound effect for your health!
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Unfortunately, diabetes is usually discovered after the symptoms resulting from increased glucose levels have caused severe complications. For example, chronic dysfunction of organs or chronic infections is a prominent indication of diabetes.

There are two common types of diabetes; type 1 and type 2. Healthcare professionals perform certain test to determine a diabetic diagnosis. The test will not only confirm diagnosis, but also identify the type of diabetes that the individual has developed. Treatment of diabetes begins immediately and must be maintained to avoid additional life-threatening complications.

There are several risks factors for developing both types of diabetes. A type 1 diabetic is usually children or young adults. It is also more common in people of Caucasian background. Also known as juvenile diabetes, it accounts for about 5 to 10% of all diagnosed cases in America. It develops as a result of the insulin beta cells in the pancreas ultimately failing to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that assists the cells of the body to utilize the blood sugar (glucose) for energy.

As it is reported, there is generally genetic predisposition for developing juvenile diabetes. However, the pre- existing belief is that the etiology is environmental or related to a series of triggers, such as virus, toxins, or drugs. Genetic predispositions may include family history, autoimmune diseases (thyroid or celiac), early cessation of breastfeeding and/or exposure to cows milk, ethnicity, and/or history of childhood viruses.

Treatment of diabetes, specifically type 1 requires insulin therapy to supplement the shortage in insulin production of the pancreas. Treatment goals for juvenile diabetes include maintaining blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible. Other factors, such as nutrition, exercise, and healthy weight also impact blood glucose levels. Inevitably, all these factors, if maintained, may influence or prevent long term complications.

Type 2 diabetes, common in adults aged 40 or older, is the most prevalent form of this condition. Unlike type 1, it generally maneuvers in people of African- American, Asian-American, and Latino descents. Also referred to as adult onset diabetes, it accounts for 90-95% of all diabetes cases in the United States. Adult onset diabetes is still able to produce insulin, yet the insulin is not capable of helping the cells of the body move the glucose through the bloodstream for energy. This is referred to as insulin resistance.

Type 2 diabetes has a strong hereditary component. The exact causes of this type have not been established, yet external factors have been pinpointed thus far. For example, if an individual has a parent or sibling with type 2 diabetes, there is a 10-15% chance of inheriting the disease. Environmental factors may trigger the onset of type 2 diabetes. These environmental factors, such as inactive lifestyle or poor diet will enhance onset; especially for those individuals with a genetic tendency towards the disease.

Treatment of diabetes requires a long term commitment to living a healthy lifestyle. When treating type 2 diabetes, it is important that the individual makes dire dietary change, to include an exercise regimen. Furthermore, good nutrition; monitoring of carbohydrate level and fat intake contributes to successful type 2 diabetes treatment. Depending upon the persistence of the disease, some individuals may require regular insulin injections to keep the blood glucose levels in control. Other diabetic patients may need oral medications when diet and exercise alone aren't enough.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Type 2 Diabetes has developed into a disease that has become feared by many people. Strange, but whenever someone thinks they might have diabetes and symptoms of diabetes like excessive thirst, frequent urination, headaches, blurry vision, to name a few, they automatically now jump to the conclusion they have diabetes. This is exacerbated by people who are also sedentary in lifestyle, and who are obese in physical proportions.

In some ways, jumping to these sorts of conclusions is helpful, as it can alert people to the possibilities that you may be diabetic, whereas about 25 plus years ago, because obesity wasn't the epidemic it is today in our society, it wasn't considered as being a likely possibility when the same diabetes symptoms were experienced. There also used to be a false assumption that because you were diabetic, you had to avoid sugar at all costs. Hence why it was termed sugar diabetes by the layperson a few decades ago. So having diabetes symptoms should be a warning sign to you, particularly if it is prevalent in your family history, or if you are obese, to undertake testing for diabetes with your GP.

Testing for Diabetes is the only real way you will know for sure whether you have diabetes and symptoms of diabetes, or whether you have pre diabetes. If you are pre diabetic, which means your blood sugar levels are elevated above the normal blood sugar range, then you may be able to reverse the possibility of becoming diabetic by following a pre diabetes diet regimen. However if you have had two above normal blood sugar range blood tests done over a period of time, then there is every chance, you will become classified as type 2 diabetic. the typical test for diabetes is one where you are provided with a highly concentrated glucose drink, and your blood sugar levels are recorded over a period of hours. The result from this determines how well your body is able to deal with the glucose entering your blood stream. Anything outside of what would happen in a normal 'non diabetic' person is then classed as diabetic.

The essential point to take away from this is that diabetes isn't selective. If you have it, you need to know, so you can undertake to deal with it the best way possible, and in doing so, help you to live as normal a life as possible with the disease, rather than putting your head in the sand, and pretending everything is fine, whilst the disease carries on doing irreparable damage to your vital nerves and organs.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a complex disorder of metabolism. The early signs of the metabolic disorder are harmless; so the disease goes undiagnosed by many diabetics.

The early symptoms of diabetes are

· Frequent urination

· Excessive hunger

· Unexplained weight loss

· Fatigue

· Exhaustion

· Dry skin

· Tingling And Numbness in hands and feet

· Leg cramps

If these early signs of diabetes are not given proper attention; may lead to serious diabetic complications. These serious diabetic complications are

· Diabetic Neuropathy

· Diabetic Nephropathy

· Heart Disease

· Foot ulcers

· Diabetic Retinopathy

· Amputation of Limbs

It is vital to learn all about diabetes, its complications and treatment choices. The first step however is the diagnosis of the disease in time; which can avoid may serious diabetic complications.

The diagnosis of diabetes is mush easier with the help of diabetes signs quiz. The diabetes symptoms quiz also helps the person to have a basic knowledge of the causes of diabetes. A person can understand with the help of this quiz that sedentary life style, family history of diabetes, obesity, poor diet, middle-aged part of life, high cholesterol and blood pressure are basically responsible for causing diabetes.

On the other hand if a person is taking a diabetes symptoms quiz he is in a better position of understanding different alarming signs of diabetes. Sometimes diabetes symptoms quiz also helps to evaluate the type of diabetes the person is suffering from.

The person can assess her susceptibility towards this disease by taking this type of quiz. Such type of diabetes symptoms quiz includes several questions like;

· Do you feel an urge to urinate often during the nighttime?

· Do you usually feel tires or exhausted?

· Do you feel hungry soon after eating?

· Do you have a craving of sweets?

· Do you suffer from mood swings?

· Do you feel blurriness in your vision?

Summing-up diabetes symptoms quiz not only serves the purpose of diagnosis but at the same time gives an awareness and understanding to the user.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


There are a growing number of people with diabetes. Diabetes is a condition in which the glucose levels within the blood are abnormally high; yet the glucose levels within the cells are not high enough. There are two types of diabetes, Type I is when there is not enough insulin within the body, while Type II is when the body is resisting the insulin.

Unfortunately there are signs of this disease that often go unnoticed due to their subtle nature. Signs of diabetes are commonly mistaken for a number of other conditions, issues, or other environmental factors surrounding the body. The most common is an unexplainable, but significant drop in weight. Though it is easier to notice in those with Type I, unexplained weight lose is a sign of a serious diabetic problem. This sign means that your body is breaking down both fat and muscle tissue in order to search for energy. A less noticeable sign is constant thirst, combined with frequent urination. This sign is often blamed on weather, exercise, or a host of other things. Yet it may be a sign of diabetes, meaning that in the search for energy and insulin your body is pulling the extra water from the blood, causing a feeling of dehydration and creating frequent and urgent trips to the restroom. The last sign the disease is weakness or consistent fatigue. This sign is commonly confused for other things; so, it important to track how often you feel this fatigue and for how long. In elderly persons, this sign should not be ignored.

Though the signs of diabetes often go unrecognized, the symptoms are a little easier to spot. Diabetic symptoms are a clear indicator that you need to see a physician. One of the most common diabetes-symptom is when the hands, legs, or feet experience either tingling or numbness. Officially called neuropathy, this symptom usually improves once your diabetes is under control. This particular symptom is caused by the glucose levels in the blood attacking the nervous system.

If, you begin to, notice that you are becoming more prone to vaginal or bladder infections or infections or irritations of the skin, you should see a physician. Obtaining this type of infection on a frequent or uncommonly regular basis is another symptom of diabetes. However, this diabetic symptom will take good judgment on your part to distinguish between what is normal versus more frequent. If you are unsure, you should contact a physician.

The final, most common symptom is blurred vision. Though it may seem a bit less serious than other symptoms, blurred vision often hints at a real diabetes concern and should never be ignored. Blurred vision, in those with diabetes, is caused by varying levels of glucose and will usually decrease once glucose levels are controlled. Since this particular symptom can lead to a coma if left untreated, it is taken very seriously by physicians and should be quickly addressed by the individual suffering from this symptom.

The signs and symptoms of diabetes should be taken seriously, and if there is a family history of diabetes, you should contact a physician as soon as possible.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
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